
ACCIAustralian Chamber of Commerce and Industry
AFTINETAustralian Fair Trade and Investment Network
DFATDepartment of Foreign Affairs and Trade
DIISDepartment of Industry, Innovation and Science
EUEuropean Union
FTAFree Trade Agreement
GATSGeneral Agreement on Trade in Services
GDPGross Domestic Product
IPIntellectual Property
IPEAInternational Preliminary Examining Authority
ISAInternational Searching Authority
ISDSinvestor-state dispute settlement
JSCOTJoint Standing Committee on Treaties
LNGliquefied natural gas
MCAMinerals Council of Australia
METSmining equipment, technology and services
NFFNational Farmers’ Federation
NIANational Interest Analysis
OBPROffice of Best Practice Regulation
RISRegulation Impact Statement
TRIPSAgreement on Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights
TPPTrans-Pacific Partnership
UNCLOSUnited Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea
UNTAETUnited Nations Transitional Administration in East Timor
USUnited States
WIPOWorld Intellectual Property Organization
WTOWorld Trade Organization

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About this inquiry

This inquiry will examine the Free Trade Agreement between Australia and the Republic of Peru (Peru FTA)(Canberra, 12 February 2018).

Past Public Hearings

07 May 2018: CANBERRA