
ACTUAustralian Council of Trade Unions
AFTINETAustralian Fair Trade and Investment Network
ANMANSTO Nuclear Medicine Facility
ANSTOAustralian Nuclear Science and Technology Organisation
ANUAustralian National University
ARPANSAAustralian Radiation Protection and Nuclear Safety Agency
AusYGNAustralian Young Generation in Nuclear
CSIROCommonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation
DFATDepartment of Foreign Affairs and Trade
EuratomEuropean Atomic Energy Community
GDPGross Domestic Product
HIFARHigh Flux Australian Reactor
IISDepartment of Industry, Innovation and Science
ILWIntermediate-Level Waste
IMFInternational Monetary Fund
JSCOTJoint Standing Committee on Treaties
LLWLow-Level Waste
MLCMaritime Labour Convention
NHMRCNational Health and Medical Research Council
NIANational Interest Analysis
NRWMFNational Radioactive Waste Management Facility
OPALOpen Pool Australian Lightwater Research Reactor
PACER PlusPacific Agreement on Closer Economic Relations Plus
PHAAPublic Health Association of Australia
PICPrior Informed Consent
RISRegulation Impact Statement
UKUnited Kingdom
UNSWUniversity of New South Wales
USAUnited States of America
WTOWorld Trade Organisation

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