
Submissions received by the Committee

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 35 items in 2 pages
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 35 items in 2 pages
1National Welfare Rights Network (PDF 165 KB) 
2Australian Guardianship and Administration Council (PDF 73 KB)  Attachment 1 (PDF 34 KB) 
3NSW Mental Health Review Tribunal (PDF 753 KB) 
4Mental Health Australia (PDF 301 KB) 
5Mental Health Commission of NSW (PDF 2269 KB) 
6Law Institute of Victoria (PDF 2576 KB) 
7Office of the Public Advocate (Queensland) (PDF 766 KB) 
8Department of Social Services (PDF 2960 KB) 
9National Mental Health Consumer and Carer Forum (PDF 171 KB) 
10Forensicare Patients (PDF 106 KB) 
11Forensicare Recovery Committee (PDF 132 KB) 
12Victoria Legal Aid (PDF 71 KB) 
13National Mental Health Commission (PDF 147 KB) 
14Hallmark Disability Research Initiative, The University of Melbourne (PDF 494 KB) 
15Victorian Institute of Forensic Mental Health (Forensicare) (PDF 271 KB) 
16Consumers of Mental Health WA (PDF 908 KB) 
17Western Australian Association for Mental Health (PDF 279 KB) 
18Australian Council of Social Service (PDF 303 KB) 
19Queensland Advocacy Incorporated (PDF 207 KB) 
20Victorian Mental Illness Awareness Council (PDF 96 KB) 

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