

Chapter 1 - Overview

[1]        Standing Orders and other orders of the Senate, September 2006, p. 27 (This Standing Order was amended 24 August 1994, 13 February 1997, 11 November 1998, 3 December 1998, 13 February 2002, 19 November 2002 and 14 August 2006).

[2]        Department of Prime Minister and Cabinet, Requirements for Annual Reports for Departments, Executive Agencies and FMA Act Bodies, June 2005, p. 2.

[3]        Commonwealth Authorities and Companies Act 1997, section 9.

[4]        Rural and Regional Affairs and Transport Legislation Committee Annual reports (No. 1 of 2006), p. 5; Rural and Regional Affairs and Transport Legislation Committee Annual reports (No. 2 of 2006), p. 4.

[5]        Department of Prime Minister and Cabinet, Requirements for Annual Reports for Departments, Executive Agencies and FMA Act Bodies, June 2005, p. 2.     

[6]        Rural and Regional Affairs and Transport Legislation Committee Annual reports (No. 1 of 2006), p. 4.

[7]        Commonwealth Authorities and Companies (Report of Operations) Orders 2005, section 17.

[8]        Rural and Regional Affairs and Transport Legislation Committee Annual reports (No. 1 of 2006), p. 4.

[9]        Commonwealth Authorities and Companies (Report of Operations) Orders 2005, section 18. This Guide can be accessed on the Commonwealth Disability Strategy website at

[10]      Department of Prime Minister and Cabinet, Requirements for Annual Reports for Departments, Executive Agencies and FMA Act Bodies, June 2005, pp 11-13 and 26-29.

[11]      Rural and Regional Affairs and Transport Legislation Committee Annual reports (No. 1 of 2005), p. 5; Rural and Regional Affairs and Transport Legislation Committee Annual reports (No. 1 of 2006), p. 5.

[12]      National Transport Commission Act 2003, section 38.

[13]      This document can be accessed at .

[14]      Senate Hansard, 9 November 2006, p. 126.

Chapter 2 - Annual reports of departments

[1]        Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry (DAFF), Annual Report 2005-06, pp 1-3.

[2]        DAFF, Annual Report 2005-06, pp 4 and 15.

[3]        DAFF, Annual Report 2005-06, pp 4-5.

[4]        DAFF, Annual Report 2005-06, pp 61-65.

[5]        DAFF, Annual Report 2005-06, pp 81 and 84.

[6]        DAFF, Annual Report 2005-06, pp 82 and 90-91.

[7]        DAFF, Annual Report 2005-06, p. 171.

[8]        DAFF, Annual Report 2005-06, pp 251-252.

[9]        DAFF, Annual Report 2005-06, p. 274.

[10]      DAFF, Annual Report 2005-06, p. 281.

[11]      Department of Transport and Regional Services (DOTARS), Annual Report 2005-06, pp 2-9.

[12]      DOTARS, Annual Report 2005-06, p. 11.

[13]      DOTARS, Annual Report 2005-06, pp 82-83.

[14]      DOTARS, Annual Report 2005-06, p. 63.

[15]      DOTARS, Annual Report 2005-06, pp 131-132.

[16]      DOTARS, Annual Report 2005-06, pp 181, 244-246, and 316; ANAO, Audits of the Financial Statements of Australian Government Entities for the Period Ended 30 June 2006, Audit Report No. 15, 2006-2007, p. 198.

[17]      DOTARS, Annual Report 2005-06, p. 174.