Chapter 2


Chapter 2

Background to the Bill


2.1 On 3 December 1998 the Government introduced into the House of Representatives the Quarantine Amendment Bill 1998. The Bill seeks to amend the Quarantine Act 1908, the main legislative basis for the control and management of quarantine in Australia.

The Governments response to the Nairn Report

2.2 According to the Second Reading Speech, the amendments proposed in the Bill represent the Governments response to the Nairn Report - Australian Quarantine: A shared responsibility:

2.3 The Government accepted most of the recommendations of the Nairn report:

The Government did not, however, accept the need to create a statutory authority called “Quarantine Australia” and recommendations related to its creation. Hence where the report refers to Quarantine Australia, AQIS will be the agent carrying out the recommendation.

2.4 The Nairn Report recommendations directly relevant to the terms of reference of this Committee include recommendations 51, 52, 81 and 82. Recommendation 51 covers, subject to audit arrangements, the use of industry developed quality assurance arrangements for low risk quarantine goods and tasks. Recommendation 52 recommends:

2.5 Recommendation 81 recommended that Government animal quarantine stations be run on a more commercial basis. Recommendation 82 argued in principle that, subject to audit and appropriate security, the stations should be offered for privatisation.

2.6 The report also made recommendations concerning the need for quarantine decisions to take greater account of environmental considerations.

2.7 Some of the items in the Bill are arguably not relevant to the Government's response to the Nairn Report. The Government is also using the opportunity of a major amendment to the Act to bring certain aspects of the Act into line with current drafting policy with regard to the drafting of Commonwealth legislation and to update the language used in the Act.

Outline of the Bill

2.8 According to the Explanatory Memorandum accompanying the Bill, the major provisions of the Bill cover:

2.9 According to the Parliamentary Library Bills Digest the bill also provides:

This includes a reframing of or extensions to the powers of the Governor-General, Minister and other delegates of the Act.

Provisions of the Bill relevant to this inquiry

2.10 Of particular relevance to the reference are the proposed amendments to the Act with regard to the issuing, revoking and suspension of approvals for commercially operated quarantine premises. Currently section 46A of the Act allows the delegate to approve places for the performance of quarantine by goods as follows:

2.11 In item 200, the Bill repeals the existing section 46A, along with section 47 and section 48 and inserts new sections 46A, 48, 48AA, 48AB and 48AC. In particular the new 46A sets out the framework and criteria for approval of premises for quarantine of goods of a specified class. It also covers the framework and criteria for suspending or revoking approvals, renewing approvals and the offences that apply to failing to take action if approval expires, is suspended or revoked.

2.12 Issues considered by the Committee with regard to commercially operated premises and the privatisation of quarantine stations are discussed in Chapter 3.

Other provisions of the Bill discussed in the course of the inquiry

2.13 During the course of the inquiry a number of other amendments were discussed, including amendments covering:

2.14 Special Quarantine Areas –item 60 of the Bill inserts new sections 5A-5E. The explanatory memorandum indicates that the intention of the new section 5A is to enable the minister to declare an area to be a special quarantine notice by publishing a notice in the Gazette. 5B-5E are more general and do not appear to be specifically related to the issue of special quarantine areas.

2.15 Privilege against self incrimination – item 295 of the Bill inserts an new section 79A Exclusion of privilege against self incrimination in certain circumstances as follows:

2.16 Delegation powers of the Minister - item 82 repeals existing sections 10, 10A and 10B. According to the Bills Digest:

2.17 The existing section 10 of the Act reads:

The Bill proposes that a new section 10 replace the existing section as follows:

2.18 The existing section 10A covers the revocation of delegations. It is the Committee's understanding that this is not required as it is covered in the Acts Interpretation Act 1901 under section 33(3). The new 10A provided for the Secretary to delegate their powers to a Director of Quarantine or officer.

2.19 The proposed section 10B allows the Director of Quarantine to delegate their powers to an officer, the old section 10B on the other hand covered the following:

2.20 Other amendments referred to involved extending the powers of the Governor General and the Minister. For example new section 12A extends the Ministers powers in relation to emergency quarantine measures, including declaring an epidemic or danger thereof. Insertions into Section 13 of the Act extends some of the Governor-General's powers in relation to making proclamations concerning such things as vessels, persons, animals or goods in a quarantine area. These extended powers are not subject to disallowance by parliament.

2.21 Issues affecting the environment - item 86 of the Bill inserts a new Part 11A – Proposed decisions affecting the environment. In particular, the new section 11C-11E provides the requirement and corresponding framework for a Director of Quarantine to ensure the Environment Minister is advised before making a decision of significant risk to the environment. This amendment provides for an assessment of the impact on the environment to be given to the Environment Minister. It also provides for the Environment Minister to provide advice to the Director of Quarantine and for the Director to take this advice into account in making decisions under this and advise the Environment Minister of how this was taken into account.

2.22 Further discussion concerning these items of the Bill can be found in Chapter 4.


[1] Australian Quarantine – A shared Responsibility: The Government Response, p. 3.

[2] Second Reading Speech, p. 1.

[3] Nairn Report, Recommendation 51.

[4] Quarantine Amendment Bill 1998 – Explanatory Memorandum, p. 1.

[5] Quarantine Amendment Bill 1998 – Explanatory Memorandum, p. 3-4.

[6] Bills Digest No. 116 1998-1999, p. 1.

[7] Quarantine Act 1908.

[8] Quarantine Amendment Bill 1998, p. 136.

[9] Bills Digest No. 116 1998-1999, p. 10.

[10] Quarantine Act 1908. Section 10.

[11] Quarantine Amendment Bill 1998, p. 21.