Appendix 2

Tabled documents, answers to questions on notice and additional information

Tabled documents

  1. Opening statement, tabled by Mr Peter Goon at public hearing, 22 March 2016
  2. On Air Power Australia: A Brief Introduction, tabled by Mr Peter Goon at public hearing, 22 March 2016
  3. 24 Million Software Lines of Code: What does this statement really mean?, tabled by Mr Peter Goon at public hearing, 22 March 2016
  4. Note on Analysing the Focus, Basis and Methods of Argumentation in Submission to Senate Inquiry into the JSF, tabled by Mr Peter Goon at public hearing, 22 March 2016
  5. Opening statement, tabled by Dr Andrew Davies at public hearing, 22 March 2016
  6. Opening statement, tabled by Dr Keith Joiner at public hearing, 22 March 2016
  7. Opening statement, tabled by Mr Raydon Gates at public hearing, 22 March 2016
  8. P. Goon, 'ZOCT Table', tabled by Senator Nick Xenophon at public hearing, 22 March 2016

Answers to questions on notice

  1. Australian Strategic Policy Institute - Answer to question on notice from public hearing held on 22 March 2016 (received 22 March 2016) 
  2. Defence Materials Technology Centre - Answers to questions on notice from public hearing held on 22 March 2016 (received 7 April 2016) 
  3. Northrop Grumman - Answers to questions on notice from public hearing held on 22 March 2016 (received 8 April 2016) 
  4. Sir Richard Williams Foundation - Answers to questions on notice from public hearing held on 22 March 2016 (received 14 April 2016) 
  5. Lockheed Martin - Answers to questions on notice from public hearing held on 22 March 2016 (received 18 April 2016) 
  6. Department of Defence - Answer to question on notice from public hearing held on 22 March 2016 (received 26 April 2016) 
  7. Australian Strategic Policy Institute - Answer to written question on notice from public hearing held on 22 March 2016 (received 27 April 2016) 
  8. Department of Defence - Answers to questions on notice from public hearing held on 22 March 2016 (received 4 May 2016)
  9. Department of Defence - Answers to questions on notice from public hearing held on 22 March 2016 (received 4 May 2016) 
  10. Department of Defence - Answer to question on notice from public hearing held on 22 March 2016 (received 30 September 2016)

Additional information

  1. United States of America Office of the Director, Operational Test and Evaluation (DOT&E), 'F-35 Joint Strike Fighter (JSF)' in FY2015 Annual Report, (received 2 February 2016)
  2. Compendium of DOT&E Annual Reports: F-22A Raptor Air Dominance Fighter Program, compiled and provided by Air Power Australia, (received 10 February 2016)
  3. Compendium of DOT&E Annual Reports: F-35 JSF Program, compiled and provided by Air Power Australia, (received 10 February 2016)
  4. W.D. Hartung, 'Promising the Sky: Pork Barrel Politics and the F-35 Combat Aircraft', International Policy Report, Center for International Policy, January 2014, provided by Mr Chris Mills (received 10 March 2016)
  5. ABC - Radio National - Transcript of 'Is the Joint Strike Fighter the right plane for Australia?', broadcast 6 March 2016, provided by Mr Chris Mills (received 10 March 2016)
  6. Alan Williams, 'Opening comments to the Canadian Standing Committee on National Defence', 7 October 2010, provided by Mr Alan Williams, (received 11 March 2016)
  7. Alan Williams, 'Flying solo',, 28 October 2013, provided by Mr Alan Williams, (received 11 March 2016)
  8. Don Martin, 'Harper facing dogfight over fighter jet deal' National Post, 7 October 2016, provided by Mr Alan Williams, (received 11 March 2016)
  9. Jeffrey Simpson, 'F-35 fiasco knocks Conservative spin off axis', The Globe and Mail, 8 December 2012, provided by Mr Alan Williams, (received 11 March 2016)
  10. Michael Den Tandt, 'Heads should roll for F-35 fiasco', Montreal Gazette, 3 April 2012, provided by Mr Alan Williams (received 11 March 2016)

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