Additional comments by labor members

Additional comments by labor members

1.1 Labor Senators note the statement by Tasmanian Resources Minister, Bryan Green, on 30 August 2004, which announced significant changes to the Tasmanian forest practices system.

1.2 Minister Green's statement includes the following positive initiatives to be implemented by the Tasmanian Government:

1.3 According to Minister Green's statement:

1.4 Although the Committee was finalising this report at the time of Minister Green's announcement, and has not had time to fully consider the impact of the initiatives contained therein, Labor Senators are of the view that these initiatives will go some considerable way to addressing the findings of this Committee and the concerns of the Tasmanian and broader communities.

1.5 Labor Senators believe the Committee should monitor the implementation and progress of these initiatives, the outcomes of which may be relevant to any further inquiry of this Committee, as described in Recommendation 13.


Kerry O'Brien- Senator for Tasmania  

Ursula Stephens - Senator for New South Wales

Geoff Buckland - Senator for South Australia