Submissions and additional information received by the Committee


1          ATM Industry Reference Group

2          Financial Planning Association of Australia  

3          Mr Richie Parsons

4          Hayden Financial Services  

5          Goodstart Early Learning  

6          Institute of Public Accountants

7          National Council of Single Mothers and their Children

8          Business SA  

9          National Tertiary Education Union

10        Australian Churches Gambling Taskforce

11        Gaming Technologies Association

12        Clubs Australia

13        The Centre for Independent Studies

14        Students Representative Council of the University of Sydney

15        Australian Council of Social Service

16        Ms Kathy Haas

17        Ms Kathryn Johnston

18        Mr Angus Stephen

19        Mr Scott Ward

20        Mr Richard Moore

21        Ms Jenny Woodhart

22        Mr Geoff Kaye

23        Mr Peter Foreman

24        Mr Jason McFadden

25        Ms Therese Jarrett

26        Mr Stephen Legg

27        Mr Tom Muir

28        Mr Robert Dawson

29        Mr Neil Cox

30        Mr Jack Laidsaar

31        Mr Anjan Das

32        Mr Alex Cheng

33        Mr Philip Eley

34        Mr Colin Lissner

35        Mr Jason King

36        Mr Kevin Moran

37        Mr Peter Conway

38        Mr Chris Vanden-Driesen

39        Mr Michael Wells

40        Mr Hayden Hill

41        Ms Jo Tuck

42        Mr Peter Lake

43        Ms Natalie Goodall

44        Ms Sofie Korac

45        Ms Louise Parker

46        Mr David McGregor

47        Ms Monica Maguire

48        Mr Martin Watson

49        Mr Noel McCormack

50        Mr Michal Bodi

51        Name Withheld

52        Ms Anne Steer

53        Mr Rory Mooney

54        Mr Ray Costello

55        Mr Marshall Brentnall

56        Mr Bernie Scott

57        National Seniors Australia

58        Mr Jonathan Scholes

59        Ms Rebecca Watt

60        Australian Hotels Association

61        Mr Robert Latimer

62        Australian Council of Trade Unions

63        Australian Chamber of Commerce and Industry

64        UnitingCare Australia

65        Mr Theo Marinis

66        Ms Berenice Roberts

Additional Information

1          Opening address, tabled by Gambling Impact Society (NSW), at Canberra public hearing 9 December 2013

2          My Student Debt factsheet, from National Tertiary Education Union, received 11 December 2013

3          Graphs displaying Government investment in higher education and students contributions, from National Tertiary Education Union, received 11 December 2013

Answers to Questions on Notice

1          Answer to Question on Notice received from Department of Social Services, 11 December 2013

2          Answers to Questions on Notice received from National Welfare Rights Network, 11 December 2013

3          Answers to Questions on Notice received from Department of Social Services, 11 December 2013

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