Submissions and additional information received by the Committee


1          Name Withheld   

2          Ms Pam Short     

3          Name Withheld    

4          Name Withheld  

5          Mr John Farroway 

6          Ms Angela Estimoff

7          Mr Sanka Ranaweera  

8          Mr Peter Whitwell  

9          Mrs Deb Sandford

10        Name Withheld  

11        Name Withheld  

12        Dr Neil Moore (plus an attachment)   

13        Name Withheld 

14        Name Withheld  

15        Dr Jane McCormack  

16        Ms Michelle Swift  

17        Name Withheld  

18        Name Withheld  

19        Name Withheld   

20        Ms Felicity Burke  

21        Mr Matthew O'Brien  

22        Autism SA  

23        Name Withheld 

24        Name Withheld  

25        Name Withheld   

26        Ms Laura Caire (plus five attachments)  

27        Confidential 

28        Name Withheld 

29        Ms Bree Hodgson

30        Name Withheld   

31        Ms Catriona Gunn  

32        Associate Professor Pamela Snow 

33        Ms Ruth Hartman   

34        Name Withheld   

35        Name Withheld  

36        Name Withheld 

37        Name Withheld   

38        Ms Sue-Ellen Woods

39        Confidential 

40        Mr Hank Wyllie  

41        Name Withheld  

42        Mr Ron Morey  

43        Name Withheld  

44        Name Withheld   

45        Name Withheld   

46        Ms Bernadette Pringle     

47        Name Withheld   

48        Confidential 

49        Services for Australian Rural and Remote Allied Health 

50        Victorian Advocacy League for Individuals with Disability Inc (plus two attachments)    

51        Mrs Clare Clarke  

52        Confidential 

53        Wobbly Hub Research Team, The University of Sydney 

54        Ms Lorraine Parkinson

55        Ms Catherine Schiller 

56        Ms Jennifer Schiller

57        Ms Susan Woolfenden  

58        Mr Philip Wilkins  

59        Name Withheld 

60        Ms Lyne Croteau 

61        Parkinson's Victoria  

62        Able Australia  

63        Name Withheld 

64        Western Sydney Speech Pathology  

65        Victorian Principals Association     

66        Name Withheld  

67        Name Withheld

68        Name Withheld   

69        Name Withheld 

70        Ms Heather Madsen 

71        Port Curtis Speech-Language Pathology   

72        Professor Sharynne McLeod  

73        Professor Sharynne McLeod and Ms Sarah Verdon  

74        Dr Roslyn Neilson 

75        Flinders University  

76        Ms Lynne Middleton 

77        Mr Carlo Silipo  

78        Confidential 

79        Ms Heidi Hulspas  

80        Ms Louise Bale  

81        Professor Leanne Togher 

82        speechBITE  

83        Name Withheld

84        Dr Vanessa Sarkozy  

85        Associate Professor Patricia McCabe, Associate Professor Kirrie Ballard and Dr Natalie Munro (plus an attachment)   

86        Voice Care Australia  

87        Carers NSW   

88        Confidential 

89        Name Withheld  

90        Melbourne Cleft Service, The Royal Children's Hospital  

91        Name Withheld 

92        Name Withheld 

93        Mr Johan Langfield  

94        Name Withheld     

95        Name Withheld 

96        Confidential 

97        Mr Adam Vogel 

98        The University of Sydney   

99        Ms Fiona Seamer  

100     Australian Speak Easy Association  

101     Name Withheld  

102     Mr and Mrs Robert and Lyna Leo  

103     Ms Tamara Stone  

104     gr8 Start Alliance   

105     Broken Hill University Department of Rural Health, The University of Sydney

106     Name Withheld  

107     Coonabarabran Public School Parents and Citizens Association  

108     Name Withheld 

109     Confidential 

110     Mental Health for the Young and their Families

111     Department of Education Tasmania 

112     Ms Melinda Pearce 

113     Name Withheld  

114     Therapy Focus Inc    

115     Name Withheld  

116     Name Withheld  

117     The Centre for Cerebral Palsy (plus an attachment) 

118     Neurodevelopmental and Behavioural Paediatric Society of Australasia

119     Name Withheld  

120     Alfred Child and Youth Mental Health Service 

121     Murdoch Childrens Research Institute  

122     The University of Melbourne  

123     Reflux Infants Support Association (plus an attachment)   

124     Austin Hospital, Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service 

125     Ms Gwendalyn Webb

126     Apunipima Cape York Health Council   

127     Department of Education and Early Childhood Developement - Central Peninsula Network 

128     AGOSCI Inc

129     Queensland Facilitated Communication Training (FCT) Inc.  

130     Deadly Ears Program

131     Australian Hearing 

132     ISAAC Australia  

133     Mr Damian Georgeff  

134     Children's Health Alliance   

135     Mr Christopher Coombs  

136     Name Withheld  

137     National Relay Service 

138     Name Withheld  

139     Hear and Say     

140     Name Withheld  

141     Ms Harriet Korner  

142     Name Withheld

143     Name Withheld  (plus three attachments) 

144     Name Withheld

145     Name Withheld   

146     Ms Monique Thompson   

147     Confidential 

148     Name Withheld  

149     Ms Harmony Turnbull 

150     Name Withheld 

151     Ms Claire Salter

152     Ms Ellie Thompson  

153     Name Withheld  

154     Ms Francesca Eaton  

155     Pharmacy Guild of Australia  

156     Name Withheld  

157     Confidential 

158     Ms Keryn McMahon

159     Catholic Education South Australia   

160     Dr Jennifer Oates and Ms Georgia Dacakis 

161     Centre of Research Excellence in Child Language (plus an attachment)  

162     Mr Geoff Martin 

163     Confidential 

164     Ms Monica Smit 

165     Autism Queensland  

166     Ms Karen Vella  

167     Name Withheld  

168     Mr Roger Blackmore   

169     Centre for Clinical Research Excellence (CCRE) in Aphasia Rehabilitation 

170     Association for Childhood Language and related Disorders (plus fourteen attachments)    

171     Mrs Susan Gardner

172     Autism Spectrum Australia  

173     Dr Judith Gould  

174     Dietitians Association of Australia 

175     Mr Jacob Ungaro 

176     Gold Coast Speech Pathologists 

177     South Australian Secondary Principals Association

178     Mr Robert Ieroianni  

179     Ms Nicole Gosbell 

180     National Disability Services

181     Ms Laura Overdyk   

182     Ms Wendy Yarrow

183     Name Withheld  

184     Name Withheld 

185     National LGBTI Health Alliance 

186     Ms Sarah Verdon, Dr Linda Wilson, Dr Michelle Smith-Tamaray and Professor Lindy McAllister 

187     Ms Sarah Verdon and Professor Sharynne McLeod

188     Professor Mark Onslow 

189     Name Withheld   

190     Northcott   

191     Multicultural Disability Advocacy Association of NSW Inc

192     Australian College of Nursing

193     Name Withheld  

194     Dr Elise Baker 

195     Dr Elise Baker, Ms Sarah Masso, Dr Kate Crowe, Professor Sharynne McLeod and Assoc. Professor Jane McCormack

196     Name Withheld 

197     Learning Difficulties Australia (plus an attachment)

198     Name Withheld 

199     Ms Mimi Naylor

200     Ms Garnet Smith   

201     Confidential 

202     Professor Sharynne McLeod, Associate Professor Jane McCormack and Dr Graham Daniel

203     Professor Sharynne McLeod, Professor Lindy McAllister, Associate Professor Jane McCormack and Professor Linda Harrison  

204     Allied Health Professions Australia

205     Mr Matt Wilson  

206     Ms Michelle Owens  

207     Name Withheld 

208     Confidential 

209     Aphasia Queensland  

210     Name Withheld  

211     Name Withheld 

212     Ms Jodi Lipscombe (plus an attachment)

213     Associate Professor Elizabeth Cardell  

214     Andrew Dean Fildes Foundation  

215     Name Withheld  

216     The Benevolent Society  

217     Associate Professor Jane McCormack, Professor Sharynne McLeod, Professor Lindy McAllister and Professor Linda Harrison  

218     Ms Kathy Stoddart  

219     Name Withheld  

220     MND Australia   

221     Independent Living Centre WA and TAS   

222     Communication Rights Australia and Disability Discrimination Legal Service

223     Dr Cate Madill   

224     Speech Pathology Australia  

225     Associates Professors Patrica McCabe and Kirrie Ballard; Drs Angela Morgan, Elizabeth Murray and Alison Purcell; Ms Donna Thomas, Ms Jacqueline McKechnie and Ms Jacqui Lim

226     Speech Pathology Australia, South Australian Branch  

227     LifeTec Queensland  

228     WA Primary Principals Association Inc    

229     Dr Bronwyn Hemsley (plus an attachment)

230     Confidential

231     Anne McDonald Centre Inc

232     Ms Amanda Smith  

233     National Stroke Foundation

234     Professor Deborah Theodoros  

235     Confidential 

236     Confidential 

237     Name Withheld  

238     Name Withheld 

239     Ms Charlene Cullen and Ms Tracey Bode 

240     Name Withheld

241     Ms Deanne Nevin  

242     Name Withheld 

243     Ms Julie Bury   

244     Confidential 

245     Next Challenge  

246     Mrs Jean Martin    

247     Catholic Education Office Wollongong 

248     Ms Jan Lowis

249     Name Withheld  

250     Ms Kirsty Arnott  

251     Ms Lyn Legge

252     Name Withheld

253     Ms Meg Houghton 

254     Name Withheld  

255     Ms Louise Bale  

256     Early Childhood Intervention Australia  

257     Australian Education Union  

258     Ms Rosemary Hodges, Dr Natalie Munro and Dr Elise Baker  

259     Speech Pathology Tasmania    

260     Down Syndrome Australia  

261     Associate Profressor Steven Cumming   

262     Dr Julia Starling and Dr Natalie Munro  

263     Cerebral Palsy Education Centre  

264     Ms Natalie Albores  

265     Department of Health and Human Services Tasmania  

266     National Rural Health Alliance   

267     Mr and Mrs Tony and Ann Rowe 

268     Queensland Government  

269     People with Disability Australia  

270     Australian Literacy and Numeracy Foundation (plus an attachment) 

271     NSW Health 

272     Australian Primary Principals Association   

273     Ms Katy Gallagher MLA  

274     Royal Far West   

275     Peninsula Model for Primary Health Planning - Children’s Health Alliance, and Frankston-Mornington Peninsula Medicare Local   

276     Telethon Speech and Hearing  

277     CleftPALS Victoria (plus two attachments)  

278     Mrs Olwen Forker 

279     Name Withheld  

280     Name Withheld  

281     Name Withheld 

282     Name Withheld   

283     Name Withheld    

284     Ms Kim O'Rourke 

285     Ms Kellie Ace 

286     Ms Kelly O'Brien 

287     Name Withheld  

288     Name Withheld  

289     Name Withheld 

290     Name Withheld   

291     Name Withheld   

292     Name Withheld   

293     Wynnum Family Day Care  

294     Name Withheld 

295     Name Withheld 

296     Name Withheld   

297     Name Withheld  

298     Name Withheld  

299     Queensland Advocacy Incorporated  

300     Mr Nick Safstrom OAM 

301     Indigenous Allied Health Australia Ltd

302     Blue Care  

303     Ms Loretta Woolston  

304     Public Guardian

305     Mr and Mrs Keith and Sonya Kerslake

Additional Information

  1. Information sheet on Australians with difficulty communicating and swallowing, tabled by Speech Pathology Australia, at Melbourne public hearing 11 June 2014 
  2. Language competence: A hidden disability in antisocial behaviour, InPsych article from June 2013, tabled by Associate Professor Pamela Snow, at Melbourne public hearing 11 June 2014 
  3. Oral Language Competence, Young Speakers, and the Law, LSHSS article from October 2012, tabled by Associate Professor Pamela Snow, at Melbourne public hearing 11 June 2014 
  4. Youth (in)justice: Oral language competence in early life and risk for engagement in antisocial behaviour in adolescence, article from November 2011, tabled by Associate Professor Pamela Snow, at Melbourne public hearing 11 June 2014 
  5. Model diagrams, tabled by Melbourne Cleft Service, Royal Children's Hospital, at Melbourne public hearing 11 June 2014 
  6. Snapshot of speech pathology in child and adolescent/youth mental health services: Victoria, tabled by Alfred Child and Youth Mental Health Service, at Melbourne public hearing 11 June 2014 
  7. Language and Social Exclusion, I CAN Talk series - Issue 4, tabled by Alfred Child and Youth Mental Health Service, at Melbourne public hearing 11 June 2014 
  8. Opening presentation, tabled by Broken Hill University, Department of Rural Health, University of Sydney, at Sydney public hearing 12 June 2014 
  9. Training Secondary School Teachers in Instructional Language Modification Techniques to Support Adolescents With Language Impairment: A Randomized Controlled Trail, LSHSS article from October 2012, tabled by Discipline of Speech Pathology, University of Sydney, at Sydney public hearing 12 June 2014 
  10. Mental Health Clinical Guidelines, from Speech Pathology Australia, received 20 June 2014 
  11. Mental Health Position Statement, from Speech Pathology Australia, received 20 June 2014 
  12. Information, from Apunipima Cape York Health Council, received 27 June 2014 
  13. Information sheet about Apunipima Cape York Health Council, from Apunipima Cape York Health Council, received 27 June 2014 
  14. Information on Apunipima's preventative early education program: the Baby One Program, from Apunipima Cape York Health Council, received 4 July 2014 

Answers to Questions on Notice

  1. Answers to Questions on Notice received from Speech Pathology Australia, 23 June 2014 
  2. Answers to Questions on Notice received from Northcott, 4 July 2014 

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