Appendix 1

Appendix 1

List of Submissions

Water Management in the Coorong and Lower Lakes

1.         Department of the Environment, Water, Heritage and the Arts

1A.       Department of the Environment, Water, Heritage and the Arts

2.         WMAwater

3.         Fair Water Use (Australia)

4.         Mr John (Jack) King

5.         Ms Cherril Jones

6.         Mr Allan Jones

7.         Mike and Mary Galea

8.         Mr Trevor Giles

9.         Ms Janie Wilson

10.       NSW Irrigators' Council

11.       Mr Bob Hamilton-Bruce 

12.       MainStream Enviromental Consulting Pty Ltd and RiverSmart Australia

13.       Southern Alexandrina Business Association

14.       Mr Steve Posselt

15.       Mr Henry Jones

16.       Boating Industry Association of South Australia Inc.

17.       Humane Society International

18.       Ms Vesper Tjukonai

19.       Mr Mike South

20.       Mr Peter Murray

21.       Alexandrina Council

22.       Goulburn Valley Environment Group

23.       Ms Paula Horbelt

24.       Mr Mitch Williams MP

25.       Mr George Gordon

26.       GetUp! Action for Australia

27.       River Lakes and Coorong Action Group Inc.

28.       Mr George Bennett

29.       Bruce and Annette Allnutt

30.       Mr John Eckermann

31.       Australian Management Consolidated Pty Ltd

32.       Ms Liz Yelland

33.       Mr Matthew Dowling

34.       Ms Kathryn Rothe

35.       CSIRO

36.       Mannum Progress Association

37.       Mr Ali Baker

38.       Mr Peter Marsh

39.       Ms Lesley Fischer

40.       Kerri Muller NRM

41.       Ms Karyn Bradford

42.       Plug The Pipe

43.       Ms Maria Riedl 

44.       Acheron Valley Watch Inc

45.       Environmental Defenders Office (SA) Inc.

46.       Professor Diane Bell 

47.       Name withheld

48.       Waterfind Environment Fund SA

49.       Ms Mary Chandler 

50.       Cotton Australia

51.       Mr Peter Smith OAM 

52.       Faculty of Sciences, Earth and Environmental Sciences, University of Adelaide

53.       Ms Mary Chandler

54.       Queensland Farmers' Federation

55.       Mr Barry McClure 

56.       Ms Anne Hartnett 

57.       Coorong, Lakes and Murray Waterkeeper

58.       Ms Joan Gibbs, School of Natural and Built Environments, University of South Australia

59.       Mr Nigel Croser

60.       Queensland Department of Natural Resources and Water

61.       Murray-Darling Basin Water Crisis Management Council

62.       Mr Keith Loeser

63.       NSW Farmers' Association

64.       Mr Tony Windsor MP

65.       NSW Department of Water and Energy

66.       The Coorong District Council

67.       Joe, Lorraine & Michael Leese

68.       National Farmers' Federation

69.       Inland Rivers Network

70.       Mr John (Jack) King

71.       Wentworth Group of Concerned Scientists NSW

72.       Murray Irrigation Limited

73.       South Australian Government

74.       Professor Jerry Vanclay

75.       Dr. R.W Vervoort

76.       Murray-Darling Basin Commission

77.       Murray-Darling Association Inc.

78.       Chris and Cheryl Bagley

79.       Professor Allan Barton

80.       Biodynamic Agriculture Australia

81.       Australian Conservation Foundation

82.       Mr John Caldecott

83.       Mr R Ian Morse

84.       Mr Robert S. Burke.

The long term sustainable management of the Murray-Darling Basin

1.         Ms Sarah Moles

2.         CSIRO

3.         Ms Ellen Hogan

4.         Murray Darling Basin Commission

5.         River Lakes and Coorong Action Group Inc.

6.         Dr Willem Vervoort and Mr Floris van Ogrop, Faculty of Agriculture, Food and Natural Resources, University of Sydney

7.         Environment and Property Protection Association

8.         Ms Liz Yelland

9.         Inland Rivers Network Inc.

10.       National Parks Association of NSW

11.       The Australian Network of Environmental Defender's Offices

12.       Queensland Department of Natural Resources and Water

13.       National Farmers' Federation

14.       Conservation Council of South Australia

15.       Australian Human Rights Commission

16.       Mr David Tipping

17.       Mr Peter Brohier

17A.     Mr Peter Brohier

18.       Mr Ronald Wilde

19.       Murray-Darling Basin Water Crisis Management Council.

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