Chapter 4

Cross-Portfolio Murray-Darling Basin Plan Matters

This chapter highlights some of the key issues discussed during the hearing on cross-portfolio Murray-Darling Basin Plan matters on 28 May 2021.
The committee heard from the following divisions and portfolio agencies of the Department of Agriculture, Water and the Environment (the department):
Interim Inspector-General of Water Compliance;
Water Division;
Commonwealth Environmental Water Office;
Commonwealth Environmental Water Holder; and
Murray Darling Basin Authority (MDBA).
The committee also heard from the National Water Grid Authority from the Department of Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development and Communications.

Interim Inspector-General of Water Compliance

Topics discussed with the Interim Inspector-General include:
the introduction into Parliament of the Water Legislation Amendment (Inspector-General of Water Compliance and Other Measures) Bill 2021;
the Inspector-General appointment process;
headquarters, locations and staffing of the Office of Water Compliance;
consultation between the Interim Inspector-General, the department, and state representatives regarding the enacting legislation; and
meetings with the Natural Resources Access Regulator regarding metering and water theft.1

Other Water Divisions and Agencies

Topics discussed with the remaining agencies and divisions include:
off-farm water efficiency programs;
a number of projects in the Murray-Darling Basin that are currently ‘shovel ready’;
the recommendations made in the 1200 Bridges Too Far report by the Australia Institute;
stocktake of projects that contribute to water savings;
socio-economic impacts of changes to water entitlements;
the National Water Grid Connections Pathway;
new projects announced in the budget including the Eurobodalla Southern Storage, the Werribee Irrigation District Modernisation project, and the Murray Darling River modelling initiative;
reassessment of projects in Menindee Lakes;
erosion of the banks at the Barmah Choke;
federal funding towards tranche three of Tasmania’s ‘Pipeline to Prosperity’ projects;
the Murray-Darling Community Investment Package;
water entitlement compliance measures enforced by the MDBA; and
the Dungowan Dam project.2
Senator Susan McDonald

  • 1
    Proof Hansard, 28 May 2021, pp. 3–13.
  • 2
    Proof Hansard, 28 May 2021, pp. 13–67.

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