Report 202

November 2022

© Commonwealth of Australia 2022
ISBN: 978-1-76092-448-5

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Terms of reference


List of recommendations

Executive summary

1. Introduction

  Conduct of the Committee’s review

2. Background and treaty overview

  Australia-India trade relationship
  Content of the AI-ECTA
  Reasons to ratify the AI-ECTA
  Views from participants
  Initial and final provisions in the AI-ECTA

3. Trade in goods - tariffs

  Overview of the trading relationship
  Key provisions in Chapter 2—Trade in goods
  Tariff commitments
  Side letters

4. Trade in goods - regulatory matters

  Trade remedies
  Rules of origin
  Customs procedures and trade facilitation
  SPS measures
  Technical barriers to trade

5. Trade in services and temporary movement of natural persons

  Australia-India trade in services
  Key provisions in the trade in services chapter
  Schedules and key liberalising obligations
  Annexes to the trade in services chapter
  Temporary movement of natural persons

6. General provisions, exceptions and dispute settlement

  General provisions and exceptions
  Administrative and institutional provisions
  Dispute settlement

7. Conclusion

  Independent modelling and assessment of outcomes
  Consultation and transparency
  Impact of bilateral free trade agreements
  Committee view

Australian Greens additional comments

A. Submissions

B. Witnesses

Committee Secretariat contact:

Committee Secretary
Joint Standing Committee on Treaties
PO Box 6021
Parliament House
Canberra ACT 2600

Phone: +61 2 6277 4002

Past Public Hearings

13 Oct 2022: Canberra
