Chapter 2

Annual reports of agencies

2.1        This chapter examines selected annual reports tabled during the period 1 November 2015 and 30 April 2016.

Agriculture and Water Resources Portfolio

Australian Grape and Wine Authority—Annual Report for 2014–15

2.2        On 1 July 2014, the Grape and Wine Research and Development Corporation (GWRDC) and the Wine Australia Corporation (Wine Australia) were amalgamated into the Australian Grape and Wine Authority (AGWA).

2.3        The committee welcomes AGWA's first annual report. The report details the particulars of grape and wine research and development, as well as grants and funding agreements for grape and wine research and development activities.[1]

2.4        The report notes that the amalgamation of GWRDC and Wine Australia saved $1 million in operating costs. The significance of these savings should be noted in the context of AGWA's expenditure of $21.8 million on grape and wine research and development for the 2014–15 financial year.[2]

2.5        The committee notes that AGWA reported on the particulars of grape and wine research and development in sections on key performance indicators and aligned research priorities.[3] The committee encourages AGWA to provide a more detailed assessment of the performance and impact of these research activities, and to consider providing disaggregated performance indicators in Appendix 1 when detailing individual research activities.[4] This would shift the focus of the report to include AGWA's performance rather than simply a description of AGWA's activities.

2.6        Overall, the committee considers the 2014–15 annual report of AGWA as well presented and compliant with reporting requirements.

Australian Pesticides and Veterinary Medicines Authority—Annual Report for 2014–15

2.7        The Australian Pesticides and Veterinary Medicines Authority (APVMA) annual report for 2014–15 outlines APVMA's performance on maintaining the safety of agricultural and veterinary chemicals in Australia.[5]

2.8        The committee commends the presentation of the APVMA's performance data. This data is presented as a clear one page summary, followed by detailed performance data on individual measures, and case studies, including one on the APVMA's new Office of the Chief Scientist.[6]

2.9        The committee notes that the APVMA does not address its proposed relocation to Armidale, despite an obligation to report on changes affecting the authority in annual reports. Other agencies with similarly proposed relocations to regional centres reported on this issue in their 2014–15 annual reports, and the committee draws attention to this omission.[7]

2.10      The committee considers the report to be compliant with annual reporting requirements and commends the APVMA on the report's clarity.

Infrastructure and Regional Development Portfolio

Airservices Australia—Report for 2014–15

2.11      The Airservices Australia annual report for 2014-15 outlines the agency's performance on aviation safety. It also notes the construction of new aviation rescue and firefighting stations at regional airports in Coffs Harbour, Ballina, Gladstone and Newman. Airservices Australia also commissioned its first sustainability report on enhancing environmental outcomes in the aviation sector during 2014–15.[8]

2.12      The committee commends the report's presentation of 2014–15 performance data, which provides a comparison with the target key performance indicators outlined in Airservices Australia's 2014-19 corporate plan. The tabulated and disaggregated target and actual performance data within the report's management and accountability section is particularly informative.[9]

2.13      The committee notes that the capital delivery key performance indicator was not met in 2014–15 in terms of delivery on time, within budget and within scope. This performance is significant given Airservices Australia and the Department of Defence signed a contract with Thales on 27 February 2015 to develop the OneSKY civil-military air traffic management system. As OneSKY is a 'critical transformation' and 'the future of aviation in Australia', the committee looks forward to Airservices Australia presenting clear and detailed capital project delivery performance data on OneSKY in annual reports to come.[10]

Senator Barry O'Sullivan

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