Submissions received by the Committee

Sale of timber assets by the South Australian Government

Submissions received by the Committee

Sub No.

1Mr Larry Wilson (PDF 31KB) 
2Gunns Timber Products (Gunns Ltd) (PDF 3017KB) 
3Mr Michael Bleby (PDF 34KB) Attachment 1(PDF 45KB) Attachment 2(PDF 51KB) Attachment 3(PDF 13KB) 
4Hardware Association of SA Inc. (PDF 63KB) 
5CFMEU (Construction, Forestry, Mining and Energy Union) (PDF 39KB) 
6City of Mount Gambier (PDF 339KB) 
7Hon. J J Snelling MP, Treasurer of South Australia (PDF 344KB) Attachment 1(PDF 980KB) 
8TABMA (Aust) Ltd (Timber and Building Materials Association) (PDF 51KB) 
9National Association of Forest Industries (NAFI) (PDF 48KB) 
10District Council of Grant (PDF 3261KB) 
11Wattle Range Council (PDF 403KB) 
12Mr Des Taylor (PDF 7KB) 
13Mayor Richard Sage, District Council of Grant (PDF 125KB) 
14Mr Ian McDonnell (PDF 68KB) 
15South East Local Government Association (SELGA) (PDF 49KB) 
16Mr Jerry Leech (PDF 114KB) 
17Australian Manufacturing Workers Union (AMWU) (PDF 34KB) 
18SA Government Department of Environment and Natural Resources (PDF 614KB) 
19Mr Bob Newman (PDF 14KB) 

Additional Information Received

1Document tabled by Mayor Peter Gandolfi, Wattle Range Council on 30 March 2011 in Mt Gambier. Copy of the 'Charter of the South Australian Forestry Corporation'.(PDF 1080KB) 

Answers to Questions on Notice

1Answers to questions taken on notice on 30 March 2011 in Mt Gambier(PDF 405KB) 

For further information, contact:

Committee Secretary
Senate Standing Committees on Rural Affairs and Transport
PO Box 6100
Parliament House
Canberra ACT 2600

Phone:+61 2 6277 3511
Fax:+61 2 6277 5811