Additional Documents

1 PDF: Answers to Questions taken on Notice during 9 March public hearing, received from Professor Jon Altman, 9 March 2021 Answers to Questions taken on Notice during 9 March public hearing, received from Professor Jon Altman, 9 March 2021
2 PDF: Answers to Questions taken on Notice during 9 March public hearing, received from ANU Centre for Social Research and Methods, 9 March 2021 Answers to Questions taken on Notice during 9 March public hearing, received from ANU Centre for Social Research and Methods, 9 March 2021
3 PDF: Answers to Questions taken on Notice during 9 March public hearing, received from Aboriginal Peak Organisations Northern Territory, 10 March 2021 Answers to Questions taken on Notice during 9 March public hearing, received from Aboriginal Peak Organisations Northern Territory, 10 March 2021
4 PDF: Answers to Questions taken on Notice during 9 March public hearing, received from Department of Social Services, 10 March 2021 Answers to Questions taken on Notice during 9 March public hearing, received from Department of Social Services, 10 March 2021
5 PDF: Answers to Questions taken on Notice during 9 March public hearing, received from Department of Social Services, 11 March 2021 Answers to Questions taken on Notice during 9 March public hearing, received from Department of Social Services, 11 March 2021
6 PDF: Answers to Questions taken on Notice during 9 March public hearing, received from Australia Retailers Association, 15 March 2021 Answers to Questions taken on Notice during 9 March public hearing, received from Australia Retailers Association, 15 March 2021
7 PDF: Answers to written Questions taken on Notice, received from Department of Social Services, 24 March 2021 Answers to written Questions taken on Notice, received from Department of Social Services, 24 March 2021

See Also

Other information presented to the inquiry

Committee Secretariat contact:

Committee Secretary
Senate Standing Committees on Community Affairs
PO Box 6100
Parliament House
Canberra ACT 2600

Phone: +61 2 6277 3515