Chapter 1


Chapter 1

IntroductionCommittee's Inquiry

Referral of the Bill

1.1 On 9 December 1998, the Selection of Bills Committee recommended to the Senate, and the Senate agreed, that the Regional Forest Agreements Bill 1998 (the Bill) be referred to the Rural and Regional Affairs and Transport Legislation Committee for consideration and report by 15 February 1999. On 15 February 1999 the Senate agreed that the time for preparation and presentation of the Committee's report be extended to 25 February 1999.

1.2 In its report to the Senate, the Selection of Bills Committee drew attention to the following issue for the Committee's consideration:

1.3 The Selection of Bills Committee, in its report to the Senate, recommended that the Committee seek submissions or evidence from environment groups, EDOs and industry groups.

Conduct of the inquiry

1.4 The Committee advertised the reference of the Bill to it in capital city newspapers on 22 December 1998. In addition the Committee wrote directly to a large number of environment groups, EDOs, and timber and forestry industry groups ranging from major processors to groups representing industry interests.

1.5 The Committee had an overwhelming response to its advertisements, and invitations for submissions, receiving 371 written submissions.

1.6 A list of those who made written submissions to the Committee's inquiry is at Appendix 1.

1.7 The Committee held three hearings on this Bill: two full days' hearing in Melbourne on 1 and 2 February 1999, and an evening hearing on a number of other issues relating to the Bill in Canberra on 16 February 1999.

1.8 A list of those who presented evidence to the Committee during the public hearing program is in Appendix 2.

1.9 In addition to written submissions received by the Committee, the Committee requested and received a comprehensive opinion prepared by the Office of General Counsel in the Attorney-General's Department on a number of constitutional and related issues raised by the reference of the Bill, and other matters affecting Regional Forest Agreements, prepared by Mr Gary Corr, Barrister at Law.

1.10 This opinion is referred to in the course of the report, and has been tabled with the report, along with several other opinions that are referred to in Chapter 8.

1.11 The Committee also received a large number of supplementary submissions and other material from witnesses, and particularly from the Department of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries - Australia in relation to specific matters raised during the Committee's hearings. A list of that supplementary material is shown in Appendix 3.

Consideration of the Committee's report

1.12 The Committee met on 23 February 1999 to consider its report on the Bill.


1.13 The Committee acknowledges the great deal of effort and time that has been put into this inquiry by all those who went to the trouble to prepared detailed written submissions on the Bill and on the RFA process. The Committee acknowledges particularly that the issues surrounding the RFA process are of continuing considerable interest to a large number of people and groups in the States participating in the RFA process. It has attempted to deal with a number of issues raised in submissions, that may not be directly relevant to the Bill, as a way of acknowledging and illustrating this interest and concern.

1.14 The Committee also thanks the witnesses who gave evidence at the Committee's hearings, often at short notice, and the members of the community who attended the hearings.

1.15 The Committee also acknowledges the considerable assistance provided to it on the examination of this Bill by the Bills Digest on the Bill prepared by the Parliamentary Library Information Research Service.