APPENDIX 4 - Chronology of meetings 2007-2011

APPENDIX 4 - Chronology of meetings 2007-2011



Response to Asian honey bee incursion




4 May 2007

Asian honey bees (AHB) detected in Portsmith, Cairns, Qld

The first nest of Asian honey bees was detected in the mast of a yacht, which had been in dry dock for about 18 months. Queensland mounted an immediate response to eradicate AHB. (See attachment G)

27 Nov 2008

Consultative Committee on Emergency Animal Diseases  (CCEAD) teleconference [1]

At the request of the National Biosecurity Committee (NBC), a Consultative Committee on Asian honey bees (CCEAD) met to consider the technical feasibility of eradication and develop a draft national response plan. The CCEAD considered an initial national response proposal from Queensland, but agreed that it required further work.

11 Dec 2008

National Biosecurity Committee (NBC) meeting

NBC noted that work was underway to develop a response plan, and recommended that a National Management Group (NMG) be convened to consider the plan.

20 Feb 2009

NBC meeting

NBC met to consider progress in the development of a national response plan and whether emergency honey bee pests and diseases were included in the Emergency Plant Pest Response Deed (EPPRD).

19 Mar 2009

CCEAD teleconference

The CCEAD met to discuss a revised response plan by Queensland but decided that further information was required before the plan could be endorsed. The CCEAD noted that 19 infestations had been detected and endorsed moves to increase surveillance and eradication activities over the next quarter.

21 May 2009

CCEAD teleconference

The CCEAD met to discuss the progress of the Queensland AHB response and an amended national plan. The CCEAD endorsed the plan for submission to Primary Industry Standing Committee (PISC), recommending that the national eradication response be funded through a cost-sharing split of 80% government and 20% industry, pending categorisation of AHB.

25 June 2009

CCEAD teleconference

The CCEAD met to discuss the ongoing feasibility of eradication. The CCEAD agreed that based on the information available, eradication continued to be feasible and called for work to commence on a detailed cost-benefit and beneficiary analysis.

13 July 2009

NBC out of session paper

The CCEAD provided an out of session paper to NBC, seeking its agreement to seek PISC endorsement to form a national group of CEOs (NMG equivalent) for AHB. The NBC also determined that bees and bee pests should be treated as if under the EPPRD, rather than the Emergency Animal Disease Response Agreement.

14 July 2009

Primary Industries Standing Committee (PISC) out of session paper

PISC agreed to the establishment of an AHB NMG to consider the response plan and cost sharing, and oversee the eradication program.

18 Aug 2009

Joint PISC/NMG teleconference on Asian honey bees

PISC/NMG reaffirmed that for the purposes of responding to the incursion, arrangements would occur as if the incursion was under the EPPRD, noting that funding decisions could not be agreed without ministerial endorsement. PISC/NMG agreed to endorse the Emergency AHB Response Plan, subject to jurisdictions’ budgetary processes. It was noted that PHA would initiate a process of categorising AHB.

10 Sept 2009

Correspondence with Pollination Australia and pollination-reliant industries

DAFF wrote to Pollination Australia seeking funding support for the response to the AHB incursion. PHA also wrote to a number of pollination-reliant industries seeking their advice on whether they considered themselves affected by the AHB incursion.

31 Aug 2009

Situation report

44 AHB detections as at this date, 13 since July 2009.

3 Sept 2009

CCEAD teleconference

The CCEAD met to discuss the management plan and funding issues. The CCEAD agreed to advise NMG that Queensland’s cost had increased from $0.52m to $1.12m. The CCEAD also agreed that a Scientific Advisory Panel (SAP) be formed to determine eradication feasibility.

24 Sept 2009

PISC meeting

PISC agreed for the AHB eradication program to be managed in accordance with the EPPRD.

26 Oct 2009

Scientific Advisory Panel (SAP) meeting

The SAP discussed the feasibility of eradicating AHB. It was agreed that Queensland would develop a surveillance plan for eradiciation. The SAP agreed to meet again to consider the plan.

6 Nov 2009

Primary Industries Ministerial Council (PIMC) meeting

PIMC affirmed PISC’s decision for the AHB eradication program to be managed in accordance with the EPPRD.

25 Nov 2009

Situation report

55 AHB infestations detected.

30 Nov 2009

SAP meeting

The SAP met to discuss the surveillance plan developed by Queensland. The SAP endorsed the the surveillance plan, subject to minor amendments.

11 Dec 2009

CCEAD teleconference

The CCEAD met to discuss the SAP’s report and the surveillance plan. The CCEAD agreed that it was technically possible to eradicate AHB based on the surveillance plan. It was agreed that the plan should be modified and presented to PISC as a response plan.

28 Jan 2010

NMG teleconference

NMG met to discuss cost-sharing considerations. NMG requested that a cost-benefit analysis on the feasibility of an eradication program by February 2010. PHA was asked to complete the categorisation process and beneficiary analysis by February 2010.

10 Feb 2010

CCEAD teleconference

The CCEAD met to discuss the technical feasibility of eradication. The CCEAD agreed that eradication was technically feasible but noted that the confidence was waning on the likelihood of success. The CCEAD also discussed the exit criterion from the eradication program of ‘an expansion of the infested area by more than 50%’, as a recent finding at Lake Eacham had increased the infested area by 49%. The CCEAD agreed that the exit criterion would be modified to accommodate further findings of AHB within 5km of the Lake Eacham swarm without triggering an exit from the eradication program.

22 Feb 2010

AHB Categorisation Group teleconference

The AHB Categorisation Group Meeting met to categorise AHB under an ‘EPPRD-like’ process. The category outcome for Apis cerana (AHB) was Category 2.

17 Mar 2010

NMG teleconference

NMG met to discuss the CCEAD deliberations on technical feasibilility, the proposed response plan, the beneficiary and cost-benefit analyses and categorisation. NMG accepted the recommendation of the AHB Categorisation Group that AHB be listed as a Category 2 pest. They noted the advice from the CCEAD on exit criteria/trigger points for review and agreed to recommend to PIMC that national funding be provided from 1 July 2009 to 31 December 2010.

23 Apr 2010

CCEAD teleconference

The CCEAD met to discuss the response plan in detail and agreed that further work was required on the plan.  

23 April 2010

PIMC meeting

PIMC agreed to the national funding of the AHB eradication program from 1 July 2009 to 31 December 2010.

16 June 2010

Situation report

111 infestations detected as of this date.

21 June 2010

CCEAD teleconference

The CCEAD discuss progress of the eradication program, and agreed to circulate the Rural Industries Research and Development Corporation (RIRDC) report ‘Estimating the Potential Public Costs of the Asian Honeybee Incursion’ to members.

2 Sept 2010

Situation report

188 infestations detected.

2 Sept 2010

NMG teleconference

NMG noted the funding implications following advice from AHBIC that it could only fund $100,000 of its $612,881 contribution and requested that Queensland provide advice on the impact of any shortfall in funding. NMG noted that Queensland had engaged an independent epidemiology consultant to review surveillance and other data, with a particular emphasis on the question of eradicability.

29 Oct 2010

Consultative Committee for Emergency Plant Pests (CCEPP) teleconference

The CCEPP met to discuss the feasibility of eradication and the continuation of the program. Consensus was not reached on extension of the program or technical feasibility of eradication. 

4 Nov 2010

PIMC meeting

PIMC agreed to extend the eradication program to 31 March 2011 and asked NMG for advice on future activities.

25 Jan 2011

CCEPP teleconference

The CCEPP met to discuss the feasibility of eradication. The CCEPP did not reach consensus on the eradicability of AHB. The CCEPP agreed to prepare a paper outlining the views of each of the parties, for NMG’s consideration.

31 Jan 2011

NMG teleconference

NMG formed the view that AHB is no longer technically feasible to eradicate, although consensus was not reached. NMG agreed to recommend continued funding for residual activities being carried out under the current program until 31 March 2011. It was also agreed that a group of senior biosecurity officials and industry (AHB Coordination Group) should meet to determine whether any further national action is warranted.

3 March 2011

Situation report

357 swarms and nests detected as at this date.

15 March 2011

AHB Coordination Group teleconference

The AHB Coordination Group met to discuss whether further national action is required. Pollination-reliant industries invited by Minister Ludwig also attended the teleconference. Queensland agreed to prepare an action plan to be implemented post-31 March 2011.

24 March 2011

Situation report

364 swarms or nests detected as at this date.

29 March 2011

AHB Coordination Group teleconference

The AHB Coordination Group met to discuss the draft Transitional Containment Program developed by Queensland. Members agreed to provide comment on the program by          6 April 2011 and consider agreement/contributions to the funding of the plan. The group is to meet again on 19 April 2011.

31 March 2011

Situation report

368 swarms and nests detected as at this date, including IPs in Cairns, White Rock and Gordonvale.

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