Recommendation 1

10.11    The committee recommends that the Council of Australian Governments (COAG) include the following measures in the third action plan (2015-2018) for the National Framework:

Recommendation 2

10.15    The committee recommends that the Australian Institute of Health and Welfare (AIHW) work with states and territories to address data gaps in Child Protection National Minimum Data Set (CP NMDS) and other data sets of children in out-of-home care regarding:

Recommendation 3

10.17    The committee recommends that AIHW work with states and territories to develop and implement a data collection project that would provide general data on the reasons children are placed in out-of-home care, consistent with the recommendation by the United Nations Committee on the Rights of the Child.

Recommendation 4

10.19    The committee recommends that COAG review the National Framework to address recommendations by the United Nations Committee on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities that the National Framework include provisions to protect the rights of children, particularly those with disability.

Recommendation 5

10.22    The committee recommends that COAG include in the third action plan (2015-2018) of the National Framework a project to improve participation by children and young people in decision making processes, including:

10.23    This project should draw from the findings of AIHW's national survey into views of children and young people in out-of-home care.

Recommendation 6

10.24    The committee recommends that COAG develop and implement nationally consistent powers for independent child commissioners and guardians to:

Recommendation 7

10.29    The committee recommends that COAG include in the third action plan (2015-2018) of the National Framework, a project to develop and implement:

Recommendation 8

10.30    The committee recommends that states and territories increase resources available to fund therapeutic models of care, based on evidence-based evaluations of existing and proposed models.

Recommendation 9

10.32    The committee recommends that COAG include in the third action plan (2015-2018) of the National Framework a project to develop and implement a nationally consistent approach to integrating child protection and disability services to ensure children are screened for disability and complex health needs (such as FASD) and referred to appropriate services, and have access to disability services throughout their time in care.

Recommendation 10

10.34    The committee recommends that COAG include in the third action plan (2015-2018) of the National Framework a project to develop and implement specific supports for children and families in UHMs and international kinship care placements.

Recommendation 11

10.36    The committee recommends that COAG include in the third action plan (2015-2018) of the National Framework a project to develop and implement a nationally consistent approach to permanency planning. This should include adding a measure on permanency planning into the National Standards for out-of-home care.

Recommendation 12

10.42    The committee recommends that COAG include in the third action plan (2015-2018) of the National Framework a project to develop a nationally consistent approach to legal forms of permanence (including guardianship orders and adoption) that ensure children maintain connection to their families and carers continue to receive financial and practical support.

Recommendation 13

10.43    The committee recommends that COAG include in the third action plan (2015-2018) of the National Framework a project to consider how to improve access to legally permanent placements (including guardianship orders and adoptions) for children and young people in out-of-home care, where these arrangements may provide the safest and most stable placements.

Recommendation 14

10.45    The committee recommends that the Department of Social Services, Department of Human Services and Department of Immigration and Border Protection review parental consent requirements for identity documents (including passports, Medicare cards and citizenship) to remove barriers to accessibility for children and young people in out-of-home care.

Recommendation 15

10.47    The committee recommends that COAG include in the third action plan (2015-2018) of the National Framework a project to develop and implement strategies to improve health outcomes for children and young people in care, including:

Recommendation 16

10.48    The committee recommends that the Department of Health introduce a separate Medicare item for children in out-of-home care to improve access to health assessments and treatment, including mental health.

Recommendation 17

10.51    The committee recommends that COAG include in the third action plan (2015-2018) of the National Framework a project to develop and implement a nationally consistent approach to:

Recommendation 18

10.52    The committee recommends that states and territories ensure all children in out-of-home care have updated education plans.

Recommendation 19

10.56    The committee recommends that AIHW work with states and territories to develop a data set on outcomes for young people transitioning from care up to 21 years of age, including the following indicators:

Recommendation 20

10.57    The committee recommends that COAG include in the third action plan (2015-2018) of the National Framework a project to develop and implement a nationally consistent framework for transitioning from care, with a focus on improving:

Recommendation 21

10.58    The committee recommends that the Australian Government increase the Transition to Independent Living Allowance (TILA) for young people transitioning from care. The committee further recommends that the Department of Social Services review existing post-care support programs to identify opportunities to assist young people transitioning from care.

Recommendation 22

10.59    The committee recommends that states and territories raise the age to which young people continue to receive ongoing post-care support to 21 years of age.

Recommendation 23

10.64    The committee recommends that COAG include in the third action plan (2015-2018) of the National Framework a project to develop and implement a nationally consistent family support framework addressing:

10.65    The committee further recommends that this family support framework should consider the specific needs of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities, families and children with disability and CALD communities.

Recommendation 24

10.67    The committee recommends that COAG consider a nationally consistent approach to funding advocacy and support groups for parents with children in or at risk of entering out-of-home care.

Recommendation 25

10.69    The committee recommends that COAG include in the third action plan (2015-2018) of the National Framework a project to develop and implement a nationally consistent approach to improving participation by children and families in decision making processes, including Family Group Conferencing and other alternative dispute resolution measures.

Recommendation 26

10.71    The committee recommends that COAG include in the third action plan (2015-2018) of the National Framework the development of nationally consistent mechanisms, such as independent bodies, for managing complaints from families and investigating individual cases.

Recommendation 27

10.72    The committee recommends that COAG include in the third action plan (2015-2018) of the National Framework the introduction of national accreditation and registration of child protection workers, including those employed by government departments and NGOs.

Recommendation 28

10.74    The committee recommends that COAG include in the third action plan (2015-2018) of the National Framework a project to develop and implement nationally consistent family support services including support for families with contact and reunification.

Recommendation 29

10.75    The committee recommends that the Commonwealth Government provide increased resources for family support services.

Recommendation 30

10.78    The committee recommends that the Commonwealth Government improve access to legal and other advice and support available to families in child protection matters both before and during court proceedings, including through increased funding for relevant legal assistance providers. The committee further recommends particular consideration be given to improving access to legal and other advice and support for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander families experiencing family violence.

Recommendation 31

10.81    The committee recommends that COAG include in the third action plan (2015-2018) of the National Framework a project to develop and implement a nationally consistent approach to building the capacity of Aboriginal community controlled agencies (ACCAs) to become integrated into all aspects of the child protection system for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children, including:

10.82    The committee further recommends that state and territory governments review Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander overrepresentation in out-of-home care as a matter of priority and provide additional resources for family support services to addresses the causes of social disadvantage.

Recommendation 32

10.83    The committee recommends that COAG include in the third action plan (2015-2018) of the National Framework a project to develop and implement mandatory cultural competence training for all services working with Aboriginal and Torres Strait children and families. This training should be delivered by specialised local Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander services, including those with expertise working in remote communities.

Recommendation 33

10.86    The committee recommends that the National Disability Insurance Agency (NDIA) review the adequacy and availability of funding for children with disability at National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) trial sites, including:

Recommendation 34

10.90    The committee recommends that COAG include in the third action plan (2015-2018) of the National Framework a project to develop and implement nationally consistent financial and practical (including training and case-worker) support for statutory and informal relative/kinship carers. This should include:

Recommendation 35

10.91    The committee recommends that COAG include in the third action plan (2015-2018) of the National Framework a project to improve the capacity for emergency respite placements to determine best placements for children and young people.

Recommendation 36

10.93    The committee recommends that COAG include in the third action plan (2015-2018) of the National Framework a project to better support Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children in relative/kinship care, including:

Recommendation 37

10.96    The committee recommends that COAG include in the third action plan (2015-2018) of the National Framework a nationally consistent strategy to support and accredit foster carers to improve recruitment and retention. This should also address nationally consistent rates of financial support, case-worker support and training of foster carers.

Recommendation 38

10.97    The committee recommends that COAG implement a nationally consistent, best practice model of professional foster care.

Recommendation 39

10.100  The committee recommends that COAG include in the third action plan (2015-2018) of the National Framework a project to develop and implement a nationally consistent approach to:

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