Report 201

November 2022

© Commonwealth of Australia 2022
ISBN: 978-1-76092-454-6

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Terms of reference


List of recommendations

Executive summary

1. Introduction

  Conduct of the Committee’s review

2. Background and treaty overview

  Australia-UK trade relationship
  Assessment of outcomes
  General provisions
  Final provisions
  Dispute settlement
  Matters of interest

3. Trade in goods - tariffs

  Trade in goods chapter of the AUKFTA
  Tariff outcomes
  Matters of interest

4. Trade in goods - regulatory matters

  Trade remedies
  Key provisions in the trade remedies chapter
  Rules of origin
  Key provisions in the rules of origin chapter
  Customs procedures and trade facilitation
  Key provisions in the customs procedures and trade facilitation chapter
  Sanitary and phytosanitary measures
  Key provisions in the SPS measures chapter
  Technical barriers to trade
  Key provisions in the technical barriers to trade chapter
  Matters of interest

5. Trade in services

  Key provisions in the trade in services chapter
  Financial services
  Key provisions in the financial services chapter
  Key provisions in the investment chapter
  Digital trade
  Key provisions in the digital trade chapter

6. Other services matters and other substantive commitments

  Professional services and the recognition of professional qualifications
  Key provisions in the professional services and qualifications chapter
  Temporary entry for business persons
  Key provisions in the temporary entry for business persons chapter
  Key provisions in the telecommunications chapter
  Intellectual property
  Key provisions in the intellectual property chapter
  Government procurement
  Key provisions in the government procurement chapter
  State-owned enterprises and designated monopolies
  Key provisions in the SOE chapter
  Small and medium-sized enterprises
  Key provisions in the small and medium-sized enterprises chapter
  Key provisions in the innovation chapter
  Matters of interest

7. Other commitments

  Key provisions in the labour chapter
  Key provisions in the environment chapter
  Key provisions in the development chapter
  Trade and gender equality
  Key provisions in the trade and gender equality chapter
  Animal welfare and antimicrobial resistance
  Key provisions in the animal welfare and AMR chapter
  Good regulatory practice
  Key provisions in the good regulatory practice chapter
  Key provisions in the cooperation chapter
  Transparency and anti-corruption
  Key provisions in the transparency and anti-corruption chapter

8. Conclusion

  Key outcomes in the AUKFTA
  Cross-cutting issues
  Committee view

A. Submissions

B. Witnesses

Committee Secretariat contact:

Committee Secretary
Joint Standing Committee on Treaties
PO Box 6021
Parliament House
Canberra ACT 2600

Phone: +61 2 6277 4002

Past Public Hearings

26 Sep 2022: Canberra
20 Sep 2022: Canberra
