Environment, Water, Heritage and the Arts portfolio

Additional Estimates 2008-2009— (February 2009)

Environment, Water, Heritage and the Arts portfolio

Tabled document

Ms Petrachenko, FAS, Marine Division, EWHA 
Copy of speech by the Minister for the Environment, Heritage and the Arts to The Lowy Institute for International Policy, 18 February 2009 (PDF 4830KB)

Correspondence clarifying evidence

Screen Australia: Dr Harley, CEO re 2008-09 production budget (PDF 344KB)
Director of National Parks, Mr Cochrane re sustainable take of species under the EPBC Act (PDF 265KB)
DEWHA: Mr Carter, FAS, Renewables and Energy Efficiency Division re availability of credits for householders who install photovoltaic units (PDF 298KB)
DEWHA: Mr Taylor, AS, Arts Development and Training re Australian national Academy of Music (ANAM) (PDF 269KB)
DEWHA: Ms Bean, FAS, Arts Division
re funding of the Australian Youth Orchestra (AYO)  (PDF 292KB)

Index of questions on notice

Monday, 23 and Tuesday, 24 February 2009

   (PDF 725KB)

  (Word 900KB)

Answers to questions on notice

Department and agencies


Answers to questions that cross all departmental outcomes/outputs (PDF 197KB)
Outcome 1-The environment, especially those aspects that are matters of national environmental significance, is protected and conserved  
Bureau of Meteorology (PDF 168KB)
Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority (PDF 77KB)
Office of Supervising Scientist (PDF 281KB)
Sydney Harbour Federation Trust (PDF 306KB)
Director of National Parks



Letter from Director of National Parks attaching copy of final report Christmas Island Biodiversity Monitoring Program: December 2003 to April 2007, September 2008, refers to answer to qon 188

(PDF 126KB)
qon193 attachments:
A (PDF 145KB);
B (PDF 49KB);
C (PDF 181KB);
D (PDF 52KB)

(PDF 274KB)
(PDF 2839KB)

Output 1.1-Energy efficiency and Climate Change Action (PDF 139KB)
Output 1.2-Conservation of the land and inland waters (PDF 99KB)
Output 1.3-Conservation of the coasts and oceans (PDF 198KB)
Output 1.4-Conservation of natural, indigenous and historic heritage (PDF 307KB)
Output 1.5-Response to the impacts of human settlements (PDF 347KB)
Outcome 2-Australia's interests in Antarctica are advanced  
Output 2.1-Antarctic policy
Output 2.2-Antarctic science
Outcome 3-More efficient and sustainable use of Australia's water resources  
Murray-Darling Basin Authority (PDF 106KB)
National Water Commission (PDF 322KB)
Output 3.1-Sustainable manage of water resources AND
Output 3.2-Achieving efficiencies in water use
(PDF 1165KB)
Outcome 4-Development of a rich and stimulating cultural sector for all Australians  
Australia Council (PDF 81KB)
Attachment to qon 24 (PDF 293KB)
Screen Australia (PDF 75KB)
Output 4.1-Policy advice, program management and agency support which promotes excellence in, preservation and maintenance of, and access to Australia's cultural activities, national cultural collections and buildings, and indigenous languages (PDF 174KB)

For further information, contact:

Research/Estimates Officer
Senate Standing Committees on Environment, Communications and the Arts
PO Box 6100
Parliament House
Canberra ACT 2600

Phone: +61 2 6277 3526
Fax: +61 2 6277 5818
Email: eca.sen@aph.gov.au