Membership of the committee

Membership of the committee


Senator the Hon. Bill Heffernan, Chair

New South Wales, LP

Senator Glenn Sterle, Deputy Chair

Western Australia, ALP

Senator Sean Edwards (from 1 July 2011)

South Australia, LP

Senator Steve Hutchins (to 9 February 2011)

New South Wales, ALP

Senator Julian McGauran (to 30 June 2010)

Victoria, LP

Senator Christine Milne (to 11 September 2012)

Tasmania, AG

Senator Fiona Nash

New South Wales, NATS

Senator Kerry O'Brien (from 9 February 2011 to 30 June 2011)

Tasmania, ALP

Senator Anne Urquhart (from 6 July 2011 to 27 June 2012)

Tasmania, ALP

Senator the Hon. Lin Thorp (from 27 June 2012)

Tasmania, ALP

Senator Peter Whish-Wilson (from 11 September 2012)

Tasmania, AG

Substitute members for this inquiry

Senator Sarah Hanson-Young

South Australia, AG

   to replace Senator Christine Milne (to 30 June 2011)

Senator Larissa Waters

Queensland, AG

   to replace Senator Christine Milne (from 1 July to 11 September 2011)

Senator Bridget McKenzie

Victoria, NATS

   to replace Senator Fiona Nash (from 23 to 24 August 2012)

Senator Anne Ruston

South Australia, LP

   to replace Senator Sean Edwards (on 23 November 2012)

Participating members participating in this inquiry

Senator Alex Gallacher

South Australia, ALP

Senator Sarah Hanson-Young

South Australia, AG

Senator Barnaby Joyce

Queensland, NATS

Senator Bridget McKenzie

Victoria, NATS

Senator Lee Rhiannon

New South Wales, AG

Senator Anne Ruston

South Australia, LP

Senator Larissa Waters

Queensland, AG

Senator Nick Xenophon

South Australia, IND



Mr Stephen Palethorpe, Secretary (from 5 March 2012)
Ms Jeanette Radcliffe, Secretary (to 2 March 2012)
Ms Jackie Morris, Acting Secretary (from 8 to 28 June 2012)
Dr Chris Curran, Principal Research Officer
Mr Terry Brown, Principal Research Officer (from 14 January 2012)
Mr Derek Abbott, Principal Research Officer (to 1 December 2011)
Ms Trish Carling, Senior Research Officer
Mr Nick Craft, Senior Research Officer (from 26 November 2012)
Ms Callie Regan, WISE Participant (from 12 June to 19 September 2012)
Ms Kirsty Cattanach, Research Officer (from 7 January 2013)
Ms Cassimah Mackay, Research Officer (to 12 December 2012)
Ms Lauren Carnevale, Administrative Officer (from 24 September 2012)
Ms Carol Stewart, Administrative Officer (from 13 March to 21 September 2012 )
Ms Lauren McDougall, Administrative Officer (to 9 March 2012)


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Canberra ACT 2600
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