Submissions and additional information received by the Committee


1 Name Withheld 
2 Name Withheld 
3 Name Withheld 
4 Australian Hotels Association 
5 The Minderoo Foundation 
6 MG Corporation 
7 WA Council of Social Service 
8 Department of Social Services 
9 Catholic Social Services Australia 
10 Australian Unemployed Workers Union 
11 Inner West Sydney Branch of Australian Unemployed Workers Union 
12 Australian Association of Social Workers 
13 Name Withheld 
14 Name Withheld 
15 Name Withheld 
16 Name Withheld 
17 Name Withheld 
18 Name Withheld 
19 Name Withheld 
20 Moreton Bay Region Access & Inclusion Group 
21 Aboriginal Health Council of Western Australia (plus an attachment)
22 Goldfields Land and Sea Council 
23 Ceduna Koonibba Aboriginal Health Service Aboriginal Corporation and Tullawon Healh Service 
24 Queensland Teachers' Union 
25 National Social Security Rights Network 
26 Consumer Action Law Centre and FamilyCare (plus an attachment)
27 Australian Council of Trade Unions 
28 ME, CFS and Lyme Association of WA 
29 Carers Australia 
30 Australian Human Rights Commission 
31 National Council of Single Mothers and their Children 
32 PeakCare Queensland 
33 ME/CFS organisations 
34 Public Health Association of Australia 
35 Australian Bankers' Association Inc. 
36 Queensland Advocacy Inc. 
37 Law Council of Australia 
38 Reconciliation Australia 
39 Australian Council of Social Service 
40 Cape York Institute 
41 Commonwealth Bank 
42 National Congress of Australia's First Peoples 
43 Council of Single Mothers and their Children Victoria 
44 UnitingCare Australia 
45 Queensland Council of Social Service (QCOSS) (plus two attachments)
46 Mayor Luke Smith 
47 Dr Janet Hunt (plus two attachments)
48 Dr Elise Klein  
49 Professor Eva Cox 
50 Name Withheld 
51 UNICEF Australia 
52 Mr Yingiya Mark Guyula MLA, Member for Nhulunbuy 
53 Professor Jon Altman 
54 Ms Jacinta Nampijinpa Price 
55 Dr Shelley Bielefeld (plus an attachment)
56 The Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Psychiatrists 
57 Say No To The Cashless Welfare Card Australia - Hinkler Region 
58 Name Withheld 
59 Name Withheld 
60 Name Withheld 
61 Name Withheld 
62 Name Withheld 
63 Professor Matthew Gray & Mr Rob Bray (plus an attachment)
64 Name Withheld 
65 Name Withheld 
66 Name Withheld 
67 Name Withheld 
68 Name Withheld 
69 Name Withheld 
70 Name Withheld 
71 Kimberley Land Council 
72 Name Withheld 
73 Name Withheld 
74 Name Withheld 
75 Name Withheld 
76 Name Withheld 
77 Name Withheld 
78 Name Withheld 
79 Name Withheld 
80 Name Withheld 
81 Name Withheld 
82 Name Withheld 
83 Name Withheld 
84 Name Withheld 
85 Name Withheld 
86 Name Withheld 
87 Name Withheld 
88 Name Withheld 
89 Name Withheld 
90 Name Withheld 
91 Name Withheld 
92 Name Withheld 
93 Name Withheld 
94 Name Withheld 
95 Name Withheld 
96 Name Withheld 
97 Name Withheld 
98 Name Withheld 
99 Name Withheld 
100 Name Withheld 
101 Name Withheld 
102 Name Withheld 
103 Name Withheld 
104 Name Withheld 
105 Name Withheld 
106 Name Withheld 
107 Name Withheld 
108 Name Withheld 
109 Name Withheld  
110 Name Withheld 
111 Wyndham Advisory Group 
112 Name Withheld 
113 Name Withheld 
114 Name Withheld 
115 Name Withheld 
116 Name Withheld 
117 Name Withheld 
118 Name Withheld 
119 Name Withheld 
120 Name Withheld 
121 Name Withheld 
122 Name Withheld
123 Name Withheld 
124 Name Withheld 
125 Name Withheld 
126 Name Withheld 
127 Name Withheld (plus an attachment)
128 Name Withheld 
129 Name Withheld 
130 Name Withheld 
131 Name Withheld 
132 Mr Bill Bartlett 
133 Name Withheld 
134 Name Withheld 
135 Name Withheld 
136 Name Withheld 
137 Name Withheld (plus an attachment)
138 Ms Rosie Williams 
139 People with Disability Australia 
140 Australian Aged Pensioner Group 
141 Name Withheld 
142 Name Withheld 
143 Name Withheld 
144 Name Withheld 
145 Confidential
146 Confidential
147 Confidential
148 Confidential
149 Confidential
150 Confidential
151 Confidential
152 Confidential
153 Name Withheld 
154 Confidential
155 Confidential
156 Confidential
157 Confidential
158 Confidential
159 Confidential
160 Confidential
161 Indue Ltd 
162 Northern Territory Government 
163 St Vincent de Paul Society National Council 
164 Name Withheld 
165 Name Withheld 
166 Name Withheld 
167 The Say No Seven 
168 Name Withheld 
169 Uniting Communities
170 Name Withheld
171 Ms Beverley Walley and Ms Gailene Chulung
172 Confidential

Additional Information

1 Correspondence between Miss Sharon Feerick and Department of Social Services, from Miss Jennifer Cameron and Miss Sharon Feerick, received 3 November 2017
2 Opening statement from 2 November 2017 Canberra public hearing, from Mr Daniel Stafford, Organiser, Bundaberg Awareness Group, received 3 November 2017
3 Opening statement from 2 November 2017 Canberra public hearing, from Miss Sharon Feerick, received 3 November 2017

Answers to Questions on Notice

1 Answers to Questions taken on Notice during 12 October public hearing, received from Western Australian Council of Social Service, 16 October 2017
2 Answers to Questions taken on Notice during 12 October public hearing, received from Kalgoorlie-Boulder Chamber of Commerce & Industry Inc, 28 October 2017
3 Answers to Questions taken on Notice during 12 October public hearing, received from Shire of Menzies, 31 October 2017
4 Answers to Questions taken on Notice during 12 October public hearing, received from Superintendent Allan Adams, 1 November 2017
5 Answers to Questions taken on Notice during 12 October public hearing, received from Australian Hotels Association Western Australia, 3 November 2017
6 Answers to Questions taken on Notice during 12 October public hearing, received from Shire of Leonora, 15 November 2017
7 Answers to Questions taken on Notice during 12 October public hearing, received from Shire of Coolgardie, 24 November 2017
8 Answers to Questions taken on Notice during 2 November public hearing, received from Mayor Allan Suter, 3 November 2017
9 Answers to Questions taken on Notice during 2 November public hearing, received from Minderoo Foundation, 9 November 2017
10 Answers to Questions taken on Notice during 2 November public hearing, received from Department of Social Services, 13 November 2017
11 Answers to Questions taken on Notice during 2 November public hearing, received from Department of Social Services, 14 November 2017
12 Answers to Questions taken on Notice during 2 November public hearing, received from Department of Social Services, 17 November 2017
13 Answers to Questions taken on Notice during 2 November public hearing, received from Kununurra Waringarri Aboriginal Corporation, 17 November 2017
14 Answers to Questions taken on Notice during 2 November public hearing, received from Department of Social Services, 28 November 2017

Tabled Documents

1 Minutes: Meeting with Minister Tudge and Rick Wilson MP, 22 December 2015 at the Shire of Leonora Administration Offices, tabled by Shire of Leonora, at Kalgoorlie public hearing, 12 October 2017
2 Opening statement, tabled by Australian Red Cross, at Kalgoorlie public hearing, 12 October 2017
3 On-line news article: The Australian Independent Media Network, The LNP Welfare Card: the true facts exposed. Corruption disguised as philanthropy! February 27, 2017, tabled by Goldfields Land and Sea Council, at Kalgoorlie public hearing, 12 October 2017
4 Report: The Cashless Debit Card: Learnings from Trial Site Communities and Recommendations, 1 November 2017, tabled by Catholic Social Services Australia, at Canberra public hearing, 2 November 2017
5 CSSA Position paper—Income management and the Healthy Welfare Card, tabled by Catholic Social Services Australia, at Canberra public hearing, 2 November 2017
6 Examples of correspondence and Community Newsletter, tabled by Ms Kathryn Wilkes, at Canberra public hearing, 2 November 2017
7 Statement, tabled by Ms Amanda Smith, at Canberra public hearing, 2 November 2017
8 Example of wine gift voucher received following Afterpay purchase, tabled by Miss Jennifer Cameron, at Canberra public hearing, 2 November 2017


1 Letter to Minderoo Foundation, from Shire of Leonora, received 28 September 2017
2 Correspondence clarifying evidence given at Canberra public hearing on 2 November 2017, received from Department of Social Services , 13 November 2017
3 Letter following on from his appearance at the Kalgoorlie public hearing on 12 October 2017, from Mr Jim Epis, Chief Executive Officer, Shire of Leonora, received 27 October 2017

Form Letters

1 The committee received correspondence from six individuals in relation to this inquiry. The committee has noted and accepted this correspondence.

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