Table of Contents

Prudential Supervision and Consumer Protection for Superannuation, Banking and Financial Services
Third Report - Some Case Studies

Table of Contents

Membership of the Committee and Terms of Reference  PDF format  Word format

Preface  PDF format   Word format

Recommendations  PDF format   Word format

Abbreviations  PDF format   Word format

Chapter 1 
  The inquiry  PDF format   Word format

Chapter 2
  Auditors' role and obligations  PDF format   Word format

Chapter 3
  Expectation vs reality:  does the SIS Act measure up?   PDF format  Word format

Chapter 4
  The nature and reliability of audit reports  PDF format  Word format

Chapter 5
  The role of the professional bodies  PDF format   Word format

Appendix 1
  Submissions received  PDF format   Word format

Appendix 2
  Witnesses who appeared before the Committee at public hearings   PDF format  Word format

Appendix 3
  Tabled documents/exhibits   PDF format   Word format

Appendix 4
  Superannuation Industry (Supervision) Act 1993
Part 16 - Actuaries and auditors of superannuation entities   PDF format  Word format

Appendix 5
  List of Committee reports  PDF format   Word format