Public hearings

Wednesday, 11 June 2014

Parliament of Victoria, Melbourne


Speech Pathology Australia

ADAM, Mr Tim
DIXON, Mrs Gaenor, Vice President Communications
MULCAIR, Ms Gail, Chief Executive Officer
STEPHEN, Mrs Robyn, Vice President Operations
THEODOROS, Prof. Deborah, President
WILLIAMS, Prof. Corinne, National Advisor Evidence Based Practice and Research

SNOW, Associate Professor Pamela, Private Capacity

Murdoch Children's Research Institute, Centre of Research Excellence in Child Language

MENSAH, Dr Fiona, Biostatistician and Senior Research Officer
REILLY, Prof. Sheena, Associate Director Clinical and Public Health

CleftPals Victoria, Royal Children's Hospital

CULNANE, Ms Evelyn, Manager

Melbourne Cleft Service, Royal Children's Hospital

KILPATRICK, Associate Professor Nicky, Director

Murdoch Childrens Research Institute, Royal Children's Hospital

REILLY, Professor Sheena
VERHOEVEN, Ms Andrea, Senior Speech Pathologist, Cleft and Craniofacial Service

Alfred Child and Youth Mental Health Service

ANGER, Ms Narelle, Director Speech Pathology
FEENEY, Ms Bernadette, Speech Pathologist, SocialAbility   
FLEMING, Ms Mary, Chief Speech Pathologist

Thursday, 12 June 2014

Parliament of NSW, Sydney



COOK, Mrs Cassandra Brea, Senior Speech Pathologist
FORSYTH, Ms Elizabeth Mary, Sector and Business Development Manager

Telethon Kids Institute     

CHRISTENSEN, Mr Daniel, Senior Analyst
TAYLOR, Professor Cate, Principal Research Fellow

Discipline of Speech Pathology, The University of Sydney

STARLING, Dr Julia, Adjunct Lecturer

Autism Spectrum Australia         

KERSLAKE, Ms Rachel, Manager Early Intervention
VARDANEGA, Mrs Catherine Santangelo, Senior Speech Pathologist

Independent Living Centre New South Wales

CHAPMAN, Ms Robyn, Chief Executive Officer

CRANKO, Ms Georgia, Private capacity        

KORNER, Ms Harriet, Private capacity

Broken Hill University Department of Rural Health, University of Sydney

JONES, Ms Debra, Director Primary Health Care
HALL, Mrs Maeva, Assistant Professor and Deputy Director of WA Centre for Rural Health      

Western Sydney Speech Pathology

CAREY, Mrs Julie, Principal and Practice Owner
PASCUAL, Ms Celine, Speech Pathologist

Friday, 20 June 2014

Parliament House, Canberra


Department of Health

LEMMON, Mr Greg, Acting Assistant Secretary, Access and Incentives Branch, Health Workforce Division
WALLACE, Mr Benjamin James, Executive Director, Clinical Training Reform, Health Workforce Australia

WILLIAMS, Associate Professor Corinne, Private Capacity

Services for Australian Rural and Remote Allied Health

SALTER, Ms Claire, Speech Pathology Coordinator
WELLINGTON, Mr Rod, Chief Executive Officer

Friday, 27 June 2014

Queensland Parliament, Brisbane


Neurodevelopmental and Behavioural Paediatric Society of Australasia

McDOWELL, Associate Professor Michael John, Foundation President

Autism Queensland           

ASHBURNER, Dr Jill, Manager, Research and Development
LAVERCOMBE, Ms Rachel, Senior Speech Pathologist; Outreach Team Leader for North Queensland

Deadly Ears Program

ANDERSON, Mrs Renae Michelle, Senior Health Promotion Officer
BROWN, Mr Matthew Jeremy, Director
MARSH, Mrs Bonny Jayne, Acting Allied Health Team Leader
SARGISON, Mrs Helen Kate, Advanced Speech Pathologist

Hear and Say

BALFOUR OGILVY, Ms Jessica, Clinical Manager, Auditory-Verbal Therapy
CONSTANTINESCU, Dr Gabriella, Lead Researcher
RUSHBROOKE, Ms Emma, Clinical Director

Association of Childhood Language and Related Disorders

ROSE GRAYDON, Ms Vikki, Chief Executive Officer
ASHTON, Ms Cae, Principal, The Glenleighden School
LANGTON, Ms Tracey-Lee, Manager, Let's Talk Developmental Hub

Lift Program – Centre for Research Excellence in Aphasia Rehabilitation

COPLAND, Associate Professor David Andrew, Principal Research Fellow, University of Queensland
WORRALL, Professor Linda Elizabeth, Co-Director, Communication Disability Centre, University of Queensland
AISTHORPE, Mrs Natasha Francesca, Private capacity
AISTHORPE, Mr Bruce Rodney, Private capacity
CORP, Mrs Wendy Ann, Deputy Chairperson, Australian Aphasia Association Inc.
CORP, Mr Paul William, Chairperson, Australian Aphasia Association Inc.

Apunipima Cape York Health Council

RUBEN, Dr Alan, Community Paediatrician
WALLIN, Mrs Kristen, Senior Audiologist
WILSON, Ms Amanda, Speech Pathologist
SCHUH, Ms Sonia Valarine, Teacher-Director, Napranum Preschool           

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