Submissions and additional information received by the Committee


1 CRANAplus 
2 Name Withheld (plus an attachment) 
3 Ms Sue Tettmann 
4 Confidential
5 Confidential
6 Name Withheld 
7 Ms Angela Gifford 
8 Name Withheld 
9 Mr Rod Wyber 
10 Name Withheld 
11 Confidential
12 Confidential
13 Confidential
14 Confidential
15 Confidential
16 Confidential
17 Confidential
18 Ms Marian Gedye 
19 Confidential
20 Confidential
21 Name Withheld 
22 Confidential
23 Name Withheld 
24 Confidential
25 Name Withheld 
26 Confidential
27 Confidential
28 Confidential
29 Name Withheld 
30 Confidential
31 Confidential
32 Confidential
33 Confidential
34 Name Withheld 
35 Exercise and Sports Science Australia 
36 Confidential
37 Confidential
38 Southern Migrant and Refugee Centre 
39 Ms Marilyn Murray 
40 Name Withheld 
41 Confidential
42 Name Withheld 
43 Confidential
44 Confidential
45 Confidential
46 Ms Carmel Egan 
47 Confidential
48 Confidential
49 Confidential
50 Confidential
51 Confidential
52 Confidential
53 Confidential
54 Confidential
55 Name Withheld 
56 Confidential
57 Confidential
58 Confidential
59 Yass Valley Aged Care Ltd 
60 Confidential
61 Confidential
62 Confidential
63 Confidential
64 Confidential
65 Volunteering Tasmania 
66 Name Withheld 
67 Confidential
68 Ms Debra Ireland 
69 Name Withheld (plus a supplementary submission)
70 Confidential
71 Confidential
72 Confidential
73 Confidential
74 J. Zubevich, E. Rogers and J. Lindley 
75 Confidential
76 WA Dementia Training Study Centre 
77 National Aged Care Alliance 
78 Benetas (Anglican Aged Care Services Group) 
79 Name Withheld 
80 Ms Sheri Lochner 
81 Name Withheld 
82 Name Withheld 
83 Dietitians Association of Australia 
84 Confidential
85 Confidential
86 Confidential
87 Confidential
88 Name Withheld 
89 Confidential
90 Confidential
91 Confidential
92 Confidential
93 Name Withheld 
94 Name Withheld 
95 Confidential
96 Confidential
97 Confidential
98 Name Withheld 
99 Confidential
100 Confidential
101 Confidential
102 Confidential
103 Confidential
104 Australian Indigenous Doctors Association; Congress of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Nurses and Midwives; Indigenous Allied Health Australia; and National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health Workers Association (plus nine attachments) 
105 National Foundation for Australian Women (plus an attachment) 
106 Australian Federation of AIDS Organisations; and National Association of People with HIV Australia 
107 Confidential
108 Volunteering SA and NT 
109 Jewish Care Victoria 
110 Confidential
111 Name Withheld 
112 Confidential
113 Name Withheld 
114 Confidential
115 Name Withheld 
116 Confidential
117 Name Withheld 
118 Confidential
119 Confidential
120 Name Withheld 
121 Confidential
122 Confidential
123 Name Withheld 
124 Name Withheld 
125 Confidential
126 Name Withheld 
127 Confidential
128 Confidential
129 Name Withheld 
130 Ethnic Communities' Council of Victoria 
131 Confidential
132 Name Withheld 
133 Rural Health Workforce Australia 
134 NSW Nurses and Midwives' Association 
135 Confidential
136 Confidential
137 Confidential
138 Confidential
139 Palliative Care Australia 
140 Resthaven Inc 
141 Name Withheld 
142 Australian Psychological Society 
143 Confidential
144 Confidential
145 Confidential
146 Dr Sharon Mackenzie 
147 Health Care Consumers Association of the ACT Inc 
148 Aged Care Illawarra Workforce Action Group 
149 Name Withheld 
150 Confidential
151 Confidential
152 Confidential
153 Confidential
154 Confidential
155 Confidential
156 Name Withheld 
157 Name Withheld 
158 Confidential
159 Name Withheld 
160 Confidential
161 Name Withheld 
162 Confidential
163 Confidential
164 Name Withheld 
165 Mr Des Hartree 
166 Name Withheld 
167 Name Withheld 
168 Dr Richard Curtain (plus an attachment) 
169 Australian Blindness Forum 
170 Centre for Cultural Diversity in Ageing 
171 Audiology Australia 
172 Ms Joanne Russell 
173 Dr John Flynn and Ms Sandra O'Kane 
174 Australian Centre for Evidence Based Aged Care 
175 Confidential
176 Ms Judi Walker 
177 Name Withheld 
178 Australian Institute of Health and Welfare 
179 DutchCare 
180 Alzheimer's Australia 
181 Ms Lea McCulloch 
182 Quality Aged Care Action Group Inc 
183 Salvation Army Aged Care Plus 
184 Vision 2020 Australia  
185 Mrs Kasia Bail and Mr Laurie Grealish 
186 Ms Jacqueline Holloway 
187 Australian College of Nurse Practitioners 
188 Palliative Care Nurses Australia Inc 
189 Association of Private Nursing Services 
190 Presbyterian National Aged Care Network 
191 Confidential
192 Name Withheld 
193 Confidential
194 Confidential
195 Confidential
196 Ms Marion Cincotta 
197 Confidential
198 Name Withheld 
199 Confidential
200 Confidential
201 Confidential
202 Confidential
203 Confidential
204 Gratis Recruitment 
205 Federation of Ethnic Communities' Councils of Australia 
206 Australian Unity 
207 Associate Professor Denise Jepsen 
208 Allied Health Professions Australia 
209 HammondCare 
210 Australian Medical Association 
211 Catholic Health Australia 
212 Illawarra Forum (plus an attachment) 
213 Brightwater Care Group 
214 GLBTI Rights in Ageing Inc 
215 Queensland Nurses' Union 
216 Name Withheld 
217 Australian Association of Gerontology 
218 Name Withheld  
219 Baptist Care Australia 
220 Aged Care Guild (plus a supplementary submission)
221 Australian Bureau of Statistics (plus an attachment) 
222 Leading Age Services Australia 
223 IRT Group 
224 Name Withheld 
225 Australian Nursing and Midwifery Federation (plus two attachments) 
226 Better Caring 
227 Queensland Government  
228 Confidential
229 Aged and Community Services Australia 
230 Name Withheld 
231 Name Withheld 
232 Australian Society of Physician Assistants 
233 Name Withheld 
234 Name Withheld 
235 Mr Denis Jones 
236 Australian Association of Social Workers 
237 Healthy Ageing Research Group, La Trobe University 
238 Services for Australian Rural and Remote Allied Health 
239 Confidential
240 Benevolent Society 
241 Local Government Association of Northern Territory 
242 Confidential
243 Australian Human Rights Commission 
244 Health Services Union 
245 Ms Jan Barham MLC 
246 Business Council of Co-operatives and Mutuals 
247 United Voice 
248 Health Workers Union 
249 Dr Maree Bernoth 
250 Confidential
251 Australian College of Rural and Remote Medicine 
252 Name Withheld (plus an attachment) 
253 Attendant Care Industry Association 
254 Australian Council of Trade Unions 
255 Australian Services Union 
256 UnitingCare Australia (plus a supplementary submission) 
257 Name Withheld 
258 Ms Mirrigan Dennis 
259 Name Withheld 
260 Name Withheld 
261 Name Withheld 
262 Name Withheld 
263 Ms Mary Ebbott 
264 Mr David Fraser 
265 Ms Stephanie Warren 
266 Name Withheld 
267 Name Withheld (plus two attachments) 
268 Municipal Association of Victoria 
269 Carers Australia 
270 Anglicare Australia (plus a supplementary submission)
271 Name Withheld 
272 Volunteering Victoria 
273 Name Withheld 
274 Name Withheld 
275 Aged and Community Services Tasmania 
276 Speech Pathology Australia 
277 National Disability Services 
278 National Seniors Australia 
279 Ms Jennifer Abbey 
280 Name Withheld 
281 Royal Australian College of General Practitioners (plus an attachment) 
282 Occupational Therapy Australia 
283 COTA Australia 
284 Law Society of New South Wales 
285 Australian College of Nursing 
286 Name Withheld 
287 Ms Kim McKenzie 
288 Name Withheld 
289 Ms Susan Henderson 
290 Professor Sara Charlesworth 
291 Victorian Healthcare Association 
292 Confidential
293 Department of Health 
294 People Living With HIV Community Forum WA 
295 Combined Pensioners and Superannuants Association of NSW Inc  
Response from IRT 
Response from Australian Aged Care Quality Agency 
296 National Rural Health Alliance 
297 Confidential
298 Confidential
299 Confidential
300 Confidential
301 Dr Robyn Thompson 
302 Aged Care Crisis Inc (plus two supplementary submissions and three attachments) 
303 Hall and Prior Aged Care Organisation
304 Confidential
305 HANMAC Pty Ltd
306 Ms Jennifer Davis
307 Eldercare
308 National LGBTI Health Alliance
309 Mr Paul Baxter

Additional Information

1 New Roles in Community Services and Health Scoping Project, Community Services and Health Industry Skills Council, from Australian Association of Social Workers, received 28 April 2016
2 Valuing Lives, Living Well, The distinctive role of faith-based organisations in aged care in New Zealand, from Anglicare Australia, received 4 November 2016
3 Information following on from public hearings in late 2016, from Department of Health, received 3 March 2017
4 Information, from Warrigal, received 25 March 2017
5 Lungurra Ngoora Community Care Service Evaluation Report August 2010, from WA Centre for Health and Ageing, University of Western Australia, received 19 June 2017
6 Lungurra Ngoora - a pilot model of care for aged and disabled in a remote Aboriginal community – can it work?, from WA Centre for Health and Ageing, University of Western Australia, received 19 June 2017
7 'Gotta be sit down and worked out together': views of Aboriginal caregivers and service providers on ways to improve dementia care for Aboriginal Australians, from WA Centre for Health and Ageing, University of Western Australia, received 19 June 2017

Answers to Questions on Notice

1 Answers to Questions taken on Notice during 28 April public hearing, received from Australian Psychological Society, 11 May 2016
2 Answers to Questions taken on Notice during 28 April public hearing, received from Healthy Ageing Research Group, La Trobe University, 16 May 2016
3 Answers to Questions taken on Notice during 28 April public hearing, received from Australian Association of Gerontology, 19 May 2016
4 Answers to Questions taken on Notice during 28 April public hearing, received from Royal Australian College of General Practitioners, 23 May 2016
5 Answers to Questions taken on Notice during 28 April public hearing, received from Centre for Cultural Diversity in Ageing, 13 October 2016
6 Answers to Questions taken on Notice during 28 April public hearing, received from Speech Pathology Australia, 24 October 2016
7 Answers to Questions taken on Notice during 28 April public hearing, received from Australian Association of Social Workers, 3 November 2016
8 Answers to Questions taken on Notice during 27 September public hearing, received from Baptistcare, 27 October 2016
9 Answers to Questions taken on Notice during 27 September public hearing, received from St Ives Home Care, 9 November 2016
10 Answers to Questions taken on Notice during 27 September public hearing, received from Aged and Community Services WA, 30 November 2016
11 Answers to Questions taken on Notice during 28 September public hearing, received from Bethanie Group, 26 October 2016
12 Answers to Questions taken on Notice during 25 October public hearing, received from Occupational Therapy Australia, 25 November 2016
13 Answers to Questions taken on Notice during 26 October public hearing, received from MacDonnell Regional Council, 25 November 2016
14 Answers to Questions taken on Notice during 31 October public hearing, received from Wicking Dementia Research and Education Centre, University of Tasmania, 25 November 2016
15 Answers to Questions taken on Notice during 31 October public hearing, received from National Rural Health Alliance, 19 December 2016
16 Answers to Questions taken on Notice during 3 November public hearing, received from Services for Australian Rural and Remote Allied Health, 5 November 2016
17 Answers to Questions taken on Notice during 3 November public hearing, received from Australian Institute of Health and Welfare, 16 November 2016
18 Answers to Questions taken on Notice during 3 November public hearing, received from Alzheimer's Australia, 21 November 2016
19 Answers to Questions taken on Notice during 3 November public hearing, received from Department of Health, 29 November 2016
20 Answers to Questions taken on Notice during 3 November public hearing, received from Aged and Community Services Australia, 1 December 2016
21 Answers to Questions taken on Notice during 3 November public hearing, received from Department of Education and Training, 2 December 2016
22 Answers to Questions taken on Notice during 3 November public hearing, received from Palliative Care Australia and Palliative Care Nurses Australia, 2 December 2016
23 Answers to Questions taken on Notice during 3 November public hearing, received from Australian Bureau of Statistics, 5 December 2016
24 Answers to Questions taken on Notice during 3 November public hearing, received from Department of Immigration and Border Protection, 6 December 2016
25 Answers to Questions taken on Notice during 13 June public hearing, received from Department of Health, 19 June 2017


1 Letter clarifying evidence given at the 3 November 2016 public hearing, received from Australian Bureau of Statistics, 5 December 2016

Tabled Documents

1 Diagram, tabled by Healthy Ageing Research Group, La Trobe University, at Melbourne public hearing 28 April 2016
2 Opening statement, tabled by Australian Skills Quality Authority, at Melbourne public hearing 28 April 2016
3 Training for aged and community care in Australia report, tabled by Australian Skills Quality Authority, at Melbourne public hearing 28 April 2016
4 Australian Unity Independent and Assisted Living 2015 workforce by proportion and expected labour market employment growth table, tabled by Australian Unity, at Melbourne public hearing 28 April 2016
5 The Training Program Streaming and process of learning table, tabled by Australian Unity, at Melbourne public hearing 28 April 2016
6 Culture, Communication and Relationships brochure, tabled by Brightwater Care Group, at Perth public hearing 27 September 2016
7 Submission, tabled by Australian Regional and Remote Community Services, at Darwin public hearing 25 October 2016
8 Solutions from the frontline, practical approaches to reduce the risk of abuse in aged and disability services, tabled by NSW Nurses and Midwives Association, at Canberra public hearing 3 November 2016
9 Who will keep me safe, Elder Abuse in Residential Aged Care, tabled by NSW Nurses and Midwives Association, at Canberra public hearing 3 November 2016
10 Nurses are Essential in Health and Aged Care Reform, A White Paper by ACN 2016, tabled by Australian College of Nursing, at Canberra public hearing 3 November 2016
11 Nurse Leadership, A White Paper by ACN 2015, tabled by Australian College of Nursing, at Canberra public hearing 3 November 2016
12 Updated information for the Commonwealth's submission (no. 293), tabled by Department of Health, at Canberra public hearing 3 November 2016
13 Snap shot of LBHA Care Staff statistics, tabled by Lower Burdekin Home for the Aged Society, at Townsville public hearing 23 Feruary 2017
14 My health, Queensland's future: Advancing health 2026, tabled by Queensland Health, at Townsville public hearing 23 Feruary 2017

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