Information relating to budget estimates 2001-2002

Senate Rural and Regional Affairs and Transport Committees

Information relating to budget estimates 2001-2002

(Please note that only word documents are available.  If you require further information, please contact the estimates officer on 02 - 6277 3060)

Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry - Portfolio

Australian Quarantine Inspection Service

Ques 1: Border protection at seaports
Ques 2: Work program/timeline for infrastructure work at mail centres
Ques 3: AQIS staffing numbers
Ques 4: Dilmah Tea – retail packaging – AQIS checks
Ques 5: Dilmah Tea – requests for inspection
Ques 6: Dilmah Tea – contacts with packaging groups
Ques 7: Inspection of the hull of the FV Wing Sang
Ques 8: Organisms detected under ballast water checks – trigger list
Ques 9: Number of marine pest incursions
              Question 9 (1)
              Question 9 (2)
              Question 9 (3)
              Question 9 (4)
              Question 9 (5)
              Question 9 (6)
              Question 9 (7)
              Question 9 (8)
              Question 9 (9)