Recommendations to the Australian Government

Recommendation 1

6.7     The committee recommends that the Australian Government compile a database of all young people under the age of 65 years living in residential aged care facilities using the data held by the Aged Care Assessment Team (ACAT) program. This list should be provided in a regularly updated form to the National Disability Insurance Agency (NDIA) and to state and territory governments. This data should include the following information:

Recommendation 2

6.8     The committee recommends that the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) conduct a Longitudinal Survey of Disability, Ageing and Carers in addition to its triennial survey of Disability, Ageing and Carers.

Recommendation 3

6.10    The committee recommends that the Australian Government develop and implement a comprehensive assessment and placement tool or residential assessment instrument to assess the care and accommodation needs for all young people living in or at risk of entering residential care.

Recommendation 4

6.12    The committee recommends that supplementary assessment guidelines and tools are developed for the ACAT program to ensure that all young people being considered for an aged care placement are properly assessed. As part of this process, the committee recommends that:

Recommendation 5

6.13    The committee recommends that the accreditation standards for residential aged care are amended to include standards relating to the clinical outcomes and lifestyle needs of young people. In order to assist with meeting these new accreditation standards, the committee recommends that the Australian Government:

Recommendation 6

6.17    The committee recommends that the Department of Social Services' current discussion paper on disability housing consider capital funding options for construction of specialised disability accommodation.

6.18    The committee recommends that the discussion paper is released as a matter of urgency.

6.19    The committee recommends that the Australian Government establish a supported disability accommodation fund similar to the Supported Accommodation Innovation Fund.

Recommendations to the Joint Standing Committee on the National Disability Insurance Scheme

Recommendation 7

6.21    The committee recommends that the Joint Standing Committee on the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) conduct an inquiry into the issue of disability housing after the release of the discussion paper on disability housing.

Recommendations to the Council of Australian Governments (COAG)

Recommendation 8

6.23    The committee recommends that the COAG develop and implement a national rehabilitation strategy including a framework for the delivery of slow stream rehabilitation in all jurisdictions.

Recommendation 9

6.28    The committee recommends that the NDIS, in all NDIS trial sites, and the relevant state or territory government in all other areas:

Recommendation 10

6.30    The committee recommends that the NDIS, in all NDIS trial sites, should consider how it supports those with Foetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD).

6.31    The committee also recommends that the NDIS, in all NDIS trial sites, and the relevant state or territory government in all other areas work closely with community health services to provide the following for those with FASD

Recommendation 11

6.32    The committee recommends that the COAG establish a joint taskforce for young people living in residential care. This taskforce will:

6.33    The joint taskforce will also be responsible for oversight of the following for young people living in a Residential Aged Care Facility (RACF):

Recommendation 12

6.34    The committee recommends that the joint taskforce issues a half yearly report on the progress of Recommendation 11 to the COAG.

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