Dissenting Report by the Australian Greens

1.1        The Australian Greens oppose the Coastal Trading (Revitalising Australian Shipping) Amendment Bill 2017 (the bill).

1.2        The Australian Greens supported the referral of the bill to the Senate Regional and Rural Affairs and Transport Legislation Committee because we were concerned that the bill would have a destructive impact on our coastal shipping industry and workforce in Australia.

1.3        The majority report has not captured the full breadth of impacts that this legislation would have on our local shipping industry, in particular the impacts on the Australian maritime workforce.

1.4        Deregulation of our coastal shipping sector in Australia will lead to a loss of Australian jobs, and will further embed a situation where we have ships on the seas that are not up to scratch and risk polluting our oceans and coastlines with oil spills.

1.5        This bill represents the government's response to a reduction in Australian shipping, and is a second attempt to change the Australian shipping regime following its failed 2015 legislation.

1.6        Senators on the committee heard from many stakeholders, many of which echoed their contributions to the Minister's Discussion Paper process. However, many noted in their submissions that a number of their Discussion Paper responses and proposals appear not to be reflected in the bill.

1.7        We particularly note criticism of the bill's changes to tolerance provisions, with both industry voices and worker voices noting that the changes in the bill are not acceptable.

1.8        The Australian Greens oppose this bill. We urge the government to consider key proposals put forward by industry and unions to the Minister's 2017 Discussion Paper, with the aim of reaching an agreement that stakeholders can support.

Recommendation 1

1.9                  The Australian Greens recommend that the Senate reject the bill.

Senator Janet Rice
Australian Greens

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