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Members for the 38th Parliament

Senator Mark Bishop, Chairman ALP, Western Australia
Senator Sue Knowles, Deputy Chairman LP, Western Australia
Senator Andrew Bartlett AD, Queensland
Senator Michael Forshaw ALP, New South Wales
Senator Belinda Neal (to 3 September 1998) ALP, New South Wales
Senator Kerry O'Brien ALP, Tasmania
Senator Marise Payne LP, New South Wales
Senator Kay Patterson (from 30 April 1998) LP, Victoria

Former Member

Senator Karen Synon (until 30 April 1998) LP, Victoria

Substitute Members

Senator Brenda Gibbs for Senator Forshaw for the inquiry ALP, Queensland
Senator Chris Evans for Senator Gibbs from 9 April to 24 April 1998 ALP, Western Australia
Senator John Woodley for Senator Barlett for the inquiry AD, Queensland

Participating Members

Senator Eric Abetz LP, Tasmania
Senator Bob Brown Greens, Tasmania
Senator the Hon Bob Collins (to 30 March 1998) ALP, Northern Territory
Senator Mal Colston Ind, Queensland
Senator Chris Evans (from 24 April 1998) ALP, Western Australia
Senator the Hon John Faulkner ALP, New South Wales
Senator Brenda Gibbs ALP, Queensland
Senator Dee Margetts GWA, Western Australia
Senator Sue West ALP, New South Wales

Members for the 39th Parliament

Senator the Hon Rosemary Crowley, Chairman ALP, South Australia
Senator Sue Knowles, Deputy Chairman LP, Western Australia
Senator Andrew Bartlett AD, Queensland
Senator Chris Evans ALP, Western Australia
Senator Michael Forshaw ALP, New South Wales
Senator Brenda Gibbs ALP, Queensland
Senator Kay Patterson LP, Victoria
Senator Marise Payne LP, New South Wales

Participating Member

Senator Eric Abetz LP, Tasmania
Senator Bob Brown Greens, Tasmania
Senator Mal Colston Ind, Queensland
Senator Brian Harradine Ind, Tasmania
Senator Dee Margetts GWA, Western Australia
Senator Kerry O'Brien ALP, Tasmania
Senator John Tierney LP, New South Wales
Senator Sue West ALP, New South Wales

Substitute Members

Senator Mark Bishop for Senator Forshaw

for the inquiry

ALP, Western Australia

Senator Crowley wishes to record that she was not a member of the Committee during the 38th Parliament and did not participate in the public hearings conducted by the Committee. Thus Senator Crowley did not participate fully in either the final consideration of the report or the formulation of its recommendations. Senator Patterson wishes to record that, as she was not a member of the Committee during the initial phases of the inquiry and did not participate in the public hearings, she was not in a position to participate in either the final consideration of the report or the formulation of its recommendations.

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