Recommendation 1

4.32        That the Commonwealth Government develop a national jobs strategy to:

Recommendation 2

4.33        That the Commonwealth conduct a review into the dynamics of the labour force, especially in relation to skill shortages.

Recommendation 3

4.51        That the Commonwealth Government:

Recommendation 4

4.52        That the Commonwealth Government introduce a range of measures, in addition to subsidised employment services, to address structural problems in the labour market.

Recommendation 5

4.66        That a transitional jobs scheme for the very long term unemployed be introduced, whereby people who have been unemployed for over two years would be provided with six months employment at a training wage in the not-for-profit and public sectors.

Recommendation 6

4.90        That the Australian Industrial Relations Commission establish a new minimum wage benchmark based on a wage level that enables a single full-time worker to achieve an adequate standard of living relative to contemporary community standards.

Recommendation 7

4.104     That the Commonwealth Government conduct an inquiry into low-paid employment and that this inquiry examine:

Recommendation 8

4.122     That the Workplace Relations Act 1996 be amended to provide definitions of 'full-time' and 'permanent part-time' work.

Recommendation 9

4.123     That the Commonwealth legislate to guarantee the right to standard entitlements, such as annual leave and sick leave, for casual workers converting to permanent part-time work.

Recommendation 10

4.133     That the Commonwealth legislate to guarantee the right to standard entitlements, such as annual leave and sick leave, for labour hire workers.

Recommendation 11

5.30        That the Commonwealth Government:

Recommendation 12

5.41        That the Commonwealth and the States review their approach to concessions by:

Recommendation 13

5.50        That the Commonwealth Government introduce a means-tested participation allowance, to broaden and replace existing payments, to meet the additional costs, up to a prescribed level, associated with jobsearch, work experience or further education and training activities of jobseekers.

Recommendation 14

5.70        That the breaching and penalty system be amended in line with the recommendations of the Pearce Review; namely that:

Recommendation 15

5.84        That the Commonwealth Government review social security income tests:

Recommendation 16

6.22        That the Commonwealth Government provide a commitment to the continued operation of the Supported Accommodation Assistance Program.

Recommendation 17

6.43        That base funding arrangements for public housing be increased under the Commonwealth-State Housing Agreement.

Recommendation 18

6.44        That the Commonwealth and the States:

Recommendation 19

6.65        That, in supporting the current review being undertaken by the working group into residential tenancy databases, the Commonwealth Government, in co-operation with the States, develop national guidelines as a matter of priority in relation to the operation of tenancy databases.

Recommendation 20

6.70        That the Commonwealth Government develop a national housing strategy in consultation with key stakeholders including State Governments, community housing providers, the construction industry and the finance sector; and that this national strategy involve:

Recommendation 21

7.30        That the Commonwealth work with State and Territory education departments to identify those students who are at most risk of poor literacy and numeracy attainment and provide additional funding to enhance literacy and numeracy programs so as to meet the national literacy and numeracy goals.

Recommendation 22

7.31        That the National Report on Schooling in Australia provide the results of literacy and numeracy benchmarking by socioeconomic group.

Recommendation 23

7.49        That the Task Force on Child Development, Health and Wellbeing develop as a matter of urgency a national program for early childhood education.

Recommendation 24

7.50        That the Commonwealth, in conjunction with the States and Territories, develop initiatives to improve participation in early childhood education.

Recommendation 25

7.51        That the Commonwealth, in partnership with the States and Territories, develop and contribute to the funding of early childhood education.

Recommendation 26

7.52        That the Task Force on Child Development, Health and Wellbeing develop and implement special literacy programs for parents wanting to develop the skills to assist their children with early childhood learning.

Recommendation 27

7.70        That the Commonwealth provide funding to establish school breakfast programs in disadvantaged areas.

Recommendation 28

7.102     That the Commonwealth provide additional funding for schools based on the socioeconomic profile of the school community to improve services provided to disadvantaged students.

Recommendation 29

7.103     That the Commonwealth work with the State and Territory Governments to develop effective policies and identify successful programs that improve retention rates of young people in danger of leaving school early and re-engage early school leavers to return to education at school or TAFE; and to provide additional support for those programs.

Recommendation 30

7.104     That the Commonwealth provide additional funding for the TAFE sector aimed at providing support for those students wishing to complete their school education in TAFE institutions.

Recommendation 31

8.50        That the Commonwealth provide additional funding for preventive health and related measures, and that this funding be directed particularly at socioeconomically disadvantaged areas.

Recommendation 32

8.68        That a jointly funded Commonwealth-State national dental health scheme be established to improve access to dental services for people on low incomes, and that it be modelled on the former Commonwealth Dental Health Program.

Recommendation 33

9.8      That public and private utilities have in place hardship provisions that provide for the reduction or waiver of debt to ensure that customers genuinely unable to pay for the provision of utilities retain access to these essential services.

Recommendation 34

9.21        That all States and Territories require credit providers to undertake a satisfactory assessment process prior to an increase in the credit limit available to a client to determine that person's creditworthiness.

Recommendation 35

9.40        That the Consumer Credit Code be amended:

Recommendation 36

9.44        That a Ministerial Council on Pawnbroking be established to review the adequacy of existing regulation of the industry.

Recommendation 37

9.48        That State and Territory Governments fund more community education programs in relation to credit and credit-related matters.

Recommendation 38

9.49        That credit providers be required to provide clear, 'plain English' information on credit products to potential clients.

Recommendation 39

9.52        That Commonwealth and State and Territory Governments increase funding to financial counselling services.

Recommendation 40

9.74        That the Commonwealth Government, in co-operation with State Governments through the Ministerial Council on Gambling, continue the development of a national approach to problem gambling, and that this approach examine:

Recommendation 41

10.31     That the Commonwealth provide additional funding to increase the number of child care places available, particularly in disadvantaged areas.

Recommendation 42

10.98     That the Child Support Agency review its debt collection procedures to ensure that debt repayment is made on a regular and timely basis so as to not disadvantage custodial parents and their children.

Recommendation 43

11.94     That the Commonwealth, in cooperation with the States and Territories, develop a comprehensive system of community-based early childhood and parenting support for all families.

Recommendation 44

11.95     That the Commonwealth and State and Territory Governments cooperate to ensure that additional intensive services are funded for disadvantaged families experiencing multiple and complex problems which impact on the care of children. Further, that the provision of such services in Indigenous communities be given a high priority.

Recommendation 45

11.96     That the Commonwealth conduct an audit of existing rules relating to parents receiving income support payments to ensure these do not place children at risk of hardship.

Recommendation 46

11.97     That the Commonwealth develop and implement a community education campaign for new parents aimed at improving the nutrition of children.

Recommendation 47

12.57     That the Commonwealth provide funding for the expansion of access to the New Apprenticeships scheme, particularly in rural and regional areas.

Recommendation 48

12.58     That the Commonwealth work with industry and unions to maximise the take up of apprenticeships in areas where there are recognised skills shortages and to ensure that training is relevant to enterprises and apprentices themselves.

Recommendation 49

12.59     That the Commonwealth undertake a review of New Apprenticeships to evaluate the effectiveness of policies; recruitment and selection; progression through the scheme; and employment outcomes after training.

Recommendation 50

12.82     That the Commonwealth initiate an employment assistance program, based on the United Kingdom Gateway program, to provide youth with intensive assistance and an agency providing comprehensive support for youth pathways.

Recommendation 51

12.86     That the Commonwealth and State Governments implement strategies to improve access to employment opportunities for young unemployed people, in particular those young people living in rural and remote areas.

Recommendation 52

12.88     That the Commonwealth provide additional funding to community organisations to enable them to provide education, training and housing assistance packages to young homeless people.

Recommendation 53

12.90     That the Commonwealth progressively lower the age of independence test for Youth Allowance from 25 to 21 years.

Recommendation 54

12.91     That the Commonwealth review its income support programs for young people to fully recognise changes in the Australian labour market.

Recommendation 55

12.93     That Centrelink expand forms of service delivery which are responsive to the needs of young people, particularly young homeless people.

Recommendation 56

12.108    That the parental income test for Youth Allowance be increased and maintained as a percentage of Average Weekly Earnings.

Recommendation 57

12.119    That Rent Assistance be extended to those receiving Austudy payments.

Recommendation 58

13.13     That the Commonwealth, in conjunction with State Governments, provide a range of incentives to stimulate the growth of industries and employment in Indigenous communities.

Recommendation 59

13.14     That the Commonwealth and State Governments, in co-operation with the private sector, establish partnerships with Indigenous communities to promote employment opportunities.

Recommendation 60

13.21     That Community Development Employment Projects participants have access to the full range of assistance available under the Australians Working Together package in order to increase social and economic participation of Indigenous people.

Recommendation 61

13.27     That the Commonwealth provide additional funding for Indigenous-specific housing programs.

Recommendation 62

13.50     That the Commonwealth work with the States and Territories to develop strategies to improve access of Indigenous children to early childhood education facilities.

Recommendation 63

13.51     That the Commonwealth provide additional funds specifically for improving Indigenous literacy and numeracy.

Recommendation 64

13.52     That the Commonwealth investigate the impact of the changes to ABSTUDY on the participation of Indigenous students and implement changes to improve ABSTUDY assistance to Indigenous students.

Recommendation 65

13.57     That the Commonwealth and the States continue to implement programs and strategies to improve access to health care services for Indigenous people.

Recommendation 66

13.66     That the Commonwealth provide additional funding to improve the affordability of child care for Indigenous children.

Recommendation 67

13.78     That the Commonwealth provide additional funding for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Legal Services.

Recommendation 68

13.79     That the States provide additional assistance for programs that address recidivism and post-prison release support services for Indigenous people.

Recommendation 69

14.42     That the Commonwealth and State Governments maintain and expand services in such areas as health, education, housing and transport to rural and regional areas.

Recommendation 70

14.43     That the Commonwealth and State Governments set national minimum standards for access to essential community services, such as health, education and welfare services in rural and regional areas.

Recommendation 71

14.44     That State Governments maintain and expand regional development strategies in rural and regional areas.

Recommendation 72

14.45     That the Commonwealth Government develop a national public infrastructure development program targeted to regional areas focusing on such areas as transport, hospitals and schools.

Recommendation 73

14.46     That State Governments encourage the expansion of labour-intensive private sector services in regional areas by improving education and training and other public infrastructure and/or providing tax concessions or other subsidies to encourage employers to relocate to regional areas.

Recommendation 74

14.47     That State Governments support local employment and social development initiatives in rural and regional areas.

Recommendation 75

15.27     That the Commonwealth increase support to educational and other programs which enable older Australians to remain active members of the workforce.

Recommendation 76

15.34     That the Commonwealth Government review the special needs of ageing carers in relation to retirement income and income support.

Recommendation 77

15.39     That the Commonwealth, in conjunction with the State and Territory Governments, ensure that there are adequate guidelines in place to protect older Australians who use home equity conversion products.

Recommendation 78

15.50     That the Commonwealth Government provide additional funding for programs which provide support services for the aged homeless including additional funding to ensure greater access to aged care accommodation.

Recommendation 79

15.93     That the Commonwealth enable Temporary Protection Visa holders to access English language training and employment assistance in addition to existing services.

Recommendation 80

15.95     That the Commonwealth Government investigate additional avenues to enable migrants and refugees to have qualifications recognised and to upgrade skills to ensure that migrants and refugees are able to find appropriate employment as soon as possible following arrival in Australia.

Recommendation 81

16.25     That the Commonwealth introduce a disability allowance to meet the additional costs associated with disability.

Recommendation 82

16.36     That the Commonwealth re-commit to employ people with disabilities in the public sector in proportions that reflect their representation in the wider community.

Recommendation 83

16.37     That the Commonwealth Government and the States continue to implement strategies to promote greater employment of people with disabilities in the private sector.

Recommendation 84

16.52     That the Commonwealth and the States continue to implement programs and strategies to improve access to educational opportunities for people with disabilities, including the recommendations of the Senate Employment, Workplace Relations and Education References Committee report on the Education of Students with Disabilities.

Recommendation 85

16.77     That the Commonwealth Government review:

Recommendation 86

16.78     That where young carers have primary care responsibilities in their families, adequate financial support measures be available,  including removing current restrictions that discourage young people from combining paid work or study with their caring responsibilities.

Recommendation 87

16.79     That, as a matter of priority, the Commonwealth relax the rules for adult carers who live adjacent or near to the person they are caring for to enable them to receive Carer Allowance.

Recommendation 88

17.40     That the Commonwealth increase the current level of emergency relief funds allocated to agencies.

Recommendation 89

17.56     That the Commonwealth government streamline the funding arrangements for all its community funding programs.

Recommendation 90

17.57     That the Commonwealth conduct an audit of its community funding programs to determine:

Recommendation 91

17.58     That COAG conduct an audit similar to that in the previous recommendation to determine the adequacy of Commonwealth, State and local government funded community services in local communities.

Recommendation 92

17.93     That Centrelink Community Service Centres be resourced to establish local management advisory committees with membership drawn from its customer base, emergency relief providers, local schools, the police, employers and community representatives to sensitise service delivery to local needs.

Recommendation 93

17.94     That Centrelink CSCs be resourced to act as community service hubs for Commonwealth government-funded programs to ensure there is a greater connection between income support and other human service delivery.

Recommendation 94

18.46     That a comprehensive anti-poverty strategy be developed at the national level and that this involve:

Recommendation 95

18.47     That a statutory authority or unit reporting directly to the Prime Minister be established with responsibility for developing, implementing and monitoring a national anti-poverty strategy and that this entity:


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