Government members additional comments

In response to Recommendation 1, government members share the view that the establishment of a proposal for a national horse traceability register is currently underway. A Working Group, led by Mr Peter Day from the NSW Department of Primary Industries and made up of State Government Officials, is currently considering a proposal for a national registry. This group is due to report in March 2020.
Additionally, it is important to acknowledge the recent conditions of drought, flood and fires across Australia have made it difficult for industry organisations to make submissions which would reflect their remote and increased cost environment.
With regard to Recommendation 3, government members are of the view that the Australian Government already has very strong biosecurity laws in place. The establishment of a national horse register would assist in tracking horse movements from State to State; however this is the responsibility of State Governments to monitor.
In response to Recommendation 4, government members are concerned that to obtain data from existing industry databases would require each organisation within the industry to provide access to this information. The sharing of this information raises privacy concerns. Additionally, organisations may refuse on a commercial-in-confidence basis.
Finally, in response to Recommendation 5, government members believe this recommendation raises concerns for those horse owners in regional, rural and remote Australia; particularly when it comes to access to internet connectivity.
Senator Susan McDonald
Deputy Chair
Senator Gerard Rennick

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