Chapter 4

Cross-Portfolio Murray-Darling Basin Plan Matters

This chapter highlights some of the key issues discussed during the hearing on cross-portfolio Murray-Darling Basin Plan matters on 8 April 2022.
The committee heard from the following divisions and portfolio agencies of the Department of Agriculture, Water and the Environment (the department):
Inspector-General of Water Compliance;
Water Division;
Commonwealth Environmental Water Office;
Commonwealth Environmental Water Holder; and
Murray Darling-Basin Authority (MDBA).
The Hon Troy Grant, Inspector-General of Water Compliance, gave a short opening statement, touching on:
work with the department on creating positions for the Indigenous Apprenticeships Program;
the role of the regulatory leader’s forum comprised of state representatives in discussing matters of priority in compliance reporting; and
the completion of four investigations since the previous estimates round.1
Topics discussed throughout the hearing included:
provision of the second Review of the Water for the Environment Special Account report;
appointment of a new CEO for the MDBA;
potential public register of interests in water rights;
update on the delivery of 450 gigalitres of water to South Australia;
appointment of the Chair for the Modernising Murray River Systems technical panel; and
Sustainable Diversion Limit mechanism projects in New South Wales.2
Senator Susan McDonald

  • 1
    Committee Hansard, 8 April 2022, pp. 3–4.
  • 2
    Committee Hansard, 8 April 2022, pp. 4–37.

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