
Tabled documents

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Mr Tony Cook PSM, Secretary, Department of Education Response to Senator O'Sullivan's letter  5 June 2024 PDF 32,744KB
Mr Tony Cook PSM, Secretary, Department of Education Response to Senator O'Sullivan's additional letter  5 June 2024  PDF 40,988KB
Mr Tony Cook PSM, Secretary, Department of Education Response to Senator Allman-Payne's letter 5 June 2024 PDF 1,634KB
Senator the Hon Sarah Henderson Approaches to Senate estimates questions on notice asked of all (or multiple) agencies 5 June 2024 PDF 1,024KB
Senator the Hon Sarah Henderson Newsletter and social media post relating to upgrades to Mount Eliza secondary school facilities 5 June 2024 PDF 204KB
Mr Tony Cook PSM, Secretary, Department of Education  Revised response to Schools question 5 in Senator O’Sullivan’s letter of 29 May 5 June 2024 PDF 417KB
Senator Kerrynne Liddle Articles tabled by Senator Liddle 5 June 2024  PDF 331KB 
Senator Matt O'Sullivan Articles tabled by Senator O'Sullivan  5 June 2024  PDF 893KB
Mr Stephen Gniel, Acting Chief Executive Officer, Australian Curriculum, Assessment and Reporting Authority Opening Statement 5 June 2024 PDF 116KB
Senator the Hon Sarah Henderson Sydney Morning Herald, 13 March 2024  5 June 2024 PDF 318KB
Dr Jennifer Donovan, Chief Executive Officer Opening Statement  5 June 2024  PDF 89KB
Mr Tony Cook PSM, Secretary, Department of Education Letter from the Group of Eight to the Attorney General  6 June 2024  PDF 129KB
Mr Tony Cook PSM, Secretary, Department of Education  Letter from TEQSA to universities  6 June 2024  PDF 183KB
Mr Tony Cook PSM, Secretary, Department of Education 
Letter from TEQSA to non-university higher education institutions 6 June 2024  PDF 151KB 
Senator Matt O'Sullivan  Letter from Minster Clare to Professor O'Kane  6 June 2024  PDF 85KB 
Senator Matt O'Sullivan 2022 Higher Education Providers Finance Tables  6 June 2024  PDF 41KB 
Senator Matt O'Sullivan Article from the West Australian, 8 December 2023  6 June 2024  PDF 851KB 
Professor Genevieve Bell AO, Vice-Chancellor & President, Australian National University  Opening Statement  6 June 2024  PDF 151KB 
Senator Karen Grogan  Article from Sky News, 9 May 2024  6 June 2024  PDF 72KB
Senator Matt O'Sullivan  Map of ANU  6 June 2024  PDF 543KB
Professor Genevieve Bell AO, Vice-Chancellor & President, Australian National University   Statement from the Chancellor of ANU  6 June 2024  PDF 184KB 

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 Ms Bernadette Murphy, Acting Assistant Secretary, Department of Education Corrections to evidence 15 July 2024 PDF 603KB