List of recommendations

List of recommendations

Recommendation 1

2.35    The committee recommends that the Government should, in consultation with relevant industry participants and with consideration to world’s best practice, develop and establish a national honey bee colony survey scheme to collect reliable and comprehensive data about the industry and inform future decisions. The survey should include the establishment of a residue monitoring project to analyse pesticide residues in plant and bee media.

Recommendation 2

2.50    The committee recommends that the Government liaise with state and territory land management agencies to establish relevant guidelines to clarify access to public lands for beekeepers within the next 12 months.

Recommendation 3

2.64    The committee recommends that the Government ensure that beekeeping and pollination services are considered as an integral part of free trade agreement negotiations, and consider the impact current agreements have on the industry.

Recommendation 4

2.77    The committee recommends that AHBIC, Pollination Australia and the Commonwealth government enter into discussions about the best way forward to enable the pollination industry to make a contribution for pollination services to research and development, and to biosecurity.

Recommendation 5

3.22    The committee recommends the categorisation of varroa destructor be completed as a matter of urgency to provide industry with funding certainty in case of an incursion.

Recommendation 6

3.35    The committee recommends that the Commonwealth government confirm, and consider enlarging, its commitment to the National Bee Pest Surveillance Program.

Recommendation 7

3.36    The committee recommends that the Commonwealth government give urgent consideration to facilitating efforts by the industry to import suitable varroa-resistant breeding material into Australia, subject to stringent biosecurity safeguards being put in place.

Recommendation 8

3.56    The committee recommends the Department of Agriculture consult with relevant industry groups to ensure quarantine concerns are addressed, either as part of the proposed facility relocation or through the establishment of a specific bee-centric facility.

Recommendation 9

3.71    The committee recommends the Department of Agriculture, in consultation with industry groups, review the Import Risk Analysis for honey bee commodities, with a view to protecting the Australian industry and its ‘clean, green’ reputation.

Recommendation 10

3.74    The committee recommends that the Commonwealth government, in consultation with the AHBIC and other relevant stakeholders, investigate the viability and benefits of producing an annual industry report in the terms outlined in paragraph 3.73.

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