Public hearings

Wednesday, 30 August 2017

Portside Centre, Sydney


National Social Security Rights Network        

BUTT, Mr Matthew, Executive Officer

Australian Council of Social Services

GOLDIE, Dr Cassandra, Chief Executive Officer

CROWE, Ms Charmaine, Senior Policy and Advocacy Officer

Thursday, 31 August 2017

Mantra on Russell Hotel, Melbourne


National Council of Single Mothers and their Children Inc

EDWARDS, Ms Terese, Chief Executive Officer

The Parenthood

LESSIO, Ms Nicole, Acting Executive Director

Australian Unemployed Workers Union

BENNETT, Mr Owen, President

KLOAS, Mr Ewan, Vice President and Advocacy Officer

ZIZYS, Miss Kate, Advice Line Worker

Federation of Ethnic Communities Councils of Australia

CAMPBELL Dr Emma, Director

IMTOUAL, Dr Alia, Senior Policy and Project Officer

Department of Social Services

HALBERT, Ms Cath, Group Manager, Payments Policy

McBRIDE, Mr Paul, Group Manager, Welfare and Housing Policy

DAVIS, Ms Anita, Branch Manager, Payability and Integrity

McGUIRK, Ms Emma Kate, Branch Manager, Work and Study Payments

WALLACE-GREEN, Ms Andrea, Director, Payment Rates Policy

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