Additional Estimates 2007-08 (February 2008)

Additional Estimates 2007-08 (February 2008)

Parliamentary departments

Index to questions on notice - (PDF 32KB)

Answers to Questions on Notice

QoN Department/Agency Senator Topic PDF format
P1 to P2 Senate RAY Senate Select Committees (PDF 261KB)
P2 DPS Fifield Record of access to email (PDF 113KB)
P3 DPS Murray Number of non-departmental parliamentary staff with PCN access (PDF 91KB)
P4 DPS Ronaldson Cost of removal and retrieval of Prime Minister's furniture (PDF 72KB)
P5 DPS RAY Works history and post election cleaning of suite MG3 (PDF 100KB)
P6 DPS fifield Bollard hours of operation (PDF 118KB)
P7 dps fielding Internet content filtering for the offices of Senators and Members (PDF 177KB)
P8 dps ray Open space reserved for future office space in parliament house (PDF 1899KB)
p9 dps murray Staff turnover in the Parliamentary Library (PDF 585KB)
p10 dps fifield Qualifications of Parliamentary Library staff (PDF 291KB)
p11 dps fifield Parliamentary Library- relocation expenses (PDF 105KB)
p12 dps B brown MPs denied access to front entrance (PDF 111KB)
p13 dps b brown Original/future intentions regarding grassed areas around Parliament House (PDF 161KB)
p14 dps ray Telephone black spots- timetable for remediation (PDF 110KB)
p15 dps abetz Additional cleaning of Deputy Leader of the Opposition's office (PDF 55KB)
p16 dps c brown Timetable for opening of Childcare Centre (PDF 69KB)
p17 dps abetz Senator's office windows (PDF 177KB)

*P2 (DPS) is a separate question to P2 (Senate)

Additional information and tabled documents

'Proposed Order of Call-Questions Time', President Ferguson. Tabled 18 February 2008.

(PDF 84KB)
Attachment A (PDF 56KB)
Covering letter accompanying answers to Questions on Notice P1 to P2, dated 25 February 2008 and received 25 February 2008. (PDF 44KB)

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