Chapter 3
Key issues and committee view
A number of issues regarding the provisions of the bill and Australia's
nuclear safety regulatory framework were raised in submissions, at the public
hearing and in responses to questions on notice. These included:
support of the amendments;
improvement notices;
the prohibition on certain nuclear installations;
the nuclear power reactor definition;
ARPANSA's powers during an emergency;
the reduction in time for licence holders to request review;
legacy sites;
national uniformity; and
the management framework of ARPANSA.
Support for amendments
While a number of specific concerns were raised, there was broad support
expressed during the inquiry for the proposed amendments. For example, the
Supervising Scientist supported 'the proposed amendments to the [ARPNS Act] on
the basis they will provide an enhanced contemporary framework for Australian
Government regulation of Commonwealth controlled nuclear facilities and
radiation sources'.[1]
Engineering Australia also supported the amendments in the bill. It
observed that since the passing of the ARPNS Act in 1998, there have been
improvements in international best practice in regulation. In particular, it highlighted
that a new safety standard has been issued by the International Atomic Energy
Agency (IAEA) and that reviews conducted by the IAEA's Integrated Regulatory
Review Team of ARPANSA's activities have 'identified the need for strengthening
the ARPNS Act'.[2]
Engineering Australia stated that the bill would provide:
greater clarity regarding application of the legislation to
the adoption of a risk-based approach;
a requirement for a licence holder to provide information;
the power to issue improvement licences;
the power to issue time limited licences; and
the power to regulate activities on legacy sites.[3]
The EM describes the proposed amendment of the definition of 'nuclear
installation' from 'nuclear waste' to 'radioactive waste' as a change to 'more
appropriate and technically correct references'.[4]
The Department of Health stated that the change 'aligns the terminology with
the international practices established' by the IAEA. It noted that the 'IAEA
does not provide a definition of 'nuclear waste' as all waste is captured under
the definition of 'radioactive waste'. While it acknowledged that the definitions
used in state and territory legislation may differ, the Department stated these
'are a matter for state and territory consideration'.[5]
However, Mr Nick Tsurikov warned that this change to the definition of
'nuclear installation' could potentially extend the scope of the legislation to
other facilities where levels of radioactive waste may exist. He stated:
Commonwealth-regulated facilities such as offshore oil/gas
exploration and/or production sites and related maintenance facilities that
currently fall under the jurisdiction of the National Offshore Petroleum Safety
and Environmental Management Authority (NOPSEMA) may need to be licensed in
accordance with the ARPANS Act...The potential implication for the oil and gas is
only one example – there are many situations where radioactive waste generated
by processing or otherwise dealing with Naturally Occurring Radioactive
Materials (NORM) could be captured under the ARPANS Act.[6]
Improvement notices
The CSIRO believed the provisions would make a useful improvement to the
ARPNS Act but was concerned that 'it appears that no provision has been made to
allow or seek allowance for a stay of the operation of an improvement notice in
the event that a licence holder may avail itself the opportunity for a
reconsideration of the decision by an inspector to issue the Improvement Notice
under s80C'. It stated:
By virtue of the
operation of s80B(l), the licensee must comply with that Improvement Notice
even though it is under reconsideration by the CEO pursuant to a request made under
s80C. Such a requirement would seem to be inconsistent with the aim of s80C
where an Improvement Notice issued by in inspector must be reconsidered by the
CEO upon a request being made by a licence holder within 28 days of the making
of the Improvement Notice.[7]
The CSIRO noted that in the Work Health and Safety Act 2011 this
situation is dealt with by the application of section 228 'Stays of reviewable
decision on internal review'. It suggested that the amendments being proposed
by the bill should include a provision in similar terms.[8]
Ms Andrea Kunca, from the Department of Health, told the committee that
the proposal had been considered. However, she stated:
One of the things to take into account is that we are looking
at radiation protection. The whole reason for implementing improvement notices
was to provide a more graduated risk management response so that you do not
have to have a severe failure of the regulatory framework or of compliance...
What we are trying to do is to protect people and the
environment. We think that the [improvement] notice provisions and the way they
are intended to operate is adequate to balance the needs of the regulated
entity as well as to fulfil the objectives of the ARPANSA Act.[9]
Prohibition on certain nuclear installations
Existing section 10 of the ARPNS Act provides that nothing in the
legislation is taken to authorise the construction or operation of a list of
nuclear installations. These include:
a nuclear fuel fabrication plant;
a nuclear power plant;
an enrichment plant; and
a reprocessing facility.
Section 10 also provides that the CEO must not issue a licence in
respect of any of these facilities.
The Australian Nuclear Association (ANA) strongly recommended that
section 10 be repealed. It argued:
Section 10 was put
into the ARPANS legislation to make a political statement in 1998, now 17 years
later it is time that this prohibition was removed. ARPANSA has been operating
for many years; it has an established regulatory track record including
regulating and issuing licences for the construction and operation of the new
OPAL reactor. Section 10 is an unnecessary prohibition in an Act to establish a
scheme for licensing all Commonwealth entities using radiation including
nuclear installations.[10]
The ANA observed that section 10 also unnecessarily repeats the
requirements covered by section 13 'under definitions of installations for
which the ARPANSA CEO can issue licences'. It noted that a South Australian
Royal Commission was currently considering 'opportunities for expanding
involvement in nuclear fuel cycle facilities'. It stated:
If any of the
facilities listed in Section 10 (a nuclear fuel fabrication plant, a nuclear
power plant, an enrichment plant or a reprocessing facility) is proposed then
ARPANSA as the Commonwealth regulator of nuclear facilities would be the
appropriate regulator. There is no other Commonwealth regulator who can deal
with these facilities. ARPANSA should not be prohibited by legislation from
regulating such a nuclear installation if there is Commonwealth involvement.[11]
Similarly, Engineers Australia recommended that consideration be given
to removing section 10. It stated:
Section 10 was
introduced before Australia had adopted all the international conventions on
nuclear safety and before there was an understanding of the importance of
reducing greenhouse gas emissions and the part that nuclear power plays
internationally in the reduction of emissions. One of the Energy White Paper
key themes is technology neutrality. This is not possible if one of the main
low emissions technologies is prohibited.[12]
However, at the public hearing, Dr Gavin Mudd opposed any change to
section 10. He stated:
[L]ooking at the broader energy debate, I cannot see how
nuclear would be economically competitive or anything else on those grounds,
let alone worthwhile in terms of safety criteria, given that Australia has
abundant renewable energy resources and so on. I do not see any sort of need for
that. I certainly do not see, looking at the radioactive waste side of all
types, how there is a need to change any of the current provisions that exist
at the state and federal levels.[13]
Nuclear power reactor definition
The ANA also recommended that existing section 13 of the ARPNS Act be
amended. This section defines the types of 'nuclear installations' which
ARPANSA can regulate, including nuclear reactors for research or production of
nuclear materials for industrial or medical use. However, the ANA noted that
the current definitions do not include nuclear reactors for the production of
electricity. It strongly recommended that section 13 be amended 'to include a
nuclear power reactor in the definition of nuclear installations'. The ANA
Around the world,
nuclear power is a major generator of low carbon emission electricity. Should
nuclear power plants be proposed as part of Australia's future electricity
system, ARPANSA would be the appropriate regulator.[14]
ARPANSA's powers during an emergency
Australian Nuclear Science and Technology Organisation (ANSTO) discussed
proposed section 41 which outlines the powers of the CEO of ARPANSA to give
written directions to controlled persons. It noted that the proposed amendment:
Expands the operation of the
provision so that the CEO of ARPANSA can issue written directions to licence
holders even in the absence of non-compliance with the legislation or licence
conditions during emergency situations; and
Allows the CEO to provide written
directions to a controlled person requiring them to take actions in relation to
a hazardous thing or to the controlled facility, material or apparatus.[15]
ANSTO observed the EM to the bill reaffirms the internationally accepted
principle of operator responsibility for safety and clearly sets out that the
powers of the ARPANSA CEO would only be used in the most exceptional of
circumstances. It observed:
Operators have an
intimate knowledge of their facilities and how to manage them during an emergency,
as well as the practiced emergency operations experience. In the very unlikely
event of a major emergency at one of ANSTO's sites, it would be important that
the public and emergency management stakeholders know unequivocally that ANSTO
and designated emergency response organisations have responsibility for the
implementation of the relevant emergency plans.
The text of the [EM]
indicates that the CEO of ARPANSA cannot direct specific safety actions by the
license holder as this would indeed "shift responsibility" to
ARPANSA. Since the direction given by the CEO could not reference a licence
condition or indeed a regulatory requirement, for clarity, such directions
should reference internationally accepted principles of nuclear safety or
The ANSTO noted that the principle of operator responsibility for safety
reflects international best practice, as developed under the auspices of the
IAEA as well as being reflected in the international nuclear safety treaties to
which Australia is party.[17]
At the public hearing, Mr Jack Dillich from ARPANSA highlighted that the
proposed powers were intended to equip the regulator to address rare unforeseen
circumstances. He stated:
In my opinion there has to be the wherewithal, even though it
is invoked very, very infrequently, for the regulator to intervene at short
notice. I do understand the concern that ANSTO is raising. But I think it is a
give and take; it is a compromise. As an independent regulator I say that in
the interests of public safety and the environment I think it is best to err on
the side of the flexibility the regulator would have to infrequently, if ever,
intervene in such situations. And of course appeal would be available after the
Ms Andrea Kunca from the Department of Health outlined the amendments were
intended to address an existing limit on the CEO's power whereby directions can
only be made when there is non-compliance. She observed the IAEA's general
safety requirements state that 'a regulatory agency should be able to exercise
its authority to intervene in connection with any facilities or activities that
present a significant radiation risk and require corrective actions to be
undertaken'. She also highlighted the criteria to be meet:
[T]he wording of the legislation, while it is judgmental—it
is a question of judgment—is relatively stringent. You have to have strong and
reasonable grounds to believe that there is a serious risk to people and to the
environment in relation to a controlled facility or materials and the CEO believes
that the need is urgent to address that to minimise that risk. Inherent in the
wording you could probably say that it would be a relatively high threshold to
meet, that it would not be used that frequently.[19]
Reduction in time for licence holder to request review
ANSTO welcomed that the EM to the bill included that '[w]hile a request
for reconsideration must be made within 28 days, additional information may be
provided to the decision maker on review, at any time during the period of reconsideration.
It observed that '[c]onsidering the high level of detail and expert information
that may be needed to inform a request to review a decision, this language
provides the licence holder with the flexibility needed to avoid filing an
incomplete submission'.[20]
Legacy sites and coverage
At the hearing, Mr Jack Dillich from ARPANSA noted that the amendments
of the bill facilitate including certain legacy sites under ARPANSA's regulatory
remit. He gave an example:
We recently issued a 'possess and control licence' for a
legacy site and this site had been used back in the 1960s. It was outside
regulatory control although it had been monitored by an organisation for
decades. Under the legislation, based on the definitions we had to call it
something that was an ill fit and the possess and control licence was something
we had to use somewhat awkwardly...[T]he proposed amendment will allow in the
future for legacy sites to be licensed as controlled facilities with the
ability to control possible remediation of those sites.[21]
The ANSTO welcomed the amendments of the bill relating to the licensing
of legacy sites which require remediation as 'they provide a clear legal basis
for the safe management of legacy sites'. It stated:
For example, ANSTO
has responsibility for a legacy site adjacent to its Lucas Heights Campus,
known as the Little Forest Legacy Site, which was previously used by the
Australian Atomic Energy Commission. ARPANSA has licenced ANSTO to "possess
and control" the site, but the legal basis for licensing any other action
in respect of the site (such as any remediation which might be necessary in
future) was unclear. This amendment will now allow ANSTO, as a controlled
person authorised by an ARPANSA licence, to undertake necessary safe management
activities at the site.[22]
The Supervising Scientist also supported 'the proposed widening of
monitoring and enforcement provisions and changes to the current licensing
regime to enable the [ARPANSA] to directly regulate remediation activities
involving contaminated legacy sites'.[23]
However, Mr Nick Tsurikov raised some definitional issues with the
amendments pointing to 'the possible absence of the clear definition of what a "legacy
site" actually is and the potential use of the currently suggested definition
in ARPANSA documents that will be developed in the future'.[24]
He did not consider the proposed definition of 'prescribed legacy site' was
adequate and argued additional clarification may be needed. Mr Tsurikov
It is understood that there may not be sufficient time to
discuss and develop an appropriately detailed definition for the purposes of
the Act, but when the review of the Regulations in support of the Act will be
carried out – additional clarifications may need to be provided.[25]
Mr Tsurikov also highlighted that there were many situations where
radioactive waste generated by processing or otherwise dealing with Naturally Occurring
Radioactive Materials (NORM) could be captured under the ARPNS Act. He noted
that 'Part 2 of the ARPANSA Safety Guide RPS-15 lists 13 different industries
and if any waste generated by these industries in the currently located
on the Commonwealth land – these sites will need to be identified and appropriately
National uniformity
Issues relating to the consistency and national uniformity of radiation
protection and nuclear safety regulation were also raised, particularly
regarding legacy sites. For example, the Department of Health noted that the
ARPNS Act does not apply to legacy sites controlled by the states and
territories. It stated:
Contaminated sites are not dealt with under the National
Directory for Radiation Protection (NDRP), and national uniformity has yet to
be established for such sites.
The NDRP is a compendium of policies and procedures agreed by
the states and territories that COAG agreed in 2004 would be the overarching
vehicle for attaining National Uniformity across all jurisdictions, where nice
separate pieces of radiation safety legislation currently exist. Amendments to
the NDRP are prepared and agreed through the Radiation Health Committee,
coordinated by ARPANSA. Discussions regarding the approach for control of
contaminated legacy sites are ongoing.[27]
Mr Nick Tsurikov outlined his concerns in this area:
It is understood that, for the purposes of standardisation of
regulations throughout Australia it is intended that relevant ARPANSA documents
are to be incorporated into the State/Territory legislation – but, to the best
of my knowledge, the time frame for this process was not agreed upon.[28]
Management of ARPANSA
Engineers Australia recommended that consideration also be given to
examining the management structure of ARPANSA. It highlighted different
management structures adopted in the United Arab Emirates and the United
Kingdom for their nuclear program regulators.[29]
Committee view
The committee notes the general support expressed in submissions for the
proposed amendments to the ARPNS Act. The committee agrees that the provisions
of the bill will usefully update the legislation, clarify a number of matters
and enhance the powers of the ARPANSA to undertake its role in regulating Commonwealth
entities using radiation.
The CSIRO proposed a minor amendment to allow stays while decisions
regarding improvement notices are the subject of reconsideration. While this
proposal has some merit, the committee is persuaded that, on balance, this is
not appropriate in the context of radiation protection management. However, in
the view of the committee, this matter should be monitored by the Department of
Health to ensure the provisions for improvement notices operate as intended.
Section 10 and the definition of 'nuclear installation' in section 13 of
the ARPNS Act currently act to prohibit the construction or operation of
certain nuclear installations, including a 'nuclear power plant'. The
provisions of the bill do not alter this situation. While some submissions
urged these parts of the legislation be amended, in the view of the committee,
this would be a significant change to the existing regulatory framework. A
change of this significance is broader than the committee's inquiry into the
provisions of the bill and deserves separate consideration. In this context, the
committee notes the important inquiry currently being undertaken by the Royal
Commission on the Nuclear Fuel Cycle in South Australia. Similarly, the
committee notes the issues regarding national uniformity of regulation of
radiation protection and nuclear safety raised during the inquiry also fall beyond
the committee's consideration of the provisions of the bill.
The provisions of the bill provide ARPANSA with an increased capacity to
respond to emergencies and with enhanced compliance monitoring and enforcement
powers. However, an unavoidable tension appears to exist between the principle
of operator responsibility for safety at licensed facilities and the proposed
power of ARPANSA's CEO to give directions in emergency circumstances. In the
view of the committee, the new proposed power balances these interests
appropriately and follows international best practice. ARPANSA clearly should
have the capacity to issue directions to licenced facilities in emergency
situations, even where there is compliance. Notably, the EM states:
It is not envisaged that the power would be exercised in
other than exceptional circumstances, and its exercise will not be inconsistent
with the implementation of the licensee's approved emergency plans and
It is also important to recognise that a decision by the ARPANSA CEO to
give directions can be reviewed under section 42 of the existing legislation.
It was emphasised during the inquiry that radiation protection and nuclear
safety regulators may occasionally require significant flexibility to undertake
their role in protecting the public and the environment.[31]
In this context, the committee considers the bill makes a number of sensible
amendments to update the existing regulatory framework and enhance the capacity
to ARPANSA to undertake its duties.
Recommendation 1
The committee recommends that the Senate pass the Australian Radiation
Protection and Nuclear Safety Amendment Bill 2015.
Senator Zed Seselja
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