Recommendations to the Australian Government
Recommendation 1
6.7 The
committee recommends that the Australian Government compile a database of all
young people under the age of 65 years living in residential aged care
facilities using the data held by the Aged Care Assessment Team (ACAT) program.
This list should be provided in a regularly updated form to the National
Disability Insurance Agency (NDIA) and to state and territory governments. This
data should include the following information:
- name;
- age and age of entry
to aged care;
- diagnosis;
- length of time spent
in the aged care system; and
- the factors that need
to be addressed for the person to move out of the aged care facility.
Recommendation 2
6.8 The
committee recommends that the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) conduct a
Longitudinal Survey of Disability, Ageing and Carers in addition to its
triennial survey of Disability, Ageing and Carers.
Recommendation 3
6.10 The
committee recommends that the Australian Government develop and implement a
comprehensive assessment and placement tool or residential assessment
instrument to assess the care and accommodation needs for all young people
living in or at risk of entering residential care.
Recommendation 4
6.12 The
committee recommends that supplementary assessment guidelines and tools are
developed for the ACAT program to ensure that all young people being considered
for an aged care placement are properly assessed. As part of this process, the
committee recommends that:
- all young people
placed in aged care are intensively case managed; and
- all ACAT placements
for those aged under 65 are reviewed on an annual basis.
Recommendation 5
6.13 The
committee recommends that the accreditation standards for residential aged care
are amended to include standards relating to the clinical outcomes and
lifestyle needs of young people. In order to assist with meeting these new
accreditation standards, the committee recommends that the Australian
- provide a supplementary
payment to residential aged care facilities to ensure that these accreditation
standards can be met; and
- invest in disability
specific training for all staff involved in the care of young people living in
aged care. This training should focus on building improved awareness of the
needs of young people and those living with disability in order to provide
better support. It should also lead to improved connectivity between the aged
care sector and other service sectors including allied health and disability
Recommendation 6
6.17 The
committee recommends that the Department of Social Services' current discussion
paper on disability housing consider capital funding options for construction
of specialised disability accommodation.
6.18 The
committee recommends that the discussion paper is released as a matter of
6.19 The
committee recommends that the Australian Government establish a supported
disability accommodation fund similar to the Supported Accommodation Innovation
Recommendations to the Joint Standing Committee on the National Disability
Insurance Scheme
Recommendation 7
6.21 The
committee recommends that the Joint Standing Committee on the National
Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) conduct an inquiry into the issue of
disability housing after the release of the discussion paper on disability
Recommendations to the Council of Australian Governments (COAG)
Recommendation 8
6.23 The
committee recommends that the COAG develop and implement a national
rehabilitation strategy including a framework for the delivery of slow stream
rehabilitation in all jurisdictions.
Recommendation 9
6.28 The
committee recommends that the NDIS, in all NDIS trial sites, and the relevant
state or territory government in all other areas:
- assign an advocate to
all young people living in residential care to provide information to a young
person and their families about their options. If appropriate, the advocate can
act on behalf of the young person;
- assign an advocate to
all young people at risk of entering residential care to provide information to
a young person and their families about their options. If appropriate, the
advocate can act on behalf of the young person. The advocate should be made
available as early as possible after diagnosis of an illness or disability and
be assigned before any placement commences;
- extend the National
Younger Onset Dementia Key Worker Program (YODKWP) to all young people
identified as being at risk of placement in residential care to provide collaborative
case management. The key worker should be assigned before any placement
commences; and
- these programs should
be proactively extended to young people living in residential care facilities
under the age of 65 years by June 2017. Consideration of the mental health
status of young people should be prioritised with appropriate support provided
where necessary.
Recommendation 10
6.30 The
committee recommends that the NDIS, in all NDIS trial sites, should consider
how it supports those with Foetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD).
6.31 The
committee also recommends that the NDIS, in all NDIS trial sites, and the
relevant state or territory government in all other areas work closely with
community health services to provide the following for those with FASD
- agreement on a
standardised diagnostic tool; and
- provision of early
intervention services and other health services such as speech pathology,
physiotherapy and occupational therapy.
Recommendation 11
6.32 The
committee recommends that the COAG establish a joint taskforce for young people
living in residential care. This taskforce will:
- facilitate the
development and implementation of integrated service pathways involving a range
of portfolios at a state and federal level including housing, health, aged
care, disability, and transport; and
- facilitate the
collation and development of information packs outlining support, transition
and placement options for young people. These packs should be made available to
young people, their families, health practitioners and other relevant
professionals in hospitals and aged care facilities. This process should
collate all information and tools developed by the states during the Younger
People with Disability in Residential Aged Care (YPIRAC) program and lead to
the development of a standardised national information pack and make available
to all state and territory governments for deployment.
6.33 The
joint taskforce will also be responsible for oversight of the following for
young people living in a Residential Aged Care Facility (RACF):
- access to appropriate
prescribed specialist services including speech pathology, physiotherapy,
occupational therapy and other allied health services;
- the national
rehabilitation strategy;
- the provision of
- the expanded key
worker program;
- access to fully
funded equipment as part of all state and territory Aids and Equipment schemes;
- a cross sector
approach is adopted to explore options for the provision of short term respite
services; and
- that all young people
who indicate that they do not wish to live in residential care are transitioned
into appropriate alternate accommodation by June 2018.
Recommendation 12
6.34 The
committee recommends that the joint taskforce issues a half yearly report on
the progress of Recommendation 11 to the COAG.
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