Industry, Tourism and Resources portfolio

Additional Estimates 2004-05 — (February 2005)

Industry, Tourism and Resources portfolio

Index to all Questions on Notice (PDF 206KB)

Index to answered Questions on Notice (PDF 114KB)


[QoN] [Topic]  
ITR1 Tourism Australia staff covered by Enterprise Bargaining Agreement (PDF 22KB)
ITR2 Breakdown of staff in the Tourism Division by activity (PDF 26KB)
ITR3 Public Relations costs for Tourism Australia (PDF 19KB)
ITR4 Overview of research and statistics budget under the White Paper (PDF 29KB)
ITR5 Ecotourism accreditation and Green Globe certification (PDF 21KB)
ITR6 Tourism Accreditation Australia Limited  (see also Additional Information below) (PDF 18KB)
ITR7 Expenditure on implementation of Tourism White Paper (PDF 32KB)
ITR8 Expenditure on implementation of Tourism White Paper (PDF 14KB)
ITR9 National Tourism and Aviation Advisory Committee (PDF 94KB)
ITR10-12 Small Business Incubator tenets (PDF 31KB)
ITR13-15 Small Business Incubator tenets (PDF 27KB)
ITR16-17 Small Business Incubator tenets (PDF 161KB)
ITR18 Consultation on Post-2005 TCF package (PDF 146KB)
ITR19 Departmental involvement in preparation of Prime Minister's visit to China (PDF 18KB)
ITR20 Feasibility study for the Australia-US Free Trade Agreement (PDF 22KB)
ITR21 Restrictions on Syntroleum licence (PDF 38KB)
ITR22-23 Gorgon joint venture (PDF 25KB)
ITR24-25 National Offshore Petroleum Safety Authority (PDF 47KB)
ITR26 National Offshore Petroleum Safety Authority - Memoranda of understanding (PDF 208KB)
ITR27-28 Presentation at Australian Stem Cell Centre Second Scientific Conference (PDF 76KB)
ITR29 American embryonic stem cells (PDF 18KB)
ITR30 Distribution costs for industry sectors (PDF 20KB)
ITR31 Consultation on Commercial Ready program (PDF 20KB)
ITR32 Extension of AusIndustry Regional Office Network (PDF 21KB)
ITR33 New investment projects (PDF 93KB)
ITR34 ABS innovation survey and Productivity Commission inquiry on research and development (PDF 25KB)
ITR35-36 Commercialising Emerging Technologies (COMET) Program (PDF 40KB)
ITR37 Innovation Access Program - Action Agendas (PDF 33KB)
ITR38 Innovation Access Program - Action Agendas (PDF 41KB)
ITR39-40 Innovation Access Program (PDF 148KB)
ITR41-42 Innovation Access Program (PDF 44KB)
ITR43 Innovation Access Program - Finance for projects resulting from Action Agendas (PDF 18KB)
ITR44-46 Industry Cooperative Innovation Program (PDF 32KB)
ITR47 Industry Cooperative Innovation Program (PDF 12KB)
ITR48 Tourism Australia - Budget and staffing (PDF 146KB)
ITR49-51 Impacts on tourism of APEC meeting and Commonwealth Games (PDF 26KB)
ITR52 Tourism initiatives announced during the election campaign (PDF 40KB)
ITR53 Skills development in tourism sector (PDF 50KB)
ITR54 Ministerial councils and consultative committees in tourism sector (PDF 115KB)
ITR55 Details of consultancies (PDF 636KB)
ITR56 Tourism Australia's overseas staff (PDF 16KB)
ITR57 International advertising contracts (PDF 12KB)
ITR58 Costs associated with "Brand Australia" television advertisements (PDF 29KB)
ITR59 Occupancy of Small Business Incubators (PDF 17KB)
ITR60 Details of consultancies (PDF 257KB)


Additional information and tabled documents:

Marketing Budget by Country (document tabled during hearings on 16 Feb 2005) (PDF 71KB)
Constitution of Tourism Accreditation Australia Limited  (NB: additional information to QoN No: ITR6) (PDF 955KB)
Clarification of evidence on: North Pacific Route; Ecotourism Accreditation; World Tourism Organisation Funding; Post 2005 TCF Package Consultation; Australia-China Free Trade Agreement; Uranium Sales to China (PDF 62KB)

For further information, contact:

Estimates Officer
Senate Standing Committees on Economics
PO Box 6100
Parliament House
Canberra ACT 2600

Phone: +61 2 6277 3540
Fax: +61 2 6277 5719