Industry, Tourism and Resources portfolio

Budget Supplementary Estimates 2004-05

Industry, Tourism and Resources portfolio

Index to Questions on Notice (QoN) (PDF 71KB)

Answers to Questions on Notice

QoN Topic PDF format
ITR1-6 Procurement guidelines and practices; contract management (PDF 139KB)
ITR7-9 Funding provided to Silex Systems Limited (PDF 25KB)
ITR10-16 Climate change; Rio Tinto; and Employment in Tasmanian native forest based industries (PDF 134KB)
ITR17-24 Australian Stem Cell Centre and related issues (PDF 363KB)
ITR25-37 (scope) Scope of answers to questions on notice nos 25 to 37 (PDF format)
ITR25 Reporting outcomes for clients associated from diverse linguistic and cultural backgrounds (PDF format)
ITR26 Budget for costs associated with developing culturally responsive and accessible services (PDF format)
ITR27 Programs and services delivered via an intermediary service provider (PDF format)
ITR28 Community information publications (PDF format)
ITR29 Employees from non-English speaking backgrounds (PDF format)
ITR30 Costs of translators and interpreters (PDF format)
ITR31 Advertising in ethnic press (PDF format)
ITR32 Break-ins on Departmental property (PDF format)
ITR33 Thefts of Departmental property (PDF format)
ITR34 Incidents of fraud against the Department (PDF format)
ITR35 Incidents of loss of Departmental property (PDF format)
ITR36 Accidents reported involving Departmental vehicles (PDF format)
ITR37 Ministerial staff provided by the Department (PDF format)

Additional information and tabled documents

Attachment A to answer to question ITR17-24 on the Australian Stem Cell Centre and related issues (PDF 4723KB)
Attachment B to answer to question ITR17-24 on the Australian Stem Cell Centre and related issues (PDF 110KB)

For further information, contact:

Estimates Officer
Senate Standing Committees on Economics
PO Box 6100
Parliament House
Canberra ACT 2600

Phone: +61 2 6277 3540
Fax: +61 2 6277 5719