Appendix 2

Appendix 2

Witnesses who appeared before the Committee at the Public Hearings

Friday 11 October 2002 - Albany, Western Australia

Department of Conservation and Land Management

Mr John Bartle, Manager, Farm Forestry Unit, Science Division

WA Plantation Resources Pty Ltd

Mr Murray Bowles, Estate Manager

Timbercorp Ltd

Mr George Bray, Planning Consultant

Forest Products Commission Western Australia

Mr Gavin Butcher, Divisional Manager, Plantation Operations

Australian Forest Growers Commercial Plantations Western Australia

Mr Gavin Ellis, Chairman, Executive Director, Great Southern Plantations Ltd

Shire of Plantagenet

Councillor Kevin Forbes, Shire President

Western Timber Cooperative Ltd

Mr James Frith, Director and Secretary

Albany Plantation Export Co. Pty Ltd

Mr Peer George, General Manager, Chipmill and Harvesting Division

Albany Port User Liaison Group

Mr Ian Peacock, Chairman

Conservation Council of Western Australia

Dr Beth Schultz, Vice-President

Western Australia Forest Alliance

Mr Rob Versluis, Affiliated Member

Timber 2002

Mr John Walker, Chairman, Plantation Grower, City councillor, Albany City Council

Plantall Forestry Consultants

Mr David Wettenhall, Consultant

Albany Port Authority

Mr Bradley Williamson, Chief Executive Officer


Friday, 29 November 2002 - Launceston, Tasmania

Guns Plantation Ltd

Mr Les Baker, Executive Director
Mr Ian Blanden, Manager

Forests and Forest Industry Council

Mr Trevor Bird, General Manager

Department of Infrastructure, Energy and Resources

Mr Andrew Blakesley, Director

Mrs Geraldine de Burgh-Day (Private capacity)

Mrs Evelyn Devito (Private capacity)

Ms Colleen Dibley (Private capacity)

Forestry Tasmania

Dr Johannes Drielsma, General Manager, Forest Management
Mr Paul Smith, Assistant General Manager Operations

Mr John Hayward (Private capacity)

Private Forests Tasmania

Mr Desmond King, Chief Executive Officer

Mr Malcolm Ryan (Private capacity)

Ms Gwenda Sheridan (Private capacity)

Launceston Environment Centre Inc.

Mr Peter Sims, Chairman
Mr Christopher Strong, Community Representative

Mount Arthur Environment Management Group

Mr Simon Wearne, Member


Thursday, 20 February 2003 - Parliament House, Canberra

National Association of Forest Industries

Ms Kate Carnell, Executive Director
Mr Phil Townsend, Deputy Executive Director

Environment Australia

Dr Rhondda Dickson, Acting First Assistant Secretary

Mr Theo Hooy, Acting Assistant Secretary, Water Branch, Marine and Water Division

Dr Ryde James (Private capacity)

Rural Industries Research and Development Corporation

Dr Rosemary Lott, Research Manager, Joint Venture Agroforestry Program
Dr Roslyn Prinsley, General Manager, Research, Joint Venture Agroforestry Program

Mr Robert Newman (Private capacity)

Australian Greenhouse Office

Mr Paul Ryan, Assistant Manager, Greenhouse and Land Management Team


Friday, 21 February 2003 - Parliament House, Canberra

Institute of Foresters of Australia

Mr Tony Bartlett, Director
Mr Jim Donaldson, Member, Executive Committee, ACT Division
Professor Peter Kanowski, Member and Professor of Forestry, Australian National University

Greening Australia

Mr Carl Binning, Chief Executive Officer
Ms Julia Chalmers, Farm Forestry Program Coordinator

Australian National University

Ms Judy Clark, Postdoctoral Fellow, Centre for Resource and Environmental Studies

Australian Forest Growers

Mr Warwick Ragg, Executive Director
Mr Alan Cummine, Executive Director, Treefarm Investment Managers Australia Branch

Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry - Australia

Mr Matthew Dadswell, Manager, Forest Industry Development and Trade Section, Forest Industries Branch
Mr Darryl Quinlivan, Executive Manager, Fisheries and Forestry

Plantation Timber Association of Australia

Mr Peter Juniper, Chief Executive
Mr Richard Stanton


Wednesday, 5 March 2003 - Parliament House, Canberra

Department of the Treasury

Mr Michael Buckley, Manager, Resources and Environment Unit
Mr Peter Mullins, General Manager, Business Income Division

Australian Taxation Office

Mr Nick Oliver, Assistant Commissioner of Taxation, Office of the Chief Counsel
Ms Cheryl-Lea field, Assistant Commissioner, Small Business
Mr Gary Hammersley, National Business Manager, Product Rulings


Tuesday, 29 April 2003 - Hobart, Tasmania

Ms Naomi Edwards (Private capacity)

Tasmanian Conservation Trust

Mr Alistair, Representative

Bass Forest Focus Forum

Mr Duncan Mills, Coordinator/Facilitator

Doctors for Forest

Dr Frank Nicklason, Spokesman

Forestry Tasmania

Mr Paul Smith, Assistant General Manager Operations
Ms Penny Warren, Chief Financial Officer

Schwabenforest Pty Ltd

Mr Frank Strie, Director, Forestry Consultant, Mobile Sawmiller and Community Ecoforestry Adviser

Kentish Council

Ms Annie Willock, Special Committee of Council - Forestry


Wednesday, 6 August 2003 - Launceston, Tasmania

Launceston City Council

Mr Stephen Ratcliffe, Manager, Hydraulic Modelling and Systems


Wednesday, 8 October 2003 - Parliament House, Canberra

Timber Communities Australia

Mr Barry Chipman, Tasmanian State Coordinator
Mr Jim Howes, Preolenna Mothers Group
Mrs Diana Pinner, Secretary, Preolenna Mothers Group
Mr Keith Smith, Preolenna Mothers Group

Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry

Mr Daryl Quinlivan, Acting Deputy Secretary
Mr Matthew Dadswell, Manager, Industry Development and Private Forestry, Forest Indutries Branch

Mr William Manning (Private capacity)