Public hearing - Canberra, Thursday 25 February 2010

Inquiry into The possible impacts and consequences for public health, trade and agriculture of the Government’s decision to relax import restrictions on beef

Public hearing - Canberra, Thursday 25 February 2010

Main Committee Room – Parliament House



Sub No.

5.00 pm

Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry (including Biosecurity Services Group)
Mr Paul Morris, Executive Manager, Trade and Market Access
Dr Andy Carroll, Chief Veterinary Officer
Dr Bob Biddle, General Manager, Animal Health Programs
Ms Narelle Clegg, General Manager, Residues and Food Safety

Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade
Mr Tim Yeend, First Assistant Secretary, Office of Trade Negotiations
Ms Caroline McCarthy, Director, Food Trade and Quarantine Section, Office of Trade Negotiations

Department of Health and Ageing (including Food Standards Australia New Zealand)
Professor Jim Bishop, Chief Medical Officer
Ms Mary McDonald, First Assistant Secretary, Regulatory Policy and Governance Division
Ms Kylie Jonasson, Assistant Secretary, Research, Regulation and Food Branch
Ms Amanda Hill, Manager, Food Safety, Food Standards Australia New Zealand
Mr Steve McCutcheon, Chief Executive Officer, Food Standards Australia New Zealand
Mr Cain Sibley, Acting General Council








7.00 pm

Red Meat Advisory Council (Via Teleconference)
Mr Ian McIvor, AM, Chairman


7.30 pm

Adjournment of Hearing


For further information, contact:

Committee Secretary
Senate Standing Committees on Rural and Regional Affairs and Transport
PO Box 6100
Parliament House
Canberra ACT 2600

Phone: +61 2 6277 3511
Fax: +61 2 6277 5811