B. Witnesses

Framework Agreement between the Government of Australia and the French Republic concerning Cooperation on the Future Submarine Program

Wednesday, 8 March 2017


BAE Systems Australia

Mrs Sharon Wilson, Head of Industrial Strategy

Australian Submarine Corporation

Mr Martin Edwards, General Manager, Future Submarines
Mr Jared Siviour, Future Submarine Commercial Manager

Defence SA

Mr Andy Keough, Chief Executive

University of Adelaide

Professor Michael Roy Webb, Director, Defence and Security

Australian Industry and Defence Network (Western Australia)

Mr Peter Horobin, Senior Adviser

Tuesday, 14 March 2017


Mr Brett Walker, ANU College of Law

Australian Manufacturing Workers Union

Mr Steve McCartney, State Secretary (Western Australia)
Mr Warren Tegg, National Office
Australian Strategic Policy Institute
Dr Andrew John Davies

University of New South Wales, Faculty of Engineering

Professor Ian Gibson, Associate Dean (Industry and Innovation), Faculty of Engineering

Mr Mike Deeks

Department of Defence

Mr Marc Ablong, First Assistant Secretary, Naval Shipbuilding Taskforce
Mr Mark Cunliffe, Head, Defence Legal
Rear Admiral Greg Sammut, Head, Future Submarine Program
Ms Rebecca Skinner, Deputy Secretary, Strategic Policy and Intelligence
Dr Alex Zelinsky, Chief Defence Scientist
Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade
Mr Andrew Todd, Assistant Secretary, European Union and Western Europe Branch, Europe Division

DCNS Australia

Mr Brent Clark, Chief Operating Officer

Agreement between the Government of Australia and the French Republic regarding the Exchange and Reciprocal Protection of Classified Information

Monday, 20 March 2017


Attorney-General's Department

Ms Anna Harmer, First Assistant Secretary
Ms Juanita Naughton, Senior Legal Officer
Mr Doug Rutherford, Director

Department of Defence

Ms Celia Perkins, First Assistant Secretary, Security and Vetting Services
Mr Peter West, Assistant Secretary, Security Policy and Plans, Security and Vetting Service

Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade

Mr Andrew Todd, Assistant Secretary, European Union and Western Europe Branch

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