Additional Documents

1 PDF: Mitochondrial Disease: The Need for Mitochondrial Donation, from Australian Mitochondrial Disease Foundation, received 17 April 2018 Mitochondrial Disease: The Need for Mitochondrial Donation, from Australian Mitochondrial Disease Foundation, received 17 April 2018
2 PDF: Q&A: Mitochondrial donation, Wellcome Trust, from Australian Mitochondrial Disease Foundation, received 17 April 2018 Q&A: Mitochondrial donation, Wellcome Trust, from Australian Mitochondrial Disease Foundation, received 17 April 2018
3 PDF: Human Fertilisation and Embryology (Mitochondrial Donation) Regulations 2015, from Australian Mitochondrial Disease Foundation, received 17 April 2018 Human Fertilisation and Embryology (Mitochondrial Donation) Regulations 2015, from Australian Mitochondrial Disease Foundation, received 17 April 2018
4 PDF: House of Commons Mitochondrial Donation briefing, 29 January 2015, from Australian Mitochondrial Disease Foundation, received 17 April 2018 House of Commons Mitochondrial Donation briefing, 29 January 2015, from Australian Mitochondrial Disease Foundation, received 17 April 2018
5 PDF: Third scientific review of the safety and efficacy of methods to avoid mitochondrial disease through assisted conception: 2014 update, June 2014, from UK Human Fertilisation and Embryology Authority, received 30 May 2018 Third scientific review of the safety and efficacy of methods to avoid mitochondrial disease through assisted conception: 2014 update, June 2014, from UK Human Fertilisation and Embryology Authority, received 30 May 2018
6 PDF: Review of the safety and efficacy of polar body transfer to avoid mitochondrial disease, October 2014, from UK Human Fertilisation and Embryology Authority, received 30 May 2018 Review of the safety and efficacy of polar body transfer to avoid mitochondrial disease, October 2014, from UK Human Fertilisation and Embryology Authority, received 30 May 2018
7 PDF: Scientific review of the safety and efficacy of methods to avoid mitochondrial disease through assisted conception: 2016 update, November 2016, from UK Human Fertilisation and Embryology Authority, received 30 May 2018 Scientific review of the safety and efficacy of methods to avoid mitochondrial disease through assisted conception: 2016 update, November 2016, from UK Human Fertilisation and Embryology Authority, received 30 May 2018

See Also

Other information presented to the inquiry

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