Report 166

November 2016

© Commonwealth of Australia 2016
ISBN: 978-1-74366-547-3

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Executive Summary



Resolution of Appointment

List of Recommendations

1. Introduction

  Purpose of the report
  Conduct of the Committee’s review

2. Implementation Procedures for Airworthiness - USA

  Airworthiness regulation in Australia
  FAA recognition
  Specific provisions
  Australian obligations
  Resourcing and demand

3. Choice of Court Agreements - Accession

  Timeline and signatories
  Benefits of the Convention

4. GATT Schedule of Concessions - amendment

  Overview and national interest summary
  Reasons for Australia to take the proposed treaty action
  Costs of the treaty action

5. Radio Regulations - Partial Revision

  Overview and national interest summary
  Reservations and declarations
  Entry into force and implementation
  Costs of the treaty action

A. Submissions

B. Witnesses

Committee Secretariat contact:

Committee Secretary
Joint Standing Committee on Treaties
PO Box 6021
Parliament House
Canberra ACT 2600

Phone: +61 2 6277 4002

About this inquiry

This inquiry will examine the following treaty: Australia's Accession to the Convention on Choice of Court Agreements (The Hague, 30 June 2005)

Past Public Hearings

10 Oct 2016: Canberra
