Submissions and additional information received by the Committee


1 Australian Network for Universal Housing Design and RI Australia 
2 Disability Services Commissioner Victoria 
3 ASTRA (plus an attachment)
4 Confidential
5 Communication Access Network 
6 Dr Raelene West, Centre for Applied Social Research, RMIT University 
7 Transport Accident Commission 
8 Disability Network Forum 
9 Volunteering Tasmania 
10 Advocacy for Inclusion 
11 SHHH Australia Inc 
12 Baptcare 
13 MND Australia 
14 Multiple Sclerosis Australia 
15 AGOSCI Inc 
16 Alzheimer's Australia 
17 Mental Health Commission of NSW 
18 Australian Blindness Forum 
19 Speech Pathology Australia 
20 Federation of Ethnic Communities' Councils of Australia 
21 National Disability Services 
22 Australian Rehabilitation and Assistive Technology Association 
23 Inability Possability Incorporated 
24 Amaze 
25 Association of Consultants in Access Australia 
26 National Employment Services Association 
27 MOVE muscle, bone & joint health 
28 Deafness Forum of Australia 
29 Summer Foundation 
30 Physical Disability Council of NSW 
31 Visionary Design Development 
32 Mornington Peninsular Shire Council - All Abilities Consultative Committee 
33 Deaf Australia 
34 Brotherhood of St Laurence 
35 Australian Communications Consumer Action Network 
36 Property Council of Australia 
37 Business Council of Co-operatives and Mutuals 
38 Australian Human Rights Commission 
39 Disabled People's Organisations Australia 
40 First Peoples Disability Network Australia 
41 Macular Disease Foundation Australia 
42 Australian Local Government Association (plus an attachment)
43 Australian Federation of Disability Organisations 
44 Monash University - Departments of Occupational Therapy & Architecture 
45 Monash University and FNQ Independent Living Support Association Ltd. 
46 Bus Association Victoria Inc 
47 Australian Medical Association 
48 Mr John McPherson 
49 Mr Michael North 
50 Tasmanian Government 
51 Royal Society for the Blind 
52 Volunteering and Contact ACT 
53 Multicultural Disability Advocacy Association 
54 Public Interest Advocacy Centre 
55 Youngcare 
56 Autism SA 
57 JFA Purple Orange 
58 ParaQuad Association of Tasmania Inc 
59 Access Easy English (plus three attachments)
60 AED Legal Centre 
61 Occupational Therapy Australia 
62 Scope (Aust) Ltd 
64 Vision Australia  
65 Young People In Nursing Homes National Alliance (plus an attachment)
66 Ethnic Disability Advocacy Centre 
67 People With Disabilities (WA) Inc. 
68 Activ Foundation 
69 Australian National Audit Office 
70 Department of Social Services 
71 Department of the Environment and Energy 
72 Maroondah City Council 
73 Mental Health Community Coalition of the ACT 
74 Australian Network on Disability 
75 Municipal Association of Victoria 
76 Centre for Universal Design Australia 
77 Department of Infrastructure and Regional Development (plus two attachments)
78 Karingal St Laurence 
79 Blind Citizens Australia 
80 Tourism Accommodation Australia 
81 Queensland Mental Health Commission 
82 Touched by Olivia 
83 ACT Council of Social Service 
84 Queensland Advocacy Incorporated 
85 ACT Disability, Aged and Carer Advocacy Service Inc. (plus an attachment)
86 Carers NSW and Carers Victoria 
87 Anglicare Australia 
88 Northern Territory Anti-Discrimination Commission 
89 Toowoomba Regional Council's Regional Access and Disability Advisory Committee 
90 Lifestyle in Supported Accommodation Inc 
91 Legacy Australia 
92 Queensland Government 
93 National Disability Insurance Agency (plus an attachment)
94 Housing Industry Association (plus three attachments)
95 Tasmanian Bus Association
96 Mr David Roy

Additional Information

1 Public Service Mutuals: A third way for delivering public services in Australia, White Paper, from Business Council of Co-operatives and Mutuals, received 27 July 2017
2 Senate Economics References Committee's report into Cooperative, mutual and member-owned firms, from Business Council of Co-operatives and Mutuals, received 27 July 2017
3 Pre-Budget Submission 2016-2017, NDS WA State Budget Priorities 2016-2017, November 2015, from National Disability Services WA, received 6 September 2017
4 Pathways to non-complex assistive technology for HACC clients in WA, full report, from Independent Living Centre WA, received 8 September 2017
5 Research insights - At a glance, Pathways to non-complex assistive technology for HACC clients, from Independent Living Centre WA, received 8 September 2017
6 Opening statement made at Brisbane public hearing on 30 October 2017, from Mr Herman Odijk, Member, Toowoomba Regional Council's Regional Access and Disability Advisory Committee, received 30 October 2017
7 Press release: St.George becomes Australia's first dementia friendly bank, 21 September 2017, from St.George Bank, received 2 November 2017
8 Statement, from Digital Transformation Agency, received 2 November 2017

Answers to Questions on Notice

1 Answers to Questions taken on Notice during 4 July public hearing, received from Australian Human Rights Commission, 7 July 2017
2 Answers to Questions taken on Notice during 4 July public hearing, received from Australian Human Rights Commission, 20 July 2017
3 Answers to Questions taken on Notice during 4 July public hearing, received from First Peoples Disability Network, 4 August 2017
4 Answers to Questions taken on Notice during 24 August public hearing, received from Developmental Disability WA, 8 September 2017
5 Answers to Questions taken on Notice during 24 August public hearing, received from Blind Citizens WA Inc, 8 September 2017
6 Answers to Questions taken on Notice during 24 August public hearing, received from Independent Living Centre WA, 8 September 2017
7 Answers to Questions taken on Notice during 24 August public hearing, received from People With Disabilities (WA), 18 September 2017
8 Answers to Questions taken on Notice during 24 August public hearing, received from Department of Communities, WA, 27 September 2017
9 Answers to Questions taken on Notice during 24 August public hearing, received from Blind Citizens WA Inc, 28 September 2017
10 Answers to Questions taken on Notice during 24 August public hearing, received from National Disability Services, 29 September 2017
11 Answers to Questions taken on Notice during 24 August public hearing, received from Independent Living Centre WA, 2 October 2017
12 Answers to Questions taken on Notice during 30 October public hearing, received from Queensland Mental Health Commission, 24 November 2017
13 Answers to Questions taken on Notice during 1 November public hearing, received from Department of Industry, Innovation and Science, 20 November 2017
14 Answers to Questions taken on Notice during 1 November public hearing, received from Department of Communications and the Arts, 20 November 2017
15 Answers to Questions taken on Notice during 1 November public hearing, received from Department of Social Services, 21 November 2017
16 Answers to Questions taken on Notice during 1 November public hearing, received from National Disability Insurance Agency, 22 November 2017
17 Answers to Questions taken on Notice during 1 November public hearing, received from Department of Infrastructure and Regional Development, 24 November 2017
18 Answers to written Questions on Notice, received from Australian Broadcasting Corporation, 27 October 2017

Tabled Documents

1 Low vision, quality of life and independence, A review of the evidence on aids and technologies, tabled by Macular Disease Foundation Australia, at Sydney public hearing, 4 July 2017
2 Cost estimate of a federally funded low vision aids and technology program, tabled by Macular Disease Foundation Australia, at Sydney public hearing, 4 July 2017
3 Symposium paper: Walk the Talk: Realising the 2010-2020 National Disability Strategy and our human rights promises, Highlights, tabled by Queensland Advocacy Incorporated, at Brisbane public hearing, 30 October 2017
4 Symposium paper: Walk the Talk: Realising the 2010-2020 National Disability Strategy and our human rights promises, Report and outcomes from the forum, tabled by Queensland Advocacy Incorporated, at Brisbane public hearing, 30 October 2017
5 Submission to Department of Social Services: National Disability Insurance Scheme Quality and Safeguarding Framework, tabled by Queensland Advocacy Incorporated, at Brisbane public hearing, 30 October 2017
6 Position paper: The right to a home of one's own, tabled by Queensland Advocacy Incorporated, at Brisbane public hearing, 30 October 2017
7 Extract from Brisbane City Council Access and Inclusion webpage: Catching public transport, last updated 3 November 2014, tabled by Anti-Discrimination Commission Queensland, at Brisbane public hearing, 30 October 2017
8 Online article: Lawsuit claims Uber discriminates against people with disabilities;, 28 June 2017, tabled by Anti-Discrimination Commission Queensland, at Brisbane public hearing, 30 October 2017
9 Extract from ADCQ website: Inaugural Robert Jones Memorial Oration 2014, Getting in the door: the public interest in the design of private housing, Dr Margaret Ward, tabled by Anti-Discrimination Commission Queensland, at Brisbane public hearing, 30 October 2017
10 Extract from ADCQ website: 2015 Robert Jones Oration, Walking backwards into the future, Mr Maha Sinnathamby, Chairman of Springfield Land Corporation, tabled by Anti-Discrimination Commission Queensland, at Brisbane public hearing, 30 October 2017
11 Robert Jones Oration 2017: Without limits: developing the social and economic potential of accessible tourism for Queensland, Professor Simon Darcy, UTS Business School – Management Group and the Centre for Business and Social Innovation, tabled by Anti-Discrimination Commission Queensland, at Brisbane public hearing, 30 October 2017
12 Online article: Uber is being sued by NY disability advocates for not having accessible cars;, 18 July 2017, tabled by Anti-Discrimination Commission Queensland, at Brisbane public hearing, 30 October 2017
13 Disability Advocacy Network Australia: Independent Cost Benefit Analysis of Australia's Independent Disability Advocacy Agencies, tabled by ACT Disability, Aged and Carer Advocacy Service, at Canberra public hearing, 1 November 2017
14 Opening statement, links and biography, tabled by Australian Information Industry Association, at Canberra public hearing, 1 November 2017

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