Appendix 3

Appendix 3

Documents tabled at public hearings

The long term sustainable management of the Murray-Darling Basin

Tuesday 10 March 2009, Parliament House, Canberra

Lodged By


Murray-Darling Basin Water Crisis Management Council

Federal Murray-Darling Basin water plan could wipe $28 billion off GDP, Brochure, 8 pages.

Appendix 1: Analysis of the 2007 federal water plan, 5 pages.

Murray-Darling Basin Water Crisis Management Council

Murray-Darling Basin Water Crisis Management Council, Recommendations to Committee, 1 page.

Murray-Darling Basin Water Crisis Management Council

Naïve Trade balance, Food and Beverage, Australia 1998 to 2009, Monthly, Graph, 1 page.

Murray-Darling Basin Water Crisis Management Council

Food and Beverage Imports, Jan 1988 to Jan 2009, Graph.

Food and Beverage Exports, Jan 1988 to Jan 2009, Graph.

1 page.

Murray-Darling Basin Water Crisis Management Council

Copy of 'The Customs House Agreement', Agricultural Production Destination Committee, Queensland Nationals, dated 9 May 2009, 6 pages.

Murray-Darling Basin Water Crisis Management Council

National Background, Murray-Darling Basin Water Crisis Management Council, 3 pages.

Murray-Darling Basin Water Crisis Management Council

Copy of newspaper article, Herald Sun, Fill'er up, say voters, October 25 2006, 5 pages.

Namoi Water

Briefing Note to Senator the Hon. Penny Wong, Minister for Climate Change and Water, Northern Basin Tour, Moree, Monday 2 March 2009, Naomi Water, 3 pages.

Australian Conservation Foundation

Australian Conservation Foundation, Land and water reform in the Murray-Darling Basin, 16 October 2008, 9 pages.

Wentworth Group of Concerned Scientists

Wentworth Group of Concerned Scientists, Opening Statement, 10 March 2009, 4 pages.

Wentworth Group of Concerned Scientists

Murrumbidgee River: inflow, outflow and water use for irrigation, Graph.

Murray River Flow at Mouth, Graph sourced from Professor Shahbaz Khan, CSIRO Land and Water/ Charles Sturt University.

2 pages.

Friday 13 March 2009, Parliament House, Canberra

Lodged By


Professor Mike Young

M. Young and J. McColl, Double Trouble: the importance of accounting for and defining water entitlements consistent with hydrological realities, The Australian Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics, vol. 53, pp 19-35.

Professor Mike Young

M. Young and J. McColl, Grounding connectivity: Do rivers have aquifier rights? Droplet No. 13, 1 page.

Professor Mike Young

M. Young and J. McColl, Shepherding water: unregulated water allocation and management, Droplet No. 15, 3 pages.

Professor Mike Young

Downsize and reconfigure? Schematic diagram, 1 page.

Inland Rivers Network

Inland Rivers Network, Current Opportunities in NSW for environmental water, 2 pages.

Inland Rivers Network

Inland Rivers Network, Recommendations for improving the ecological resilience of the Darling River system, 2 pages.

Inland Rivers Network

Map of Castlereagh, Macquarie and Bogan Valleys, 1 page.

Inland Rivers Network

Inland Rivers Network, The Darling: a valuable friend, Brochure, 16 pages.

Inland Rivers Network

Inland Rivers Network, Freshwater Protected Areas: new and existing tools for conserving freshwater ecosystems in Australia, National Conference 2004, Statement, Recommendations and Supporting Papers, 100 pages.

Senator Mary Jo Fisher

Response to Senate order that the Minister for Climate Change and Water, by 10 March 2009, lay certain documents on the table in relation to section 86A of the Water Act 2007, 1 page.

Monday 16 March 2009, Parliament House, Canberra

Lodged By



CSIRO, Water Availability in the Murray-Darling Basin: a report from CSIRO to the Australian Government, October 2008, 67 pages.


CSIRO, Water Availability in the Murray-Darling Basin: a summary of a report from CSIRO to the Australian Government, October 2008, 11 pages.

Mr Geoff Williams

Senate Rural & Regional Affairs & Transport Committee – Murray-Darling Basin Inquiry, 12 March 2009, Geoff Williams – Teleconference Link, Powerpoint Presentation, 23 pages.

Bourke Shire Council

G. Wise, General Manager, Bourke Shire Council, Draft Report Prepared by Bourke Shire Council for the property Toorale, in relation to tan estimate of Input costs for the Toorale Business Operations, 21 September 2008, 13 pages.

Bourke Shire Council

G. Wise, General Manager, Bourke Shire Council, Structural Adjustments for the Bourke Community to deliver social, economic and cultural offsets to address land use change at Toorale, 21 October 2008, 7 pages.

Questions on Notice

Water Management in the Coorong and Lower Lakes

Tuesday 9 September 2008, Parliament House, Canberra

1. Queensland Department of Natural Resources and Water: Answers to Questions on Notice.

Wednesday 10 September 2008, Stamford Grand Hotel, Adelaide

2. Professor Mike Young: Answers to Questions on Notice, received 1 October 2008.

Thursday 18 September 2008, Parliament House, Canberra

3. New South Wales Department of Water and Energy: Answers to Questions on Notice, received 9 October 2008.

Friday 19 September 2008, Parliament House, Canberra

4. Wentworth Group of Concerned Scientists: Answers to Questions on Notice.

5. Dr Matt Hipsey: Answers to Questions on Notice, received 19 September 2008.

6. Department of the Environment, Water, Heritage and the Arts: Answers to Questions on Notice and updated submission information, received 2 October 2008.

Friday 26 September 2008, Parliament House, Canberra

7. Murray-Darling Basin Commission: Answers to Questions on Notice.

The long term sustainable management of the Murray-Darling Basin

Tuesday 10 March 2009, Parliament House, Canberra hearing

8. Australian Conservation Foundation: Answers to Questions on Notice, received 23 March 2009.

9. Australian Floodplain Association: Answers to Questions on Notice, received 16 March 2009.

Friday 13 March 2009, Parliament House, Canberra hearing

10. Department of Environment, Water Heritage and the Arts: Answers to Questions on Notice, received 9 April 2009.

11. Murray-Darling Basin Authority:Answers to Questions on Notice, received 28 April 2009.

12. National Farmers Federation Water Task Force: Answers to Questions on Notice, received 1 April 2009.

13. Professor Mike Young: Answers to Questions on Notice, received 18 March 2009.

Monday 16 March 2009, Parliament House, Canberra hearing

14. CSIRO: Answers to Questions on Notice, received 1 April 2009.

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