Appendix 3 - List of tabled documents and additional information

Appendix 3 - List of tabled documents and additional information

Tabled Documents

Date  Tabled by  Description 
22/2/05  Pastoralists and Graziers Association of Western Australia  Information brief titled "Iraq Debt – the Facts" (Hansard p. 2) 
22/2/05  Pastoralists and Graziers Association of Western Australia  GCA memorandum -16 July 1993 (Hansard p. 2) 
22/2/05  WAFarmers  Minutes of meeting – undated (Hansard p. 21) 
22/2/05  WAFarmers  GCA meeting agenda - 2 August 2001 (Hansard p. 21) 
22/2/05  WAFarmers   WAFarmers 'grain grabs' press release "Iraq wheat debt" - June 2004 (Hansard p. 21) 
22/2/05  WAFarmers  Email correspondence from GCA – 14 May 2004 (Hansard p. 21)  
22/2/05  WAFarmers  Video "Iraq debt" (Hansard p. 21) 

Additional information provided to the Committee

Date  Provided by  Description 
3/3/05  Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade  Letter to the Committee secretary clarifying statements made in evidence (see Hansard pp. 17-18) 
18/3/05  Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade  Letter indicating that information on negotiations into terms of EFIC insurance could not be located (see Hansard p. 16) 
21/3/05  Pastoralists' and Graziers' Association of Western Australia  Letter to Committee responding to claims made in evidence (see Hansard p. 63) 
22/3/05  Export Finance and Insurance Corporation (EFIC)  Response to Committee request for information on EFIC's insurance arrangements with AWB 
23/3/05  AWB Ltd  Response to questions taken on notice (see Hansard p. 3, p. 10 and p. 13) 
11/4/05  AWB Ltd  Further response to question on notice (see Hansard p. 11)  
16/5/05  AWB Ltd  Further response to question on notice (see Hansard p. 11)  
23/5/05  EFIC   Further response to Committee request for information on EFIC's insurance arrangements with AWB 
2/6/02  DFAT  Clarification of information provided in the joint submission 

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