Opening statement, from Central Australian Rural Practitioners Association, received 13 July 2018
Aboriginal Youth Suicide in Central Australia: Developing a consistent data system and referral pathway, Centre for Remote Health, 2013, from Central Australian Rural Practitioners Association, received 13 July 2018
Cyber Safety in Remote Aboriginal Communities, Final Report, RMIT University, June 2018, from Central Australian Rural Practitioners Association, received 13 July 2018
Generalist registered nurses caring for mental health clients in remote areas of Australia: An interpretive case study, Thesis, Scott Trueman, March 2016, from Central Australian Rural Practitioners Association, received 13 July 2018
Information booklet, from Rural Outreach Counselling Inc., received 19 July 2018
Business Plan 2017, from Rural Outreach Counselling Inc., received 19 July 2018
Opening statement, from Nunyara Aboriginal Health Service, received 22 July 2018
Submission made by the AMA(SA) to an SA Parliamentary inquiry into regional health services in 2016, from Australian Medical Association (South Australia) Inc, received 27 August 2018
Letter regarding the establishment of a headspace in Katherine, from Anglicare NT, received 7 September 2018
Briefing Paper submitted to the Kimberley Suicide Prevention Regional Trial Working Group, from Kimberley Aboriginal Law and Cultural Centre, received 28 September 2018
Correspondence supplementing evidence provided at the Committee's public hearing in Mount Isa on 29 August 2018, from Dr Sharon Varela, received 2 October 2018