Report 154

Report 154: Treaty tabled on 17 June 2015

On Monday, 19 October 2015, the Joint Standing Committee on Treaties tabled Report 154: Treaty tabled on 17 June 2015.

© Commonwealth of Australia 2015

ISBN 978-1-74366-386-8 (Printed version)

ISBN 978-1-74366-387-5 (HTML version)

View report as a single document – (PDF 869 KB).

View report in hypertext markup language - (HTML)

View the report as separate downloadable chapters/appendixes:

Preliminary pages
Foreword, Membership of the Committee, Resolution of Appointment, List of abbreviations, List of Recommendations

(PDF 530 KB)

Chapter 1: Introduction
Purpose of the report, Conduct of the Committee's review

(PDF 113 KB)

Chapter 2: Overview and analysis
Trade agreements, China Australia Free Trade Agreement

(PDF 398 KB)

Chapter 3: Advantages
Introduction, Economic benefits, Intellectual property rights, Framework for review
(PDF 378 KB)
Chapter 4: Labour mobility
Introduction, Movement of Natural Persons, Skills assessment, Investment Faciliation Arrangement, Work and Holiday Visa Arrangement
(PDF 475 KB)
Chapter 5: Other issues
Introduction, Investor-state dispute settlement mechanism, Scale of the Chinese market, Tariffs, Non-tariff barriers, Regulations, Australian policy and regulation, Maintaining Australian standards, Omissions, Treaty making process
(PDF 476 KB)
Chapter 6: Conclusion
Introduction, Labour mobility, Access and utilisation, Antimicrobial resistance, Framework for review, Conclusion
(PDF 308 KB)

Dissenting Report: The Hon K Thomson MP, The Hon M Parke MP, Senator S Lines, Senator G Sterle

(PDF 696 KB)

Additional Comments – Senator the Hon J Ludwig (PDF 250 KB)
Dissenting Report—Australian Greens
Advantages, Labour mobility, Other issues
(PDF 310 KB)

Appendix A: Submissions

(PDF 162 KB)

Appendix B: Witnesses

(PDF 176 KB)

Appendix C: Exhibits (PDF 110 KB)

Committee Secretariat contact:

Committee Secretary
Joint Standing Committee on Treaties
PO Box 6021
Parliament House
Canberra ACT 2600

Phone: +61 2 6277 4002

About this inquiry

This treaty will examine the Free Trade Agreement between the Government of Australia and the Government of the People's Republic of China (Canberra, 17 June 2015).

Past Public Hearings

07 Sep 2015: CANBERRA
27 Aug 2015: DEVONPORT
