Additional Documents

1 PDF: Article by Ruby Grant, received 11 March 2013 Article by Ruby Grant, received 11 March 2013
2 PDF: Agreed Conclusions from the UN Commission of the Status of Women (CSW) 57th session, from Women With Disabilities Australia, received 20 March 2013 Agreed Conclusions from the UN Commission of the Status of Women (CSW) 57th session, from Women With Disabilities Australia, received 20 March 2013
3 PDF: Information, tabled by Family Planning NSW, Sexual Health and Family Planning Australia and Family Planning Victoria, at Sydney public hearing 27 March 2013 Information, tabled by Family Planning NSW, Sexual Health and Family Planning Australia and Family Planning Victoria, at Sydney public hearing 27 March 2013
4 PDF: Extract from Norplant Meets the New Eugenicists: the Impermissibility of Coerced Contraception, tabled by Intellectual Disability Rights Service Inc, at Sydney public hearing 27 March 2013 Extract from Norplant Meets the New Eugenicists: the Impermissibility of Coerced Contraception, tabled by Intellectual Disability Rights Service Inc, at Sydney public hearing 27 March 2013
5 PDF: Women's Studies International Forum journal article by Michelle McCarthy, tabled by Intellectual Disability Rights Service Inc, at Sydney public hearing 27 March 2013 Women's Studies International Forum journal article by Michelle McCarthy, tabled by Intellectual Disability Rights Service Inc, at Sydney public hearing 27 March 2013
6 PDF: Swiss National Advisory Commission on Biomedical Ethics, 'On the management of differences of sex development', tabled by Organisation Intersex International Australia, at Sydney public hearing 28 March 2013 Swiss National Advisory Commission on Biomedical Ethics, 'On the management of differences of sex development', tabled by Organisation Intersex International Australia, at Sydney public hearing 28 March 2013
7 PDF: Anne Tamar-Mattis, 'Report to the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights: Medical Treatment of People with Intersex Conditions as a Human Rights Violation', tabled by Organisation Intersex International Australia, at Sydney public hearing 28 March 2013 Anne Tamar-Mattis, 'Report to the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights: Medical Treatment of People with Intersex Conditions as a Human Rights Violation', tabled by Organisation Intersex International Australia, at Sydney public hearing 28 March 2013
8 PDF: Victoria, Department of Health, 'Decision-making principles for the care of infants, children and adolescents with intersex conditions', tabled by Organisation Intersex International Australia, at Sydney public hearing 28 March 2013 Victoria, Department of Health, 'Decision-making principles for the care of infants, children and adolescents with intersex conditions', tabled by Organisation Intersex International Australia, at Sydney public hearing 28 March 2013
9 PDF: Organisation Intersex International Australia, 'Response to Victorian Health Department framework document', tabled by Organisation Intersex International Australia, at Sydney public hearing 28 March 2013 Organisation Intersex International Australia, 'Response to Victorian Health Department framework document', tabled by Organisation Intersex International Australia, at Sydney public hearing 28 March 2013
10 PDF: Report from the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe Committee on Social Affairs, Health and Sustainable Development, from Women With Disabilities Australia, received 30 April 2013 Report from the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe Committee on Social Affairs, Health and Sustainable Development, from Women With Disabilities Australia, received 30 April 2013
11 PDF: Advice by Emeritus Professor Ivan Shearer, 24 May 2013 Advice by Emeritus Professor Ivan Shearer, 24 May 2013
12 PDF: Report of a 2005 Human Rights Investigation into the medical Report of a 2005 Human Rights Investigation into the medical "normalization" of intersex people, from Organisation Intersex International Australia, received 3 June 2013
13 PDF: Discrimination Generated by the Intersection of Gender and Disability report, by the European Parliament, from Women With Disabilities Australia, received 6 June 2013 Discrimination Generated by the Intersection of Gender and Disability report, by the European Parliament, from Women With Disabilities Australia, received 6 June 2013
14 PDF: National LGBTI Health Alliance policy statement on the Victorian Department of Health approach to intersex young people, from Organisation Intersex International Australia, received 12 July 2013 National LGBTI Health Alliance policy statement on the Victorian Department of Health approach to intersex young people, from Organisation Intersex International Australia, received 12 July 2013
15 PDF: Re: Jamie (2012), judgement of the Full Court of the Family Court of Australia, from Chief Justice Diana Bryant AO, received 2 September 2013 Re: Jamie (2012), judgement of the Full Court of the Family Court of Australia, from Chief Justice Diana Bryant AO, received 2 September 2013

See Also

Other information presented to the inquiry

Committee Secretariat contact:

Committee Secretary
Senate Standing Committees on Community Affairs
PO Box 6100
Parliament House
Canberra ACT 2600

Phone: +61 2 6277 3515

About this inquiry

The committee wishes to clarify that this inquiry has not been asked to consider any proposal for involuntary or coerced sterilisation of people with disabilities.

Past Public Hearings

31 May 2013: Canberra
28 Mar 2013: Sydney
27 Mar 2013: Sydney


Inquiry Status

Second Report Tabled


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